Source: 3/10/22
Alexander County Commissioners held a public hearing at their March 7, 2022, meeting on a proposed county ordinance to establish child safety zones in Alexander County.
Sheriff Chris Bowman said he received a call several months ago from a concerned parent regarding a registered sex offender parking at school bus stops. Detectives Buddy McKinney and Dennis Foster started investigating the matter, and discovered that the state statute doesn’t include bus stops in the “sex offender unlawfully on premises” section. Sheriff Bowman said that Henderson County has adopted an ordinance to establish child safety zones, and Iredell County is considering adopting a similar ordinance.
Are you regularly looking for proposed presence restrictions like this one being proposed in your town?
What you don’t know can get you in cuffs. Speak up at a local level.
Ok a few questions.
Did the detectives look into the person that was parked there, if there was someone actually parked there? Did this lady just say that there was a registrant there? Maybe they were dropping off their children to get on the bus.
How do you define a school bus stop, area wise? I mean is there a 5ft invisible line, maybe a 10 ft circle, or 200 ft of a point that you would only know if you go to school and use that bus. Who knows?
Will this defined area be off limit during certain times, or will it always be off limits? Who know when the bus will come and what if they have a short day are registrants suppose to know the local schools bus schedules?
Lastly and most importantly, what help will this actually be? Would it actually stop anyone from doing anything?
Just curious.
What about murderers? What if they want to kill again? Why is it only crimes that involved some sort of sex seem to have this never ending new laws being created?
I call BS on the lady claiming a registrant was lurking around a bus stop. But even if there was someone on the hit list parked near a bus stop, did she maybe stop to think that maybe he dropping off or waiting to pick up his child?
So what did the investigation yield that preciptates this topic for the Monday Mar 21 mtg agenda? Are their solid findings or is this just a Karen looking to make a name for herself and the Sheriff needing votes too?
Anyone wanna bet that this RSO in the parking lot was probably waiting for their own kid to be dropped off??? This is bullcrap harassment plain and simple!
Why is the registry still a “law?.” It’s inflammatory and devisive organized HATE.
The registry promotes fear, ignorance and unwavering HATRED, not “safety.” This little hick town is just spinning their wheels and posturing trying to “close a loophole” that was never a safety loophole to begin with.
These parents that look up those red map pins are too ignorant to realize they are just garnering the illusion of control and not real-world protection over their children’s safety..
As long as there is a public registry, many parents will bristle at the idea of registrants being near bus stops, schools, parks, etc. It’s just human nature. This is why no other country on earth has a public registry, and why, honestly, I think the tide is turning against the public registry among the American ruling class. If you read any criticisms of the ALI MPC changes, rarely do critics mention the lack of a public registry—instead, they focus on access of information to organizations that deal with children vetting employees and volunteers, and to the police; or on the charges included and excluded. These residency laws are unconstitutional to apply retroactively, as Does II showed. They won’t last, and neither will the public registry.
Interesting you can only see the comments if you leave a comment.
As a parent forced to register, I’d pay a lawyer to make my case at this meeting as to why they shouldn’t make this ordinance including a potential lawsuit. I’ll fight for my daughters and I hope registrants in these counties will as well.
Hey Kids!
Beware the Bus, It can kill and it has a history of it.
Greetings from Louisiana.
I am forced to register as a sex offender and three years ago a bill here was proposed that would make it illegal for registered sex offenders from being within a certain distance of any homeschool location. I emailed the legislator and asked her if she realized that the state would then have to provide every registered sex offender with the addresses of those homeschool locations. She never replied. So, I then contacted a homeschool support organization in the state and let them know that this bill, if made into law, would require every single registered sex offender in the state to have an accurate address list of every single homeschool location. The homeschool organization contacted the legislator and he pulled the bill within 24 hours. Apparently, no one wants to give registered sex offenders the address of homeschool locations.
So, my suggestion is this… concerned citizens (and registered sex offenders) in NC should contact their school boards, school principals, legislators, parent groups, etc. with a friendly email or phone call asking what format the school bus stop physical locations and school bus schedules will be accessible to registered sex offenders if this ordinance passes. After all, the sex offenders would need to know where the school bus stops are and when the busses would be there in order to be in compliance of this proposed ordinance.
Just imagine the outrage of all the parents when they realize that the local sheriff is compiling and providing an accurate school bus schedule & bus stop location to every registered sex offender.
Sometimes the only way to illustrate absurdity is to be absurd.