Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Mar 2023. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
Source: 2/28/25 Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of... -
Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
Source: 2/25/25 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is creating a registry for all people who are...
Watching the news, which as usual is a rundown of the panicky idiocy America is freaking out about today.
Couple bits caught my attention as potentially relevant to the Registrants community. I am not advocating for or against anything, just reporting.
Nationwide, there are currently more than 400 proposals to criminalize Trans people in one way or another. The recent article posted on this forum is just the tip the iceberg. Not sure how many of them are trying to use the registry, but I’m sure it will be used to the maximum level the legislative can pull off.
Big push towards banning underaged trans treatment. I am not advocating for or against this…I’m just wondering who will be thrown on the registry for violating these bans. Maybe none?
Perhaps the community needs to watch these for mentions of the Registry?
Also, The Balloon is back….and it’s hiding in your TikTok app! Numerous proposals at various stages of the legislative process to ban Tik Tok at various levels.
Ok? So what’s that got to do with my PFR life? Personal information security. The ban advocates are deeply concerned that China will “Know stuff” about Americans! So, we have to ban Tik Tok to keep China and others from “knowing stuff” about some Americans….while forcing others to provide and constantly update information they put on an uncontrolled, unrestricted Website.
How is it possible that China having access to some teen’s dance challenge vid is a “National Security Crisis” and the ML Website is totally fine? There is no logical disconnect between the 24×7, Nationwide freakout about personal data security and the ML Website? Nothing new here, but it’s reached full scale, arm flailing runing in circles, screaming panicky idiocy level!
Good time to mention the obvious mutually exclusive nature of these two ideas?
The fact that California’s Megan’s list omits date of conviction on a single crime is intentionally inflammatory making it seem someone who’s crime was 35 years ago just happened. They make this comment on the main page.
“The California Department of Justice has not considered or assessed the specific risk that any convicted sex offender displayed on this website will commit another offense or the nature of any future crimes that may be committed.”
I’ve read in FAQ their reasoning is they don’t want to post conviction dates as to leave the impression that people who’s conviction is far in the past are not a risk, yet they make the statement above.
So I don’t see how they can escape the accusation of intentionally exposing the registrant to additional risk beyond the purpose of Megan’s list.
So why are the dates of conviction not posted?
How does the 7yr rule apply to felons in California? Does it also include/help registrants as well? Does the count start after you got out/court released? Does it show up when they do a background check when you apply at a new job?
I see MI enacted an important law restoring the voting rights of convicted felons after they’ve served their sentence. It was a short price on WKNO(WI). Wisconsin restores rights by statute contained in Civil Trial Process section. Whether sex offenders have finished anything I couldn’t tell ya.
On being transgender. When it comes to Human genitalia physical differences are far more varied than people want to except. Nevertheless each is as if their physically inside out..In that biological sense almost mirrored inverse. Expectations of any homogeneity are unrealistic. Humans come in all shapes and sizes.
The invents of surgery however are another human reality.
Here comes another one for FloriDAH!!
Possible new registration requirement – Nope not for sex offenders. This is a good one:
If you are a blogger in FloriDAH and you write about Gov DeSantis you will have to register with the state if the bill is passed. Sounds like something “Dictator Putin” would require.
Here is the article
“Florida bill would require bloggers who write about the governor and legislators to register with the state”
Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor, legislators to register with the state (
I will go no where near Florida for the rest of my life!!!!
As long as Karen’s/Daren’s List exists there is not going to be good public safety. All Amerikans should expect to continue to be in danger, random and otherwise. Big government encourages and promotes the hate. We can get rid of the people who love big government and their Lists or the whole country can enjoy the hate and it’s results.
I have a neighbor who tells my gardener and other repair man that I am a sex offender. That is bad enough but now he is threatening to put a sign with my face on it in his yard warning others of my crime, is this not harassment and illegal?
should I just wait till he does it and take a picture and then go to my reporting police dept and ask that he be charged under Megan’s law statutes for harassing a sex offender?
he is not one who accepts kind emails. He resorts to threats. I feel he is endangering my home safety.
Anybody care to guess why 99% of all sex cases are UNPUBLISHED & PER CURIAM?
@ Evreddy: I am not guessing because I have no idea what those are. Could you please elaborate/explain for those of us who do not know?? 🤷🏻♂️
Michigan’s AG Office conspires with various county judges to keep actually innocent people in prison and on the registry.
ANYONE charged/convicted with tiny sections of sex offense laws – including computer useage – wherein NO VICTIM exists and w/o COMMERCIAL Activity or gain then THERE IS NO CRIME.
Check out the FULL law such as mcl750.145c2 , and see the online Jury instructions to cement the facts above.
To Catch a Predator , in Michigan, is a HUGE SCAM and HUGE STATE PROFITS ( illegally )
Any attorneys have the chutzpah to sue these kidnappers / Extortioners / Slanders / Abusers of Process / Malicious prosecutors / 1000s of unlawful search & seizures of person / property ?
You will have to override Heck v Humphrey by easily demonstrating no valid laws were charged and thus no criminal convictions were obtained by the offenders in office.
Plus fraud, fraud on the court, fraud on the court BY the court vitiates all convictions and renders ALL ORDERS WORTHLESS — ( and that’s according to Michigan law ) .
Hey Fresno People, it looks like the Judge who was assigned to handle petitions for removal, Jon Kapetan, just retired. This Judge was basically denying almost every petition. According to a Facebook post from his Brothers Law Firm, he has retired! This should be good news for people in Fresno County!
A question for California registration. I’m long haired, when I go in to register I have my hair shellacked back and tied behind my head in a pony tail bob. Been doing this for years. One trip into town multitasking, registering vehicles, I decided to go into the sheriffs for my tier assignment as they wouldn’t give it out over the phone, wasn’t thinking and went in with my hair down, she noticed. My question is, when I go back in to register again is there anything in law to say they can arrange my appearance to have me take my hair down for a photo?
I have a friend in Maryland who I did time with in Federal Prison almost 20 years ago. The kept him 7 years after his release date for SVP nonsense. He’s been out only 10 years and just GOT OFF THE REGISTRY. I’m so happy for him and am now considering a move from CA to MD. I’m undetermined tier STILL so have no chance to get off anytime soon. I was never in SVP and I’m MD you just fall off after the time is up. Does anyone know more about the Maryland registry? I’m 63 and could definitely move if it would be beneficial.
thank you in advance for any information.
I am looking for some encouragement on my request for removal from the Registry and freedom to travel outside the USA. As back ground I am 664/288(a) and 20 years is this year. The Public Defender Office in LA County started the paperwork on Feb 14, 2023 and wonder those with experience how long before I can see freedom and how long to get a CLEAN PASSPORT
I see some Silicon Valley ( CA) banks are going under. I SEE Congress is working on a bailout for them too, because FDIC isn’t big enough to handle covering their asses.
So I see CASOMB reached a “general consensus” regarding 5 of 7 proposed changes to the Tiered Registry Law during its monthly meeting. All the changes were for Tier 3 so I wanted to know when will the CASOMB work on changes for Tier 2 and Tier 1?
I don’t have a pacer account but looks like Garland is appealing the injunction from what I can tell.
John Doe et al v. U.S Department of Justice et al may someone with an account can give us more info.
It looks like Iowa just tightened the screws on “sex offenses against children.” First time CP possession is no longer a misdemeanor, but a felony. Also, pimping minors now gets a person bumped up from a Class C to B and promoting CP goes from Class D to C.
“Sen. Dan Dawson, R-Council Bluffs, said the idea for Senate File 84 came up while reviewing current Iowa laws that deal with such crimes.
“Most law enforcement in Iowa knows that if you’re going to work a child pornography case, that’s it’s best to take it to the federal level because they actually have teeth in their code,” Dawson said.
So this politician was reviewing state laws that have been on the books for a long time. And he decides to toughen those laws because law enforcement says state laws don’t have enough teeth? Boy, I hate cops. I always admired Iowa as being this independent middle of the road state that was amongst the first to legalize same sex marriage. But from recent election cycles, the Trumpists & Q-Anon people may have taken over the legislature. You even had a female Democratic lawmaker who attempted to get a “save the child” amendment thrown in with the republican bill, except her proposal went against the Iowa constitution. But don’t worry, they’ll change that too.
Old news, but have to ask…is Jayson Boebert registered, and if not, why not?
It is reported that Jayson Boebert, Husband of Representative Lauren Boebert (R CO 3rd Dist.) was arrested in 2004 and subsequently pled guilty to charges of “public indecency and lewd exposure”. Mr. Boebert severed a jail sentence for this of an undisclosed duration.
Mr. Boebert pled guilty to charges relating to exposing his penis to what is referred to as, “Two young women at a Colorado bowling alley”. The ages of these young women is undisclosed, but I must assume they were at least 18 years old, because of the use of “Young women” and not “Girls” or “Teens/Children”. I am speculating about that.
Rep. Boebert has claimed that her husband did not expose himself, despite pleading guilty to the charges.
Is this not a registerable offence in Colorado? Was he excused from registration for some reason, perhaps Misdemeanor vs Felony? Has he been released of his requirements to register? Is he simply not listed in the ML Website? It has been stated that he is not…but I cannot check myself obviously.
Anybody know? Oh, and if he is innocent why did he pled guilty? If his US Representative wife is so sure he is innocent, despite pleading guilty, what is she doing to make sure this doesn’t happen to another “Innocent man”?
Also, how does she feel about automatic registration base solely on conviction? She claims her husband is innocent, despite pleading guilty. In most states, unless I am mistaken, he would automatically be included on the registry, potentially for life. She is ok with this knowing that this could have been her Husband that she claims is innocent? Apparently didn’t happen to her plea bargaining, but innocent, husband…but it’s OK to happen to yours….or your Son…Brother…Nephew…Dad…just whomever?
Opens the door on how she feels about the plea bargaining situation in general I think. She says he is innocent…despite taking a deal.
Hardly the freshest News item…but it’s new to me! Ancient history to all others? I missed every single thing about it…until now. 🙁
Political Theater is a useful tool, I think it would be an interesting plank in the campaign to bring light to the actual effects of being on the registry with no off ramp.
In California assisted suicide is legal under certain conditions, one being you have a terminal illness.
It can be said that being on the registry is terminal in being able to live a life worth living.
The mass of people who would rise up and approve of such a thing would be an interesting juxtaposition to the forces that would oppose it.
If one were willing to begin a petition to add lifelong placement on the registry as one of the conditions meriting assisted suicide, how would you start that?
18 March 1942–A sad note in our history books. The War Relocation Authority is created to “Take all people of Japanese descent into custody, surround them with troops, prevent them from buying land, and return them to their former homes at the close of the war.”
This is brought up here from time to time in comparison of the experiences of those who visit this forum, so I thought this was appropriate to leave here for you all to read and ponder in your own way.
Is the Far Right intentionally creating laws they know cannot pass Constitutional review? The TikTok Ban, for example. Also the attempt in Florida to require Bloggers to disclose their sources of income? Neither stand a very good chance of surviving constitutional review, but maybe that is the point?
Both of these ideas work far better as just…ideas. As ideas, they are whatever you want them to be. As laws, you’re locked into certain facts and realities…but as ideas, there are no limits. Make up whatever story you want about whomever you want! Ok, so what?
The actual SOR has become a boat anchor that drags down the Far Right’s ability to just make stuff up. So get rid of the SOR and replace it with the BSOR (🐂💩 Offender Registry). An unofficial list, complied by the leaders of the Far Right!
Why? There is a huge push from the Far Right to get Trans to be synonyms with SO. This ties in with the multi-Decade push from all sides of the Political arena to get SO to be synonyms with Predator. See where this is going?
On the BSOR, Trans is synonymous with Predator! Also, you can add anyone you want to the BSOR by decree!
Trans people, BLM, Critical Race Theorists, “Woke people”, Undocumented people…bloggers…TikTokers…All of China…frankly anyone you don’t like can be added to the BSOR! Remember, everyone on the BSOR is a Predatory Pedo!
Beat the actual SOR to death with insane attempts to expand it to include people you don’t like, so you can replace it with an unofficial Scarlet Letter system totally controlled by the Far Right.
Why get rid of the actual SOR? Easy, the two ideas can’t coexist. If you have an official SOR, you have to put people on it. You can’t demand that Trans people are all predators, and not put any of them on the actual SOR ever! So if you can’t get all trans on the actual SOR, get rid of the official SOR and go nuts with your unofficial BSOR! That’s why….
The BSOR allows them to sexualize what would normally just be an Enemies List. The actual SOR gets in the way of that. The SOR is America’s Sexualized Enemies list…but it’s controlled by laws. The BSOR is controlled by opportunities to gain advantage, and silence/destroy your enemies!
Someone posted on Reddit forum that they received their new passport and that “the notice” was posted on the 3rd page instead of the last page as I heard was originally intended.
I see Trinidad and Tobago now have a public sex offender website.