AL: Sheriff’s Office: Convicted sex offender arrested for SORNA violations

Source: 7/22/

LIMESTONE COUNTY, Ala. (WHNT) — A convicted sex offender was arrested this week after selling his home and leaving the state, according to the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office.

Officials say an investigator with the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office was alerted on June 23 that Leonard, 70, of Lester, was in violation of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA). 

According to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s Sex Offender Registry, Leonard is a convicted sex offender with his offense listed as second-degree rape.

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Sell your house and catch a case? Nice!

Poor guy, looks like he’ll be spending the rest of his house money on lawyers and court fees now.
Another person forced to register pretending there a normal person in society, he could of rented out rooms to other registrants and made a lot of money and helped a lot of people out there, Couch surfing their way to prison instead all that money is going back into court system

stay focused

😩 Honestly, I just get so tired of this sh*t ….. LEO’s constantly harassing law abiding citizens, arresting people for registry violations that have nothing whatsoever to do with reoffending. Political turds making up new restrictions and requirements, left and right. (Just look at Florida for prime examples of that!)
I really hope the Pacific Legal Foundation kicks SORNA’s ass from here to Timbuktu!!! 😡

“Probable cause” is like setting dynamite under a school and forgetting to set the fuse or timing mechanism. Many things can be classified as “probable cause”. Even giving a distemper shot to a cat that has no distemper or running a foot race without snickers to promote one’s line of show’s. See promoting one’s justice system can be wrong in and of itself when it is promoted in the wrong way. While the article is about rape its also about the rape of blind sighted justice also and infringes on human rights in many ways.

Even my sister had “probable cause” for not wanting to go to high school yet was in the band and was on the other plane in the Marshall plane crash. “Probable cause” can take many routes in this factor for true justice.

There was a compliance check on the old man. Hmmm…

Question 1: Was the old man still under custody, via probation or parole?
Question 2: Does SORNA really had compliance check written into its law?

Why didn’t the report state if the old man was on probation or parole? Why didn’t the police report it to the reporters? Just for this exercise, let’s presume the old man was no longer under custody since the reporters and police department said nothing about it.

Let’s brainstorm on Question 2. If compliance check is written into SORNA law on those no longer under custody, then SORNA registry is akin to probation or parole and be deemed punishment.

If compliance check isn’t a part of SORNA law, then why are the local cops doing something not part of the registry? Did these cops make the registry punishment by conducting a compliance check on

Compliance checks are harassment on those no longer under custody. Also, it can be construed as a form of systematical slander as law enforcement believes all registrants are highly dangerous even after they are no longer under custody and supposedly are as free as their neighbors.

I would sue the state for one of two reasons: 1) The compliance check on non-custody registrants makes the registry punitive or 2) If law enforcement is doing this on their own accord, which is not listed in the registry, then law enforcement is conducting illegal stings.

Unreal, just unreal. Legally sells his own home, wants to leave the state, maybe find some place where he can live his life out peacefully, free form residency restricitons and compliance checks, but Noooo, that isn’t allowed, he must be punisned for the rest of his life. There is no redemtion for those who make a poor choice based on their human sexuality. It is just unforgivable. Sell drugs to children, loot and burn a neighborhood, do a couple armed robberies…no probelm, do your time and you are good to go. But heaven help you if you do something centered aroung that horrible penis. That is just too much. No mercy for him.

It appears that the article uses the term “convicted sex offender” instead of Registered Sex Offender. One can be a convicted sex offender and NOT be required to register.

The article seems to not state all of the information needed to know what was actually going on in that instance.

Ride. Did you ever see the movie “The color Purple” or maybe “In harms way”and did you ever think about sex discrimination. Ride I was raised in WV live in VA now. Laws are different in every State. – Did you ever work a job that yoru supervisor was on your back pushing you. Hey I’ve drank with a guy that use to be on a chain-gang. So don’t play cool hand Luke. One can take so much than one has to go to corporate level to settle a dispute or put an end to the ordeal or should we all go back to fHatfields and McCoy”start making our own shine .
Even one could even talk about the “Shining” also with these wanna – be cops,Sheriff’s or officers.. that try one’s patience. While I had my wits about my own ordeal with the registry many are lead down a sexual path. One gets to the station…. well you made a “Choice”. That can be a bit of an overbite… Did many make a choice for prison or leg monitoring or the protection against flooding as it it in parts of KY. Using the right measures is good and yes we are all born into trouble but who can justify his or her actions or should many go on Rowan & Martain Laugh-in. to justify issues.