Source: 5/18/23
Based on a false premise, Justice Anthony Kennedy asserted in the case of Smith v Doe 538 U.S. 84 (2003) that “the risk of recidivism posed by sex offenders is frightening and high,” as high as 80% for those who are untreated. This, he contended, made it vital that the public be able to identify these individuals in the interest of public safety.
Justice Kennedy’s statements were wrong then and they are wrong now. They were based on an article in a lay publication, Psychology Today, not a peer-reviewed journal, that was written by a sex offender counselor, not a researcher, who earned his living selling his counseling program to prisons. The author has since disavowed these numbers and said they were never meant to be used as a basis for any type of judicial ruling.
It is now clear, based on decades of data, that those who have committed sexual offenses rarely recidivate. Indeed, while the recidivism rate for drug offenses exceeds 80%, study after study finds the three-year recidivism rate for people who commit sex offenses to be 3.5%, much lower than that claimed by Justice Kennedy. This low recidivism rate is in line with the finding that the vast majority of sexual offenses — as high as 95% — are committed by people who are first-time offenders and thus are not on the registry at all.
We here in AZ have no vehicle available to petition to get off the Registry. I have been collecting case law to start writing a petition to try to be removed from the Registry based on the South Carolina decision. I hope it gets granted as my wife and I want to travel and I don’t want to be banned for life from Mexico where her family lives.
Plus, I would like to visit Scotland where my Ancestors are from.
Another well written article that needs to be sent to SCOTUS, CASOMB, et al showing the real facts of the matter in addition to other data, but of course, they know this already.
Went to ASUdecades ago, bought a home in NW Valley and had to move back to Cali for Spouse’s work. As a super conservative state bending with more and more Demo’s, getting better, NO PUB there including the Walter Conkrite School of Journalism Adj or not Prof would NEVER Cover this.
We thank this Author for pointing out the 5 W’s and FACTUAL INFORMATION, Thank YOU ! And you editorial staffers for printing this online and print. R A R E. I worked in Scottsdale for a PubSafe Co. for a decade and back then no web site and reg was ONLY visit intially and fingerprinted alike all, back then DPS was NOT handling that, only Counties such as Pinal. Hopefully SOMEDAY it will
go to the live evening / daytime TV News and the largest AZ pubs. Gannet News Corp. So much cheaper there including housing. CALI is TOUGH and challenging with a new Tier System that still needs much work, that ACSOL is working on, EveryDay! Come to Zoom Meetings online monthly.