CA: Elderly man found dead in Santa Clara County Main Jail cell

Source: 5/15/23

SAN JOSE — Authorities said a man being held at Santa Clara County Main Jail was pronounced dead after deputies found him unresponsive inside his cell Saturday afternoon.

Sheriff’s deputies performing a welfare check found the 74-year-old man inside Main Jail Dorm 2B at 2:05 p.m. and administered CPR until medical personnel arrived, according to a news release from the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office. The man was pronounced dead at a local hospital at 2:55 p.m.

Authorities did not release the man’s name Monday, pending notification of his next of kin.

The sheriff’s office said a preliminary investigation showed no evidence of foul play or suspicious circumstances leading to the death. The man was housed alone at the time he was found, authorities said.

The man was booked into the jail on June 14, 2020 on multiple charges of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age, the sheriff’s office said.

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He was booked into jail on June 14, 2020????? Almost 3 years in jail? Was he still waiting for trial? The article doesn’t say???

Holy cow. 😳 He was in jail for 3 years. What happened to “speedy trial”?? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Administered CPR until the medical staff could arrive.
What a bunch of horseshit. I have unfortunately been present at a few instances when people decide to check out, or have the decision made for them.
And every single time I saw the exactly the same response from the guards. Maybe I am just confused about what CPR looks like. Because the only thing I ever saw the guards to is point and laugh while someone is convulsing on the floor from a apparent drug overdose. They would yell things like “Let the piece of shit die” or lamenting that they wouldn’t have the chance to exact their own brand of justice on him any longer.
They would purposely get in the way of the medical staff, and wait as long as they could without getting into trouble, before even alerting the medical staff to the emergency.

Of course the other inmates there filed complaints and gave statements, but I’m sure you already know where those wound up. Most times the guards are worse than the people they are supposed to be guarding. Most time people find themselves in jail or prison because they made a mistake, or made the wrong decision. Often those people will never offend again for the rest of their lives. The guards on the other hand, it’s not a simple one time mistake, what they do is a willful and calculated act of violence, abuse, cruelty. Which they repeat over and over and over again because they draw pleasure from it.

They like to feel powerful, controlling other people. They feel justified because I there, they see themselves as judge, jury and executioner. And they feel safe to carry out these things over and over again, because who is going to believe an inmate over a guard? And usually they will have other guards there to back up their story, because they are doing it to inmates too. the green wall, a good ol’ boys club.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I still have nightmares about them, and I have been home since 2010