Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of July 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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Since 288.4(b) is a straight felony which is a Tier 3, but I also noticed that its a Tier 1 if its a misdemeanor. As anyone heard of any cases or knowledge of anyone ever getting a 288.4(b) as a misdemeanor?
Russia fines Apple corporation to violating data storage laws. (AP story)
Where is your storage? Likely not in the U.S.
Every time I see one of those stupid American flags with the blue stripe I will think of the cops in this video. Warning: This video will cause your blood to boil.
Cops ran away from gunshots during Uvalde school shooting: video (
Just an idea, but I’ve been thinking about something. The recent SCOTUS decision overturning Roe and giving abortion decisions back to the individual States has me thinking. Basically, SCOTUS said Roe should never have been a Federal issue to begin with.
So….each State has its own laws pertaining to the registries. Certain crimes in each state can also be charged as a federal crime. Each State has its own laws about how long a person must register. So what I’m thinking is, how can the Federal government step in and tell each State what their laws concerning the registry must be? I see many people here talk about coming off their State’s registry, but still are listed on the national (Federal) registry. If the crime was not tried in Federal court, why must they be listed on the national registry? And with the recent SORNA guidelines being handed down, how can the Federal government tell the individual States they must follow those laws if each State has authority to write their own laws? Do you see what I’m thinking? Its no different that say Michigan stating abortion is legal in their State, but the Federal government saying no it isn’t.
I’m not sure if I’m on to something or not, or if Janice or the Michigan ACLU has thought of this, but I think I’m raising a valid point.
Michigan has life with no parole for 1st degree murder, Texas and other States has the death penalty for the same crime, and some states even give the possibility of parole. The Federal government doesn’t step in and tell each State their laws must be the same. The age of consent in Michigan is 16, whereas in California its 18, but in a few States its 15. Nothing from the Federal government telling these states how old a person must be, because it lacks jurisdiction.
Why then does the Federal government think it has authority to tell the States how they should write their laws concerning registries?
I really think this needs some more research and that it be raised in court.
Anyone have any input?
Just received another jury duty notice. I normally ignore them and always have because they can never prove I actually received it. (Plausible denial… it got lost in the mail, right?)
But why the heck to I have to tell the government in all their tracking and registration schemes that I am ineligible due to 290 status?! Such a great civil regulatory program not to control another civil duty that I am prohibited from fulfilling. Such a great use of tax dollar to MAIL these notices multiple times to me and other 290s, just like 290 registration in general is a great use of tac dollars
Say what they will, at least he is giving the guy a chance! 👍🏻
Campaign Hires Convicted Sex Offender – Rolling Stone
Here’s a story about a very old man clearly suffering from dementia or mental illness whose “assault” charge is splashed across media. One of the great irony of our times is that we have “de-stigmatized” mental illness, which means we pretend to be sympathetic to mildly depressed teen girls and veterans, but we treat the truly mentally ill with such scorn and revulsion that I’m not sure we have in American history. As recently as the 80s you could shoot the president and today be walking the streets a free man. Is it that we’ve increasingly politicized the roles of sheriffs, prosecutors, and judges?
On this day In 1834 after 356 years, the Spanish Inquisition was officially disbanded. A reminder that mankind has a history of misinformation, exclusion, and oppression. By comparison, the Enlightenment lasted less than 200 years. Makes you think for a moment how our age will be remembered.
Post SCOTUS abortion decision, Conservative minded states are criminalizing traveling to other states for abortion. Suddenly media is calling this banning of travel a Draconian attempt to limit a person’s right to travel. Well women, welcome to my world.
SORNA is extortion. It should be illegal. It was designed as a knee jerk response for worst case scenarios in two states (with two of the precedent cases being out of Florida). It has gained gross overreach and is extended well beyond the level of propriety. You are offering your personal information to world, in violation of constitutional protections, and are expected to update it and pay for the privilege of this violation well beyond parole. Mine is a lifetime registry for what would be considered domestic violence as recently as the 1990s.
Failure to file is a new felony. You haven’t hurt another human being, you didn’t kill anyone, deal drugs, commit espionage, rob a house or commit an act of treason. You merely didn’t sell the world all of your personal information in the arbitrary time frame. As a biproduct of the registry, you are treated poorly by cops and busy bodies, you are denied housing and jobs, and all areas of your life are adversely affected.
In my case, for a singular incident with extensive extenuating circumstances and long background of contention, I am held in the same light as Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Daumer for the general public until my dying day. Though the person I chose to victimize was an exgirlfriend with an extensive history of contention, I am regarded by my parole officer and everyone else as if I were a serial child rapist and murderer. In addition, I am held to the parole standards of a child sex crime because of circumstances in my early twenties that are now getting legal backlash to aid those in Romeo and Juliet situations. I was incarcerated with an individual who wouldn’t let his girlfriend out of the car while they were arguing and is now being required to register as a kidnapper on the registry designed for at risk pedophilic activity.
Lifelong criminals in street gangs and the drug culture are not held to this standard, nor are those who have actually taken a life. These cultures are fueled by products from non-domestic criminal organizations that regularly deal in human trafficking. In their hypocrisy (even with the depravity in the meth culture) they believe they are better and different.
It is time this unconstitutional extortion be eliminated or dialed back for its original purpose to appease the bloodthirsty mob that counts themselves more civilized that the raging horde in Salem. This tool has not been effective in prevention, as the unknowns are the most likely to offend, not those who have been brow beaten and abused by the system during their already excessive punishments and restrictions.
To all, if you have to pay a fee in order to register in your State, what State are you in and how much is the fee?
For example, I’m in California:
California = $ -0- registration fee.
Here is a NEW APP or even Cell Phone number for VETS/Military current or past.
8 3 8 2 5 5
all others
Alex did you see this?
txt 9 8 8 is The newest Prevention help line. 9 8 8 nationwide on line via txt ddhs
I’ve been dealing with the criminal regimes too much lately.
I bought a vehicle not long ago. I paid the criminal regime over $7k in taxes. That part was so easy. The criminals were right in the deal and part of the process! They knew how much to charge me and collected it before I could own the vehicle. I couldn’t get the keys without paying the criminals! Yet within 3 days of doing that, I had to go visit the criminals at one of their law enforcement stations JUST to tell them that I had purchased that exact vehicle! It is honestly pretty shocking how easy it is for them to get their hands into my pockets and yank piles of cash out of them, yet they can’t seem to figure out that I’m a PFR that is forced to tell them about the vehicle for which they are grabbing MY cash. Are they stupid? Incompetent? Or just don’t give a f*ck what problems they cause? Maybe all 3.
There is a decent amount of government paperwork involved in buying a vehicle. Can’t they just add one more question or checkbox on there? How about, “Is there any PFR that is forced to report this vehicle to us? Who?” Then you can just check the little box and put the names of all the PFRs that are forced to report it.
I guess that would be too easy. It would also get in the way for all the normal people who buy vehicles. We wouldn’t want to inconvenience any scumbags who think Registries are acceptable.
Anyway, people had to pay consequences for this. Too bad.
Rep. Boebert’s husband exposed himself to two young women in 2004, got 4 days in jail and 2 yrs probation. Yet now she is head hunting what she calls “society’s pervs”.
I was typing a msg and the site updated. Don’t know if it went through so I’m putting it in again.
Anyway, met a man at the court recommended pre hearing S.A. Mtgs. He told a story to me that goes like this……….
Police came to his home to arrest him for possession of what he described as a “ shit load of illegal porn on my laptop”. While they searched , he was allowed to call his wife, who had the laptop with her at her job. He told her to “ ditch the book she was reading”. Evidently she knew about all the photos/ movies. They literally had a code worked out and knew they could be found out. Amazing.
Anyway, since there was no actual proof of a crime of possession, his case was dismissed.
Here comes the ridiculous part. He belittled me for having a few pics and said that jail would likely put me back on the right path. (I never served any jail time, but got probation). A guy that involved others in his offense and got away with it is judging me.
How many public officials, community leads and even neighbors have offended, not had to suffer what we have but judge us as if they are innocent. I guess pointing a hypocritical righteous finger at others absolves you.
This is great for a laugh. Go down to recidivism and try not to laugh. The complete crap that they post is astounding. Literally posting outright lies and because they are considered the authority, everyone believes this.
Just came across this article showing an opinion on what the registry is and how it is punishment with old statistics and public fear creating. Nothing terribly new, but it’s from July 1st.
Ride and many more on ACSOL …. one of our assignments when I was taking criminal Justice classes was to sit in on a actual trial in process take notes all that. Hey when I got kicked out of high school it was my grandmother that told me to go back and graduate. See my grandparents didn’t get a chance to graduate back in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s.. So taking that advice I pressed on for the goal. Even Restorative Justice is also a good goal in many ways.
It took me thru three high schools even to Charleston W,VA while mom was in Beautician school. Now I’m in VA and its all different but this registry is no different than any other challenge one may face in life. Yes it always helps if one has a bit of biblical understanding also.
Nothing wrong with a good law firm or even a Constitutional Lawyer for that matter. Sure I had my discernment all the time I also had a case of potty mouth in this ordeal. Yes I was a bit apprehensive about Janice’s plans to go to D.C but if its for truth and Justice and to suggest and/or recommend the ridding of much of this sex offender and/or imprisonment or changes for all…than that’s part of one’s goal. Sure change is always good in many governments in America.
Did Ca. ever remove tier 2 address from the public database?
Thanks in advance.
Had my once a year in person registration today in Texas. I told my registering Sheriff Department Detective that I was sorry she had to waste her time doing registration paperwork but I understand she is just doing her job, when studies have shown that the public is no safer with the registry.
She stated she disagreed, what about the SOs? Apparently she recognizes SOs are not safer with registries. I responded, I am talking about the general public.
I then educated her that the DOJ and metadata studies show re-offense rates to be 1-5% and that the re-offense rate is less than all crimes except murder. And that in CA which has more registrants than 2nd place TX, the re-offense rates is less than 1% year after year.
She stated she disagreed because she had two arrest warrants out and I said I bet those are for technical violations to which she responded yes. I explained to her the difference between re-offense rates and recidivism after she asked what I mean by re-offense.
Can’t hurt to slowly educate law enforcement…
On another note, my local LE office is trying to trick us to have us arrested. On a new local LE promulgated form used to collect information, they not only ask to list all current emails and social media ids, but all past emails and social media ids. (TX requires this info.) So if I provided an email or social media id to LE say in 2014 when I started registering with this particular LE and do not put on this form, they can arrest me for perjury and also for not providing all required information as per state law as my local LE can look in its file for 2014 and see what I reported and see I left off this form.
I listed the current items and wrote I can’t remember past (and which were all reported at the appropriate time and which my local LE has on file). My statement is true that I can not remember past as I can not remember all past emails and social media ids used since 2014 and reported with this particular LE and I can’t remember all past emails and social media ids used when I registered with other LEs prior to 2014.
Can’t trust LE, always looking for a way to get us on technical violations because they are having such a hard time arresting us for new sex crimes with the re-offense rates so low.
😒 Former Chief of Police to Prison for Rape of a Child.
While everyone has their view’s and comments about this registry the main thing in any business, organization, or constitutional law is to protect. Sure we all seek justice or release of much of this registry. Stains are no good for the bedrock of society and when Constitutional Justice takes a back-sit to true justice. In this vain or blindness, something is wrong in governments or are governments usurping themself.
Yes the internet was suppose to be an invention of good measure a way to communicate but in many ways police, government parties have taken much of this internet issue and turned it around as a means of deception measures in many aspects with this sex registry ordeal/issue that is so dicey for anyone to be involved in
Many on here are just glad they have people such as ACSOL, NARSOL, and other organizations that are standing up for this issue in much of this vain type of injustice encounter that many can get shanghai into.
Moral understanding are understanding or where is truth in American Justice today? I’m sure Janice, Narsol, or many more can be outspoken on these matters that try to capture many kids and/or adults today. Tomorrow I have a get together with my PO to end my 10 yr ordeal since my probation is up but still we all fight so wish me or anyone else luck in these issues and yes I will still be on here to help lean advice in this immorial ordeal if by all mean’s I’m welcome.
What I like about Janice’s forum and her and her team seems to take no punches. Yes I’ve even told her in some measures if my writings seem unfit to put up, not to put it up or post it. The same with some of the other sites. Sure truth in governments can be as bland as many and at times dicey.
Even the slave trade was a bit dicey and when governments want to take advantage of many, that right their is just as more enticing the person behind the screen or the victim that is striving to seduce or oppress another. Oppressing government is not good.
Yes, many of these comments are good so we all have to speak out for Justice and thats were Janice and her team along with many others have to reflect and strive to end and/or correct much of this vain shadow of unjust endeavor. Janice has already said the punishment must fit the crime but much of this registry is vain and unjust in many ways. Technology or no technology and setting up another is not good in any government and is very devious in many ways or why did Rome burn.
I was talking to the chaplain today in this religious program I’m in, tho I’ma Christian that’s not why I’m here, I’m here because my 290 registration has made it very difficult to find a place to live.
As were casually talking he ask me if i forgave my self for what happened back in 1998 I never really thought about it till he asked I replied no I haven’t and probably never will till it’s all over he was shocked by my answer, I think he thought I met till death lol
He replied this place is full of drug addicts and being a 290 registrant is not an excuse for not living your life to the fullest, stop letting my past eat me up, instead move on find a good women and enjoy life stop living in the past.
I respectfully replied how long have you been working here, he said 18 years and how long have you been married and how many kids he said 25 years and I have 3 children I said imagine all that including your friends was all taking away from you right now would you be able to move on and live your life to the fullest.
People just don’t know or understand what people forced to register are going through until it’s them or there love ones on the chopping block
stay focused
Alaska doesn’t register you if your crime or conviction was before 1994. Does anyone know of any other state that would be easier to get to that has a similar registration scheme?
Sitting in a park today at a picnic bench. On the grass beside me was a person that looked as though he might be homeless. In the open space parents were watching their kids get coached for soccer, 6-8 yr olds maybe. I watched as a father approached the man , asking if he had a child involved. When the man said he didn’t, the father asked why he was there. Imagine not being able to lay in the grass under a tree on a hot day without drawing needless attention.
As the father walked past me ( I was drinking a latte and checking emails) he volunteered, “ Gotta watch out for the kids”. I just smiled and nodded. Imagine if he had known he was justifying his inappropriate remarks to the very person he and the rest are so freaked out about. I literally am hiding among them with complete invisibility. Shows how stupid the entire perception of us is.