OK: Mother of convicted rapist who was found dead with 6 other people in Oklahoma is searching for answers

Source: nbcnews.com 5/2/23

HENRYETTA, Okla. — The mother of the convicted sex offender who was to appear in a new child sex abuse trial the same day he was found dead with six other people during a search for two missing teenagers on a rural property said her “heart is breaking” for all the families involved.

The sprawling wooded property east of Henryetta where the bodies were discovered Monday is associated with Jesse McFadden, 39, a registered sex offender who was being sought by Oklahoma authorities in connection with the disappearance of the two teenage girls. The advisory was canceled Monday afternoon when investigators discovered the bodies.

“I’ve not had any time to think about my son or anything like that,” his mother, Ladonna McFadden, said Tuesday in a brief interview by telephone. “I can’t imagine what they went through.”

 “I don’t understand it,” she added through tears. “I never, ever, ever would have expected anything like this.”

What led to the deaths remains unclear, and officials have released few details. Okmulgee County Sheriff Eddy Rice declined to tell reporters at the scene how many of the victims were juveniles, how they died or how long they had been at the property.

He has said the state medical examiner would have to confirm their identities.

The mystery swirling around the scene sent shock waves through Henryetta, a community of 6,000, and threw scrutiny on McFadden, for whom a bench warrant was issued Monday in nearby Muskogee County when he failed to appear in court on child pornography charges.

Read the full article


Woman accused of hiding suspected gunman who killed 5 in Texas arrested, sheriff says [msn.com 5/3/23]

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A PFR was to be in court on CP charges and will be subject to investigation related to 7 people killed on a property even though he had married after being released from prison. Sad case where PFRs will get extra attention

Oklahoma woman: Sex offender controlled my daughter’s family

“Webster hopes this whole ordeal leads to harsher criminal penalties for sex offenders, especially those who target children.”

Really?? What more does John Q. Public want?? Public executions? Beheadings in the town square? A festive event of drawing & quartering every New Years Day?? 😡

Maybe these public persecutors need to understand:
#1: Convicted sex offenders have an extremely low sex offense recidivism rate (as documented by justice/law enforcement organizations!!). And …
#2: The more harassment, restrictions, requirements, and punishment they apply to those previously convicted of a sexual offense, the more likely they are to have Registrants lash out purely from extreme anger and frustration!! 😡

Last edited 1 year ago by David🔱

“The following year, in a letter to the judge who sentenced him, McFadden asked for leniency “in hopes that you would lessen my time.”

I guess that didn’t work, since the judge turned around and gave him 17 years

If he actually did this terrible thing, then I hope he burns in hell. Because one idiot like this ruins all the good so many of us have done. We have people running for office, we have a reoffense rate of about 3%, and so much good happening, but this sicko has inflamed the entire nation with vigilante hysterical hate and calls for retribution to us all. A lot of people know of my past, and I am a positive example to many people. I feel that is my job, but people like this will set us all back. People like
Desantis and Lauren Book thirive on this, as well as the media.

This man committed a sex offense against a minor while in prison. There is literally no way the state can make the internet safe for impulsive minors looking for sex or romance without major structural changes to the Internet (massive censorship and ID verification maybe?). Recent three Nigerian men—from halfway around the world—were arrested for “sextorting” a Michigan teen boy. Our attempts to police the Internet are largely futile and it is incumbent upon parents to not allow unsupervised Internet access and to discourage using Internet to socialize or seek relationships. This case has very little to do with the registry, and more to do with prisons having very weak security, the state paroling a man who committed a sex crime while in prison and awaiting trial, and an extremely hateful, violent man seeking vengeance.

If she want answers a look within wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Sometimes love blinds you.

It is dismaying when the media focus on sensational irrelevancies such as the fact that this guy was a sex offender. He had multiple problems including those of alcohol and drugs. That was only mentioned briefly at the end of the article, and I’ve not seen that referenced in other news reports. These ghastly murders were not sexually motivated. Rather than inflating the sex offender angle, the media could have empahsized his obvious sociopathic personality in its many manifestations. The old media mantra of “if it bleeds, it leads” has morphed into “if it sizzles, it sells.”

Every time a story about a registrant committing a crime sends my heart and frustration into chaos. Now what will some lawmakers think of to punish registrant’s and their families for a crime they had no connection with, yet we must do something to protect this from happening again. Sounds like this guy snapped and he had no intention of going back to prison.

This is sad beyond words if what is written is to be true and believed: Victims of Shocking Murder-Suicide Involving Convicted Rapist Were All Shot in the Head (Yahoo.com May 5, 2023)