Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Dec 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
Related posts
U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to Decrease
Source: Jan 2025 The sexual assault rate in the United States continues to decrease, according... -
CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of Registrants
Source: ACSOL Senate Bill 680 was introduced this week by Senator Susan Rubio (Democrat, Ontario). If... -
Convicted sex offender may renounce US citizenship, be deported to Philippines
Source: 2/26/25 A man facing 90 years in prison for sex crimes is set to...
☎️ Meeting starts today at 10:00 a.m. California time.☎️
Anyone know what happened to River Whitsett on I was excited to have an international travel resource. The site no longer seems to accept new posts and he hasn’t answered any emails in close to 3 months. I know he moved to Germany but has since disappeared. I hope all is well with him
For Michigan residents unsure about verifying after the expiration of the emergency order—I’m level 2 and went to verify for the first time in two years at a state police post, and it went smoothly. For some reason I had an outstanding $50 fee from 2019 (I think it was mid-entered) which I paid, and was told I could pay 2021 and 2022 at my next verification (this summer). I’d been worried since I hadn’t been to a police station in 2 years, but there were no issues at all.
With stories like this hitting the “news,” I suppose it’s just a matter of time until registrants are banned from the metaverse.
Meta launched an investigation after a woman said she was groped by a stranger in the metaverse
Mike all or much of this registry is a type of spiritual covetousness. Its like trying the spirit in much of this game of wits. Actually we all have desires some good and some bad but when pressed into say this safety issue than what is safety.. A life guard of intent. So who knows the thoughts and intents of another.. Law enforcement are creating their own death sentence in this two wrongs don’t make a right. We all have a spirit remember that.
If one hears and listens to these internet induced ordeals that is like leading the witness in all this registry internet downfall. If say they say come to my house or I’m home alone that’s a give away. Even if one is pressed to meet up try to make it on neutral ground.
Although I’m careful not to expose myself too much online. I made a fatal error in asking for help on Facebook to find a contractor to rebuild a fence destroyed by an unlicensed driver from my neighborhood. It’s been 3 months and the registered car owner’s insurance is dragging their feet. I don’t have a car now to do anything, especially going to my medical specialists. So as soon as I listed my post showing the damage and asking for a contractor to contact me for an estimate, the locals that could see my location with the photo of the damage, all exposed me for being on the registry and that my post for help should not have been allowed just because of my status from my only crime 21 years ago. I was already made public on ML 10 years ago, but having to read some of the hate speach was depressing. Now that we must soon expose all online identifiers, I’m working on removing all accounts that I can remember that I have. I’m loosing hope for our future. The punishment is becoming too hard.
Isolation and hardship are the primary risk factors for S.O.s, and all parole stipulations impose that. Employment and housing discrimination are exceptionally prevalent. Even romantic and sexual outlets that are considered legal, healthy, and mainstream are not permitted to us.
So let’s see….They put us on the registry in the interest of public safety. We were the great test. Now they are mandating vaccines in the interest of…..wait for it….,,,public safety. I’m kind of thinking this is our governments new normal. Control the masses with fear and label it in the interest of public safety.
I for one feel so much better knowing the government has my “public safety” protected…..NOT
Are 290s with felony convictions, not on any paper, allowed to contact othet 290 CDCR inmates via letters?
Disturbing Factoid on Registries: “Besides the 50 states, there are: 1 district (D.C. of course); 5 territories; and 156 nations distributed among 29 states.That makes a total of 212 sex offense registries.” (NARSOL, 18 Dec 2021)
“Teacher admits recording under Oklahoma student’s skirt and gets prison time, feds say”
I saw this article today, no big deal, we all know who commits the new sex crimes right? What caught my attention was the victim saying “… I was raised my entire life thinking school was a safe place…”.
That right there is the whole root of the fear and aftermath which led to millions of people being oppressed… fear. Unfounded fear. Unfounded fear based on crimes unrelated to sex. Unfounded fears driven by greed… yeah greed… LOTS of greed.
I have a question.
So my landlord sold the apartment my wife and I live in, they didn’t extend new leases to anyone due to remodeling, but gave us a few months of free rent.
I have a great opportunity to relocate to Nevada, I know there’s a new Tier system.
I have one count PC288.4(b) felony, which was expunged recently PC1203.4. I’ve tried to contact a few attorneys in the area, I even offered to pay a retainer for their time but no responses.
I guess my question is what my Tier level would be there if I desire to move. Im California Im Tier 3, but after reading their statues my conviction isn’t a crime, possibly because age of victim was 17 y.o.
Any advice, thanks.
It is SPECIFICALLY reading news stories …. such as this one, that totally infuriates me. (no matter where it occurs; but especially when local to me). While we-all (and our “supporting” organizations such as ACSOL) are fighting to change the mindset of the public and Legislatures.
And with providing the recidivism rates as being Low etc.
Then …. a currently Registered person commits another (and even MORE horrific tragedy) that is Detrimental to the efforts were striving for (because the public is enraged again) ; and the ultimate “fall-out” that will follow.
Sex offender attempted suicide the day after assaulting, killing neighbor: prosecutors
A man previously convicted of arson has been appointed as fire chief in his community. Now, it wasn’t without opposition but many considered he had served his sentence, proven himself, and “it happened when he was 18…”
Why, why, why cannot someone previously convicted of a “sex crime” receive any of that consideration? We are blocked and persecuted at every turn; prevented from raising our own children, attending their school functions; turned away from visiting other countries. I’m preaching to choir here.
I’m happy for the guy and 100% believe in rehabilitation and having served his time. Are there scars and memories of what he did? Yes. Has he spent a lifetime atoning? Yes. Can he make his community a better place? Yes. So can I dammit.
previously convicted arsonist named acting fire chief of metro east volunteer fire department
Question for all, does anyone have experience ir knowledge about if someone who has been relieved of the requirement to register in California would still need to register on a vacation to Las Vegas?
The relief came from a Certificate of Rehabilitation.
thank you in advance.
Will Allen the bible says the heart is evil. God said, I believe, that settles it! Guess their is a lot of nude beaches or panty raids in all states .. oops …. you guys are bad for my brain function yipes!
Did my yearly yesterday. Still don’t know my tier.
I asked the person helping me and she said the detective is very busily sending letters to those who have requested them when they have come in for their yearly. She said it’s difficult to find out what the tier is from the DOJ so that’s why it’s taking so long. She said they didn’t get much guidance from the DOJ about it.
I told her, “Yeah but it’s now December and almost a full year since it was implemented.” She just said it’s hard and now that I’ve requested it I can probably expect a letter in the mail in the next couple of weeks.
I thought the tier was displayed on my record when they looked me up in the system? I’ve had my offense reduced and expunged so I should be a tier 1 but I’m afraid of what it says. I’ve never been listed on the site and I hear now some of those will be so that’s my fear as well.
Guess I just have to wait.
Couple headlines caught my eye this AM of which one is legally interesting since we have discussed qualified immunity in this forum before and the other is just head shaking (but not sure it is the first time something like it has happened and discovered):
1) Vermont wants to ban qualified immunity. Success in other New England states is lacking.
2) Oklahoma murder conviction tossed after judge found to be having affair with prosecutor
I was curious after reading this article, Prostitution sting nets 26 men, …. if convicted, will those individuals be placed on the Texas sex offender registry? ?
(I have contacted the article’s author in hopes of receiving an answer.)
So what is fair in the justice system? This teir rating like rating a record or where is the equality? I believe the bible says judge not or you will be judged. Oh its the fairness of the whole ordeal such if someone downloaded something of a sexual matter or someone was out spoken during the encounter which in most cases was fictional and unjust in itself and bias in this safety for all.
Touching on the Convid, Although I took the shot I was against it. In fact I hate needles. Sure they talk about small pox and things of that sort but they never had that in days of old, Maybe a pandemic once in a while. This registry is an injustice type of pardemic and I doubt very seriously it came from a bat as some said. Wonder what type of loose brain matter people use today.
Proving by abusing in an ordeal such as this is like over abusing for authority gain in some popularity gain. So how Carnal is mankind with judgement or was Hitler a choir boy growing up. Hey I believe in second chances for anyone as their is too much garbage in civil law and justice today.
I liked that answer. And you know your right. Since my computer problems, file association is what I have to use right now to even get on the internet. Administration association? You do have something their and it is all about administrating.
So a cop gets out of line they just fire them or give him a little demerit. I can see this administering justice as a wrong way or one way street and a bit of a real sore spot on all court systems in these ordeals. Talk about equality and fairness.
In case I missed it, when can we see benefits of ALI changes to model penal code 213. Would be nice to see some retroactivity applied in this instance.
Talk about berating justice in a lying devil’s advocate way. Administrating a sex ordeal to focus on safety. Guess law can come up with many ordeals to compound mankind. Wonder who’s getting a slice of the pie from those sex sites. Even those sex sites should be abolished. Talk about a scheme of the wickedness vs evil.
This week we celebrate Christmas and on this eve we remember the good and the bad and refresh ourselves that better things are to come. Their is always something good that comes out of something bad if one has hope and believes. And ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. Christmas wishes to all!
he Bill of Rights exists to protect individuals. It protects the right to free speech, the right to due process, the right to counsel, and the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment, just to name a few. If a government official tries to deprive an individual of one of those constitutional rights, then the courts are supposed to intervene.
The Constitutional Right We Have Bargained Away (
Just watched,,,,,,,,,,,, “searching for justice” on PBS,
It actually was spot on.