General Comments Jan 2022

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Does anyone know when the addresses of Tier 2 will no longer appear in Megan Law website?

Austin sees hundreds of sex offender cases removed from police officer supervision due to defunding

Austin’s defunded police no longer have the staff to monitor sex offenders

“A 47-year-old man who failed to register in the sex offender database was arrested in Austin, Texas, last week after police officers caught him in the middle of a sexual act with an autistic teenager, and one expert says the city’s move to defund police has put it at the mercy of such criminals.”

“The mercy?” As has been said time after time, those who are bent to do such harm will do so regardless of a registry. As one can see, 1) the registry did not prevent this event from happening and 2) if APD was so concerned, then they would have moved it to the active case load for them to actually go hunt for the person in question. Statistically, this guy is in the very small minority of those who recidivate and obviously was out in public for whatever reason those in power felt it was ok for him to be out in (but maybe should not have been??).

Whether LE is defunded or just not provided their wish list of funding annually, more people means more opportunities for crime to happen regardless of the number of LE on the streets. Just research Austin where one will see how much it has grown of late and being named the fastest growing metro area in the USA.

Last edited 3 years ago by TS

The Philippines Is Raising the Age of Consent. That May Not Be Enough to Protect Its Children
Interesting that other parts of the world have the same data set as the US does when it comes to those who perpetrate such actions, “…abusers, who are typically their relatives or connected to the family group.”

Last edited 3 years ago by TS

Dumb question…

If we enroll in a short term vocational certification type course do we have to register it like it’s an institution of higher education? A course like bartender school, sommelier school, truck driving school, etc? All of these are usually like 40-10 total of “course work” and not equivalent to a college-type situation.

Lovwill: you said creativity writing so who is writing creative justice today? Even Olin has told us about John Walsh this Adam ordeal. My PO just called me and yes I was suppose to report tomorrow for my monthly check in. Seems its been cancelled till a week later and than its by phone and yes you guessed it, its due to a Covid scare. Sure one can get so many shots but were does it all end in this safety ordeal. Even a friend of mind said to me you might even be accused of murder if you give it to someone which is sort of perplexing in and of itself.
Sure Will Allen talks about force to register guess it may come down to force to take a Covid shot. While I have already gotten one seems being a human pin cushion is a bit of much and an oversight but its something to think about. While I don’t know what goes on in many other states we still have to deal with this and I’m sure nobody even understands Covid.

Sorry if this has already been posted somewhere:

I found it interesting. What say ye?

Will Allen so why are any of us here aside from being on the registry? Sure we can all speculate or add a comment or viewpoint but where is this theory justice coming from. Are we all not on needles and pins over much of this registry. Even long letters to give others Governmental approval or to show some caring in this registry. Do we all think too much or do we all sit back and wait for a great title wave to wash away the east coast or the west. I don’t have any answers to government may ham or how this public flagging is going to come out. Does government out in your area have all the answers or in many other states..
Sure battling Covid and even this registry is a whats best type of ordeal. Go with a government program, a protest program, or a type of intervention of understanding truth in government matters?

Furthermore should we all wonder why so many senators or government helpers or offidcals are just giving up and throwing in the towel as their view’s are being criticized as a”wet blanket” justice when some can’t even understand the preamble to the constitution today. one wonders is the registry some Jack London repel borders issue of if it saves one life or how many lives were lost in wars aside from carnal justice. One wonders who has the mark of justice today in America or should we all take one step back and two steps forward.
Even doing a tax return and going in blind to tackle it is a bit of a headache.

Frightening and High (redux) from SCOTUS:

“Sotomayor’s false claim that ‘over 100,000’ children are in ‘serious condition’ with covid”

You can find this online but the fact remains the high court introducing false facts into case arguments for persuasion again. Not cool. Bring cited facts or don’t speak up. (This isn’t about covid either so save it.)

So, since a COR (Certificate of Rehabilitation) is no longer available with this new law, shouldn’t PC290.007 be amended in this case? Others mentioned that without this option, the new law definitely added a disability to registrants who were charged before this law, as I am sure they were told they could obtain a COR if certain criteria was met. That possibility has now been stripped from them. Anything that can be done about this injustice?

Someone who cares and the fight goes on for many. Seems to me and I’m sure many that this registry is a dark page in History. Sure one could say wait a minute isn’t counseling good. Sure its good if it helps. Does this registry help anyone or just cause confusion to many.

Out of the fifty states in America and government can’t seem to learn their downfalls but want to be a dominion of themself and dominate others with this registry in this correct or unbalanced way or whatever happened to Hugh Hefner and his guidance counsel or his Playboy bunny clubs or even pin ups of GI’s on parole… oop… I mean patrol

Does anyone know if some people still have to wear ankle monitors in the state of Georgia? I’ve thought of moving my family there, but I heard about that and would never move to a place where they could possibly make me wear something I havent ever worn my entire life. My convicton is from the year 2000, and I’m trying to get the rules. I spoke to someone in state the other day and they said while one can petition after 10 years on the registry, its 10 years in state on the registry, is this true as well?

Good Luck, Joseph. Hope you find your peace of mind, rewarding employment, and a real life. Safe travel.

Whats the point of the Static-99R if theres no way to have it redone on a yearly basis? Just getting out of prison in your 20s or 30s gives you a point right away. How is that point relevant when youre in your 40s? How is a score that puts you at high risk, but youve been out for decades relevant? Why is one given a point for a male victim but not a female one? (sounds kinda homophobic if you ask me) Im suprised no one has taken this very issue to court to show the Static-99R is nothing but quack science.


Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s 2002 mistake about sex offenders and recidivism was even more catastrophic. Kennedy cited a pop psychology magazine’s claim that 80 percent of sex offenders go on to reoffend. The opinion has since been cited by lower courts more than 90 times to justify increasingly draconian punishments for offenders, including lifetime registries, residency restrictions that have left people living under bridges, and even indefinite detention after they’ve served their sentences. In fact, there was little evidence for the 80 percent figure at the time. Research has since shown
the rate to be somewhere between 8 and 35 percent. (And the very types of punishment
Kennedy’s opinion has unleashed tend to make recidivism more likely, not less.) The court has since had multiple opportunities to correct Kennedy’s mistake. It hasn’t.

Washington Post January 11, 2022 Opinion by
Radley Balko

KY: Judge tells ex-prison guard convicted of sexually assaulting a female inmate he can join the military or go to jail.

(No link icon available.)

Steve what is perverse or perverted justice today. Is America perverse in many ways or did a famous group say to the nation. Try to see it my way or we can work it out. Sure Janice and many on here want this to work out for not only US but for others that get or may get wrapped up in this registry.

Sure the days of peep shows are gone (? mark) just like the dust bowl or the depression of the pasts and a new challenges for many other things are today. computer challanges, government challenges child care, housing, etc or are we all walking around with a porno magazine stuck in our pockets to show our boses at work to fiddle the day away. Sure Janice is taking a good Action or what physician perscribes bad medicne. Common sense is that government is over abusing in many ways wouldn’t you all say so.

I hate to do this but here goes….So for the record in all states……where or what is our Heritage of our foundation in this nation today. Is it the peoples rule or are we still a Sovereign nation today? Is it all about a database or some 8 by 10 glossies found on a computer or a fictional ordeal by mass confusion to convict another. Sure its all about kids and many keep on forgetting so were does that leave true justice in someone’s eyes. A lawyer can do just so much and the more one study’s about this even the more idea of a trip to DC or even a round table or who who is obsolete and goes for new justice idea’s before and after the fact in this type of penal type justice.

One should wonders what is the action. Is it going down to prove in many of these ordeals or some ponze scheme of true justice measure in protecting, or was one’s internet encounter all fictional in character. Is even taking the bait in this type of wanting someone talking dirty to them one has to considered the justifiable of this type of law today. Is the proof shallow in many ways with the inducement, or is it a cut above morals,ethical or principal thinking in many of these registry ordeals.

I don’t care how much lawmakers and the FEDS attempt to humanewash it, there’s nothing “acting in good faith” about the existence of this registry.

Just don’t become desensitized to the shock and awe and abuse to where you succumb to Stockholm Syndrome. That’s what they want. They want us all to remain demoralized and dis-empowered and accept the “it is what it is” learned helplessness.

Just know that our culture protects and coddles low-effort ideas and gimmicks.

Yeah, so I got a new DCS (department of community supervision) officer this month (Jan 2022). I’m in Ga and on CSL (community supervision for life from NJ since 2002). CSL is “as if on parole”; I am to abide by registration laws, Interstate Compact conditions (ICAOS), supervision laws from my state of conviction NJ and the state I went to Ga.

I moved to Ga through the Interstate Compact in 2013. I also had a court/DYFS/Parole Dept ruling from NJ saying I could have unsupervised contact with the victim and even live with the victim since 2005.

This wasn’t a problem since I move to Ga in 2013 until I got this new DCS officer until recently (Jan 2022). On her first visit she asked if I have had contact with the victim. I said yes, I have authorization to do so. She ok’d it but came back the next day stating she (the DCS) had no file on that.

Remember, I have been here since 2013. I dug up my paperwork and showed her it will take a bit. She left… stating get me a copy.

Not only did I text her a copy, email her a copy, I also mailed a copy.

The matter was resolved but that wonders why the hell didn’t DCS KNOW already?

And guess what? I get a new DCS officer next month (Feb). What lies ahead?

found this today concerning California, some good, some bad,,,,

As Riverside County leaders, we’re alarmed about bills in Sacramento

A heads up for those of you who rely upon information from the website of a state agency responsible for maintaining the sex offender database – you can not always rely upon that information. It is a good place to start and especially to obtain references to the state law.

I am reviewing one state in particular (the state is not CA nor TX where I live) and I am finding one statement on the state LE website regarding registered people moving into the state does not match the state law. In this one instance of what the state LE say vs what state law reads, it is possible in some circumstances that if one follows what is stated by the state LE, one would have to register longer than required by statute or register when not required to register per the statute.

In this one instance I found it appears to me the state LE made an attempt to be correct as they distinquished between certain time periods of when the laws changed due to court opinions and new laws being put into effect to counter the court opinions, but there is absolutely no paragraph or sentence in the law that backs up one statement on the state LE website for one of those two time periods. I think they just got confused, which is easy to do with law changes and court opinions. And this one wrong statement is even more wrong now after an issued state supreme court decision about a month ago.

All this brings up a second point. After reading the law that applies to you, be sure there are no court opinions that affect that law. And the third point is, if your misinterpretation could land you with a charge or prison time, after doing your research, first contact an attorney for confirmation of what you found before taking any action that could expose you to risk.

Do I believe LE and parole/probation sometimes lie to us, yes. One ex-probation officer lied to me all the time and most of the time I called her out on it. In retaliation she once had a false warrant for my arrest issued, but the judge threw it out. But I also believe at times these people try to state the right thing, but laws and court cases can be confusing. Read to protect what little rights you still posses that have not been unconstitutionally taken away.

The whole Static-99R needs to be taken out of the Tiered Registry scheme. The more I think about it, the more mad I get. It is like someone showing a prospective employer a math score from 3rd grade, rather than taking a new more current math test. Just nonsense.

This is crazy.
Can anyone find me the exact citation and reporting requirements for Sacramento county or the CA state?????

NVM found them,