INTERPOL and UNICEF sign cooperation agreement to address child sexual exploitation and abuse

Source: 4/13/23

The two organizations to coordinate efforts to support governments in protecting children from sexual exploitation and abuse, including in digital environments

LYON, France/NEW YORK, 13 April 2023 – INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock and UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell have signed an agreement of cooperation that will support national governments around the world to prevent and address online child sexual exploitation and abuse and other child protection issues.

Under the new agreement, the two organizations will cooperate in supporting national law enforcement agencies globally to improve their response to sexual exploitation and abuse crimes against children, including by:

Supporting the establishment of specialist units or teams to investigate online child sexual exploitation and abuse, and strengthening the effectiveness of such teams where they already exist.
Advancing training and systematic professional development so that law enforcement personnel have up-to-date knowledge and skills in victim and offender identification, digital forensics for online child sexual exploitation and abuse, child-friendly and survivor-centered interviewing, and use of the INTERPOL International Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) database.
Promoting and facilitating better linkages between law enforcement and social services and other victim service providers to ensure that victims and survivors receive coordinated and multi-disciplinary support throughout the criminal justice process and beyond to support their holistic recovery.

“Every day, investigators around the world undertake painstaking and heroic work to identify victims and the perpetrators of online child sexual exploitation and abuse – but tackling this issue extends beyond law enforcement,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock. “This agreement is an acknowledgement that safeguarding children takes all of us. UNICEF plays a crucial role in child protection globally. Through closer cooperation, their knowledge and resources will help improve law enforcement activities on the ground.”

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now will they be going after the producers or just the low hanging fruit?

Its bad enough when let let the federalists angle the noses into the day to day child rearing environment, but if you permit global socialists into the picture, it is going to get real scary real soon. Who is exploiting who?

Boy I’d like to put he heads of these groups on a witness stand.
We could discuss the DDI and sex crime and the peoples ugh security! Circumvented or augmented?

Do these organizations understand that America will be of no actual help in preventing exploitation from actually happening? American will be of great assistance in minimizing the level of exploitation that detected people are able to engage in…but that’s it. Just like drugs, we minimize the level certain people can engage in…which creates expansion in the number of people involved!

American helps ensure that instead of having one child exploited 1,000 times to meet the demands of 1,000 paying customers, we’ll have 1,000 children exploited once each. America will make no effort of any kind to address the demand, until after the exploitation has already occurred. Nor will America make any effort to prevent the suppliers from meeting the demand, until after at least one act of exploitation has occurred.

Do these organization really understand how counterproductive the American approach to prevention actually is? Yes, America is great at after the fact detection…but after the fact detection is not actually prevention…it is minimization. Couple that with America’s utter refusal to treat this as anything other than a criminal act committed by demonized individuals, and you ensure there will always be a certain level of demand coming out of America….demand America does nothing about until after the customer has already made at least one purchase, helping to guarantee there will always be supply to meet the demand.