Survey volunteer alert to all registrants and family: Please tell us about your experience on the public registry




Dr. Emily Horowitz, author of “Protecting Our Kids? How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing Us” (Praeger, 2015) and Professor of Sociology & Criminal Justice at St. Francis College, is seeking to interview those listed on the public registry about their experience for a forthcoming book project.

The interviews will be conducted by phone and all published work will keep the identity of those interviewed anonymous and confidential.

If you are a registrant or family member interested in participating or learning more about this project, please email Dr. Horowitz at and she will send you more information about the project and how to set up an interview.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do not write a public comment to ask questions such as if she would like to interview you given your unique situation. Instead, email her questions at

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Is this for registrants only or can wives of PFRs volunteer?

Family members of those on the registry are also eligible to participate.
Thank you so much,

Hi I’m not a designated registrant I use to be, I did 20 years on the registry I’m actually 1 of the first in my state to be able to do so,I still study the laws and changes,1 thing that kills me is the reregistering in other states,They should fight this and I’m willing to,but if you have done your duty in america as a registrant you should not be force in any other state to start your registry all over again,I think this violates a registrant freedom and liberty.
The registrant should be able to live free,is like if you commit a crime and was placed on probation and you finish that probation period you should not be on probation again if you move to another state in America.The system is doing us dirty,my offense was indecent assault and battery on a female 17 years of age i was 29,I paid my dies to society I should not be bashed and ridule again by the system just because i made 1 bad choice in life.Thank God I feel somewhat free but the registry is satans tool to enslave those who are trying to complete their sentence without draconian laws that hurt families.I raised 2 daughters in those 20 years,my Wife supported me even going to the registry with me all them years.We need changes people are opressed by this slave law ..Thank You for reading my post
If you ever need me for your book let me know

Last edited 2 years ago by Alberto Reyes

I’ve been asked to move by neighbors. I’ve lost so many friends once they realize I’m on the registry. I’ve had coworkers use it against me to harass me. Anytime I apply for a job this gets brought up. My wife has had family stop talking to her because I’m on it. It’s been 19 years. I just want to move on with my life. The constant stress making sure everything is up to date. The fear I have going to registr even though I haven’t done anything wrong.

My kids are 10 and 14, graduating from elementary and middle school next month. I’ve never been to a school event and am currently mulling potential excuses for not showing up at their culmination ceremonies. My daughter has a 4.0 GPA and I might be the first father in the history of fatherhood praying she is not named valedictorian because, short of hospitalization or death, what could excuse me, in her eyes, of missing her graduation?

I’ve managed to build a decent consultancy. My wife is in the c-suite of a large organization. Financially we’re comfortable. I mention this only because it wasn’t always this way and I know many others are in a ongoing struggle to secure gainful employment. My own struggle remains constant as I worry a customer will learn of my background and spread the word to other clients. I turn down any work that comes through referrals to minimize that risk. That’s my rule: any new business must be independent of any existing business. They can’t know each other.
I dread the day my children learn of my past, especially if it comes through a friend or school faculty, none of whom have I ever met. They carry my wife’s last name, not mine. I worry that in the event of an emergency I won’t be able to pick them up and bring them safely home.
Every day is a nail-biter or, as a favorite comedian put it,

“You know when you’re sitting on a chair and you lean back so you’re just on two legs and you lean too far so you almost fall over but at the last second you catch yourself? I feel like that all the time…”. ― Steven Wright.

I have a start to finish story. I had to register in California in 1989 and finally was relieved in April of 2022. I had a government job that I was able to keep, and the first few years was no big deal except I had to do my annual updates, however, the later years it became more challenging. I was able to travel with my wife to Philippines until 2012 and that had to stop because of IML. Even though I was able to retire from the government job, the last 2 years I had a new boss that harassed greatly because of me being on the registry. Upon retirement I got a “parttime job” at a convenance store, (in which I am still working) the company owner and the GM are very supportive me, however, there was a co-worker made some stink about it and she was fired afterwards. I did open a restaurant business and I considerable issues with a completive restaurant uses my registry for the gain, and evenly I had to close. The rest of the years was uneventful.

I’m sorry, but your story isn’t believable. Nothing in it makes sense. Especially the graduation from law school.

Had a wonderful conversation with Emily. Although I did most of the talking! It always helps to voice your opinions/grievances/ hopes & fears to a non judgmental party. She is a great listener.
I encourage all to contact her and set up a zoom or phone interview.

Email sent to you to arrange an interview. Thank you for what you are doing.

Hello… here are my thoughts about the registry through a poem I wrote….

Brothers and Sisters in Pain

What did I do to deserve a life sentence of pain?
My motive rejected, judged my behavior a crime.
Stunned at the devastating repercussions of my action.
The act complete, my destiny sealed, my life shattered.

The impact crushed my identity, an annihilation of my worth.
The alarming, unreal raid, a SWAT team brandishing assault rifles.
Or a subtle summon to appear before a biased, hardened judge.  
My life ending, my family, friends, church condemning.

My reality, years of painful imprisonment, penetrating shame.
Alone, I mulled over and over again the “what ifs,” “if onlys” 
I despise their labeling me as leper, sinner … condemned.
I even visualize the tattooed “Scarlet Letter” across my foreheads.

After punishment ends, endless traumatic troubles begin.
With no job, homeless, no future, my despair overwhelms me. 
Insults from probationary officers, loved ones, neighbors down the street.
The threats, the taunting, the finger pointing breaks me down further.

I begin to hole away, to lead a life of “quiet desperation.”
I dare not question my truth, attacks, damning, denouncing retorts.
Then my heart breaks even more … my sentence, shunned for life.
My fate is sealed with reminders of chiding TV news broadcasts.

My agony, anguish causes me to give up, to raise a white flag. 
I accept my lot, too afraid to speak up, to write a letter to question, “why!”
Inside, I say “I just want to be heard, I am not a boogyman… please hear me!”
Nevermind the laws, I want to plea from my soul that I am a human being.

These inner yearnings for justice demands to set the record straight.
Though I have no outlet, to explain, to show that I paid dearly for my mistake.
Is there anyone out there with compassion for a “St. Jude” to understand?
I realize that this voice inside me is my only solace … heard only by God.

Quiet longings for human connections dominatesß, receiving eyes full of contempt.
My prayers reach out for a “do unto others,” but instead reap a slap in the face. 
My Spirit tells me to have strength to cope with the dreaded registry, but I can’t!
I seek answers that frustrate me … though I still strive … for what?

I read an article that says the registry is unconstitutional, punishment, illegal.
Another explains men are appealing to get off the registry … is this true?
Then other litigations create further punishing laws to twist the blade deeper.
Am confused, but sense an inner need to be part of this movement …  

Sisters and brother in pain, my desperation and hope are for you.
My heart-felt thoughts are to tell you that you are not alone.
Courageous heroes are speaking out against the tyranny, injustice.
My plea is not to give up, but to give voice to your inner trauma, your truth. 


I’ve been registered for almost 20 years now. It’s stressful, in that any lapse of the yearly renewal can get you jailed. I’ve a Glaskow 5 rated ABI, and I am very forgetful. I have a MISDEMEANOR Indecent Exposure. 2 AM, inebriated from partying at a tavern, I flashed a Del Taco drive thru window clerk.
My lawyer was inept. He had me initial a sheet with many penalties on it. The judge merely read these penalties and awarded me ALL of them (including 290 Registration). I intend to hire attorney Chase Oberstein to help me end my registering nightmare.

Having To Register And Have My Address And Personal Information Online Has Been Extremely Dangerous For Me. I’ve Had No Choice But To Be Transient So Certain Individuals Will Stop Finding Where I Sleep And Harrasing Me. I’ve Had No Choice But To Live in The Streets For My Own Safety.
It’s been taking a toll on me mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically, it’s genuinely messing with my mental health, and it’s becoming detrimental to my health..

my struggle is being labeled a teir 3 offender from 21 years ago and have legal documentation stating I’m not a danger to anyone sexually and I’m absent of any and all characteristics that lead to offending. I was a young man and got involved with a sexually active minor at a party. I’ve been sent to prison 6x for failure to register over being homeless. Kind of hard to give them an address when you have none. I lost my entire familey,kids,friends,sponcer,neibors and have been abused left and right due to the new teir system that labeled me the worst you can be. Everyone thinks I lied to them and I’m a monster. Multiple polygraph tests and psyc analysis proves I’m not a danger but the hwy patrol don’t ask the professionals they just assume your a monster and blast your privacy on the internet warning the public to be aware your a monster. With your home address and all that ofcourse incase someone wants to beat you up in your yard. This is slander! Pure and simple! But hey? Who’s gonna defend a sexoffender for less then 50,000? How does a poor person get help? Just tryn to vent my 21 year frustrations. Thanks all.

Westminster, CA PD requires appt for renewing 290. They make getting an appt VERY difficult. (ie. nobody answers phone, transferred from unit to unit, or permahold, etc) 2 renewals ago, the officer failed to save my pic/updated info, so last year another Deputy inquired IF I failed to renew. !!!!!

was given appt to 290 Register on Sunday, June 26. Arrived on time, clerk informed me the Jailer called in sick, and to schedule another appt. I asked isn’t anyone else trained to Register? nope. My birthday was June 25, 5 days after is June 30. Praying I get to Register on time.

Just got home from my annual update. Same as always.

Interesting conversation with the registration officer. I assume it is similar elsewhere, but in CA there is a long list of specific acknowledgements I have to initial the sign the bottom of the page and thumb print it. I asked, “What new rights am I signing away here?” The officer replied, “None, nobody made you go out a do what you did.” So apparently he believes that I have no rights anymore. I said, “It’s almost like you are forever punishing me” He replied with “I must take the responsibility for my actions.” I replied that endlessly punishing me is illegal, It is Ex Post Facto. I indicated that this is a constitutional violation, he should read the constitution. Apparently, he does not need to read the Constitution because, he’s a “”Good citizen”. So apparently they CAN do WHATEVER they want, FOREVER, because they are Good Citizens.

I also indicated that the address as printed on my little Enemy of the State forms seemed inaccurate. I live in an apartment with an odd address. It’s like 1234 1/2 A St (Not even close to my real address, but similar). We discussed this and he indicated it was “All Good”. For some reason I do not trust this “Good Citizen”. Indicated I live between 1234 and 1236 (again, not the real numbers, but same idea). He once again stated it was “All good”. So waiting for the compliance check, or maybe they go straight to FTR. (False address). Not sure, maybe neither…but how can I tell?

There was a time, as part of my middle class, conservative family upbringing, that I would have agreed with everything he said…how wrong I was. Turns out my childhood was even worse than I remember…it made me into a person like him. I am glad that has changed forever. So now I can be an actual Good Citizen of a nation defined by our Constitution, with liberty and justice for all…not just the few clowns like that cop think deserve it.