Janice Bellucci and Vicki Henry Give Details on Jan 25 About March 2023 National Event – Join Us!

On Tuesday, January 25th, Janice Bellucci and Vicki Henry will give details about our March 2023 Event in Washington DC, which includes a conference, hill visits and your opportunity to be part of a visibly huge event emphasizing the egregious error and their responsibility to correct it!

Learn what we need your help with. We can’t do this without you!

The Women Against Registry Zoom WAR Room meeting:
Tuesday, January 25th
5 PM Pacific time, 7 PM Central

You may be asking why you should you take part in the March 2023 event. This is our opportunity to call the court out for their irresponsible action in Smith v. Doe which still causes poverty and destruction to many of our families across the nation.

  • How many of you saw the people outside the U.S. Supreme Court building recently demonstrating on the abortion issue? They were there in numbers and their voices were heard.  
  • This was followed by a massive march pushing back on the President’s federal employees mandate to get vaccinated. 

When viewing these things we have a vision: a vision of millions of our families, registrants, supporters, collaborating organizations all gathered in front of the same massive building where the justices choose cases (grant cert) to listen to arguments on then issue their opinion based on law. 

Let’s stop here for a minute to read a quote from Radley Balco:

“Supreme Court justices have a history of making factual errors in written opinions for which they have ample time to research and fact-check,” notes Radley Balco at the Washington Post. “Some of these errors have had sweeping consequences for constitutional rights. And the court has never bothered to correct them.”  

So please Read More

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Awesome, this is epic, the first of it;s kind. It could be a game changer. It will really bring to light what the registry is REALLY about and the damage it is doing. Thank you for doing this.

So, you’re asking us to physically show up… I don’t want to seem paranoid, but I hope you’ll be giving us advice on what to watch out for, so we don’t get picked up for “protesting while registered.”

Will I need to register if I am there for 3or 4days? Will I be watched or on surveillance of any sort because I am a registered sex offender in a new jurisdiction?

I am so tired of all of this when willit end

It appears to me a few of you are overly concerned about a visit to DC. As long as you abide by the advice of AB you should be ok. Just retain proof of how long you were inside each state in case needed. And just ensure you don’t overstay your time in each state so that you have to register.

As long as you are not violently protesting, you will just be an individual in one of many groups that come to protest each year in DC and should have nothing to fear.The DC LE is use to having many non-violent groups protesting each year in DC so they will not be singling you out.

Fear comes from the unknown. Alleviate that fear by educating yourself.

To those concerned with WDC, read this @ACSOL thread from July 2021 and see what was said about registration: ACSOL Announces Major Event in Nation’s Capitol in March 2023 @Janice said: “The District of Columbia does not require anyone to register if they are visiting regardless of the amount of time of the visit. The District has requested that registrants call the registration office to let them know when you are visiting, but doing so it not required.” This is also noted in the US reg matrix under the “LAWS” tab above.

Last edited 2 years ago by TS

I am not chancing driving through 4 states if I can not find or understand (it’s nearly impossible) the rules for each.

I am willing to make a donation and hopefully others where the money can be used to pay for a family member of a registrant who can not afford to travel to DC where the family member lost someone due to suicide or who was killed due to being on the registry.

I think it is a good idea to have some of these family members in DC. I guess the obstacle would be finding those people and persuading them to come to DC.

You may have a reason such as lack of funds, work issues, need permission and can’t get permission to go from the government, family issues, etc… as to why you can not attend the DC event in March 2023 and that is very understandable, but don’t let the reasons below stop you from attending if otherwise you could attend. If you can’t attend and if you can afford any donation even if only $5, donate so the funds can be used for the DC event.

For those concerned about not having to register for the DC event – DC has no limit on how long you can visit before registering. If you stay in Virginia or Maryland to obtain less expensive lodging vs DC, don’t stay long enough to register. (Both Virginia and Maryland are adjacent to DC).

If you stay outside DC, stay as long as you can in one state, then stay in another state or DC to avoid having to register. The DC area has inexpensive public transportation.

For those concerned about registration laws along the way, just read what ASCOL has linked to on its website and comply so you don’t have to register. Federal SORNA only requires you to register in the states where you live, work or go to school. So don’t stay long enough in Virginia or Maryland (or any state along the way) where you would be required to register and then you can ignore federal SORNA unless your state adopted SORNA or parts of SORNA. If your state adopted SORNA, then follow your state law. If your state didn’t adopt SORNA, then still follow your state law. And fly if you don’t want to drive or take other ground transportation through some states or re-route your trip if you want to avoid a certain state(s).

Make sure you comply with your state law regarding travel before you travel. If your state adopted SORNA, then comply with the new SORNA temporary lodging notification. (The SORNA rules can be found on this website.)

Many groups protest every year in DC so the community is use to it and the police know we will be there. Security is tighter in DC since 1/6/21. And security will be there per Janice. Just be professional and ignore people honking and yelling rude comments. And if you want privacy at the outdoor event, wear a mask and sunglasses.

I see these very valid and understandable concerns here and elsewhere. If we all educate ourselves concerning these issues and also comply with the ridiculous and unconstitutional laws placed upon us, then the fears we put into our heads should hopefully diminish. Don’t let fear rule your life. Educate yourself. Knowledge is power and gives you more freedom. Take what freedom you can get for now.

To hopefully help alleviate the fears of driving to DC…last year I took three vacations in or traveled through 9 different states, including 5 SORNA compliant states. I spent the night in two of the SORNA compliant states more than once. And traveled to 2 of those visited states again on a second trip including 1 SORNA compliant state. (I live very cheaply so could afford the trips and also planned the trips to save as much money as possible.)

Never had any problems.

I read the federal SORNA law, the SORNA regulations, state law of states I was planning to visit and drive through, municipal sex offender ordinance in two of the major cities I was planning on staying and my own state law before traveling. I educated myself on how many days including a month and year I could visit, whether that constitutes calendar or business days, what days constitute a business day, do partial days count as a day, etc… to avoid having to register. I then mapped out an itinerary, complied with all the laws and was not legally required to register anywhere outside of my home state.

If you don’t want to read all the state visitation rules, read the link on the ACSOL website for a summary.

Knowledge is power. Knowledge is freedom. I am taking what little freedom I can get.

Hi. My 25 yr old son who has autism and ID is now on the sex offender list. It’s heart breaking and not right for people with disabilities. It’s been a very hard few years and I am fearful of him taking his life at some point. He doesn’t know how to live like this. Is this protest for anyone who is feeling like the sex offender list is awful, a life sentence and needs to change? Thanks.