TX: Man jailed on sex offender charges found unresponsive, dies in cell at Bexar County Jail

Source: ktsa.com/ 10/31/22

SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — A 65 year old inmate at the Bexar County Jail found unresponsive in his cell Monday morning has died.

It was just after 2 A.M when the inmate was found in his cell by a Deputy conducting face to face checks.

Medical staff from University Hospital responded to the call for help and began life saving measures on the man but he was pronounced dead at 30 minutes later.

At this point it appears the inmate suffered an episode brought on by pre-existing medical conditions. His exact cause of death will be determined by the medical examiner’s office.

The investigation into the inmate’s death will be conducted by the Karnes County Sheriff’s Office.

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The death of this registrant is another needless tragedy perpetrated by law enforcement officials. Where were they when he took his last breath? Why was he not under medical care or why weren’t the people who harmed him under surveillance? It is doubtful that any law enforcement official cares what happened in this prison. If there is at least one official who does care, I hope that person will contact ACSOL soon.

Not surprising. Bexar County is where the teenage boy, eating a McDonald’s hamburger in his car, was shot by police. Kid is literally clinging to life right now, and the cop had zero remorse. In America, you could literally be killed by police for just sitting in your car, peacefully, while eating a hamburger.

I’m curious what his registry violation was. Something to do with Halloween, maybe?

While his registry status certainly wasn’t helpful, I can’t say with certainty that it had anything to do with h the lack of treatment. There’s nothing unusual about jailers ignoring the health concerns of inmates.

Agree with Janice that no one over there will give a damn. They’re probably more put out about having to clean a cell up after a dead body more than anything else.

As usual, the sheriff department will investigate themselves and will most likely find themselves guiltless in this man’s death.

The couldn’t tell us who he was, why he died or what specifically he was in jail for. But boy, They sure found a way to get the sex offender title into the article.

If he was sick enough to die in his cell then he obviously needed some type of medical attention before hand and where was this cell mate at the time when he went unresponsive.
Depending on what type of shape he was in A 65-year-old man can easily be over powered by younger cell mate, even though I don’t think that’s the case, I think he was sick I think he told the deputies he was sick and because he was a sex offender and didn’t have anyone on the outs to help him the CO’s took there sweet time getting him the medical attention he needed which eventually led his death.
If you are a PFR just register don’t give these azz holez a reason to send you to there death camps, especially if you live in California you don’t wanna be in prison with a sex offender jacket on, I mean you might make it a lot do BUT then again a lot don’t.