Frank Lindsay’s Health Now Improving

Frank Lindsay has been removed from a ventilator and his health is improving, according to his daughter.  Not only was Frank diagnosed with COVID, he was also diagnosed with pneumonia.

“Frank’s unanticipated recovery may be due to the five medicines he was provided including two antiviral medications as well as two antibiotic medications,” stated ACSOL executive director Janice Bellucci.  “It is also likely that thoughts and prayers are helping him heal.”

Frank was hospitalized on Monday evening after complaining of difficult breathing.  Due to low oxygen levels, he was placed on a ventilator on Wednesday.

Despite being taken off of a ventilator, Frank is expected to remain in the hospital at least for the next several days.   He is currently in an Intensive Care Unit and is not allowed visitors.


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Good news!

Praise the Lord! That is really great news. Medicines are wonderful, but the power of massive prayer is amazing. Looking forward to his complete recovery.

Good news. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

WOW!! Oh Frank, this is the BEST news EVER!! We are praying for many more blessings for you and your family! MANY more!!!

We love good news, and this is very good news. We will keep up the thoughts and prayers for Frank. Thanks for keeping us posted on his situation.

That is great news!! We will continue prayers for Frank for a full recovery!!

The power of prayer..thank God..I wish Frank the best

Great news…. Keep on Truckin Frank!!! The Power of Prayer!!!
Thank God and the care team!!!
Get Well sooon!

Praise God! Glad he’s doing better.

Nice to have some good news. Prayers still coming his way.

Wishing you all the best Frank! We need you brother

Woo hoo!

Praise God! May his healing continue him toward a full and complete recovery!!!

This is good news..sure did brighten my day as I have met and shook hands with Frank..a very good and sincere person..hopefully he doesnt have to register in the near future so that he can properly recover as a normal person has the right to…

Very cool indeed.

this is great news!..I have had the fortunate experience to meet and shake hands with Frank..a good, decent and as honorable a person can be..i sure do hope that he doesnt have to register anytime soon so that he can properly recover as a citizen with dignity, respect and fortitude…..

I am glad to hear that he is better. He is one of the few that help us in this world. I’m in Oklahoma and our local NARSOL affiliate website is pretty much dead. I feel like I’m trapped in this state. It doesn’t feel like anyone is fighting for us here.

I am not a religious person, but I asked for a recovery for Frank from whatever power there is out there, and it worked. Great News Frank. Good thins happen to good people. Now, it’s time to get him off the registry.

Yes! And Thank God! I will continue to pray for full recovery.

AWESOME! Will continue to pray for his recovery. May he see the day through eyes of a man free from the Registry forever!

That is great news. I only wish that he continues to improve and to get out of the hospital. More encouraging thoughts are being sent.

Great News!! ♥️ You keep fighting, Frank! 👍🏻
We’ll keep you in our thoughts and, for believers, keep you in prayers!! 🙏🏻
Yay Frank!! 🤩🥳😃

Last edited 2 years ago by David 🔱

Frank, you have no choice – you gotta keep fighting!! Need I remind you that you have a Petition to fight to get off the Cali Register?!! ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻
Get better fast, Frank!! ♥️♥️♥️

Glad to hear it! Stay strong, Frank and get well soon!!❤️
