OK: Deevers Introduces Slate of Legislation to Restore Moral Sanity in Oklahoma

Source: oksenate.gov 1/22/25

OKLAHOMA CITY — Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, announced on Tuesday a bold slate of eight legislative measures aimed at restoring moral sanity in Oklahoma. Together, these bills set a course for pushing back against the moral decay foisted upon Oklahoma by the far-left’s march through our institutions to destroy the moral foundations upon which the United States and Christian Civilization had long rested.

“Sadly, the left’s century-long assault on morality and decency has been so successful that some have come to accept as normal a society that is drowning in hardcore pornography, prenatal homicide, and sexual performances for children. None of this is normal. Each one of these evils is a result of a policy choice to not stand for what we know is right. Opposing these evils does not mean we are extremists. It means we are sane,” Deevers said.

“Contrary to what the left would have us believe, it doesn’t have to be this way. We can and should imagine and move toward a society that celebrates virtue in the public square rather than vice. We can restore normalcy, decency, and morality; we can protect the most vulnerable, restore a high view of marriage, and shield children from explicit material that can warp their innocent minds. We simply must have the courage to stand against the most radical and degenerate elements of the far-left.”

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Now THAT’S the Republican party we all know and are disgusted by.
Hardcore Porn. I bet You can find a terra bite worth on his Hard Drive (filed under the heading ‘family outing’)
Prenatal homicide. What can be said about that dumb description that hasn’t already been said by our illustrious SCOTUS.
Sexual performances for children. I assume he’s talking about Drag Queens reading wonderful books to groups of fascinated and enthusiastic youngsters.
Persons like this need to be taken out behind a barn and given an attitude adjustment.

“There is perhaps no more psychopathic and antisocial behavior in existence than producing, distributing, or watching child sexual abuse material,” Deevers said. “These people should not be back on our streets after brief stints behind bars. Rather, they should be locked away for decades at a minimum.”

Murdering or torturing men, women and children isn’t more psychopathic or antisocial than watching grotesque videos? Do people actually think this?

In the next paragraph, where he advocates for banning pornography more generally, he describes it as being, “a highly addictive drug.” I don’t think that’s a good analogy, but it strikes me as a very weak argument to say, “On the one hand, we have men who CHOOSE to look at grotesque content involving children, making them the literal worst people alive, and on the other hand, we have men who CANT HELP THEMSELVES but look at degrading images and videos of women, and we have to simply ban the sale of this so these men aren’t tempted.” Either we’re “clockwork oranges” or we’re not–simply the products of our environments or free agents willfully choosing what sins we commit. You can’t have it both ways. I’d add that conservatives are not alone in this hypocrisy–liberals also enjoy what I call “partial criminal justice reform,” where some groups are given the benefit of the doubt and considered simply products of their environment and time, and others are treated as if they woke up and deliberately chose evil and must be cast into the abyss. Unfortunately for us, PFRs are, regardless of the political party in charge, always seen as the latter.

Oklahoma has enough share of moral decay without the help of the left

They would be better off by starting with the treatment of the native people there…

Last edited 13 days ago by TS

Name one country that implemented “Moral Reforms” that wasn’t already, nor didn’t become, a Tyranny? Preventing “Moral decay” has been the reallying cry of tyrants, dictators, zealots, and conmen from Draco the Law giver, through Hitler, to Putin and beyond.

The masses cannot be moral arbiters, without being tyrannical. This was the point of John 8:7 “Let he who is without sin…”.

None are qualified to cast stones at the immoral. Ethics are the only thing mere mortals are qualified to make judgements about others with. Morals are the Provence of the Angels… exclusively.

Interesting side note? You know why the woman in John 8:7 was being stoned…. Adultery. Something Trump did during his first marriage, and his second, and his third… with a Hard Core Porn actress!

The Christo Fascists set that aside. Committing adultery with Stormy Daniels, not a problem…but watching a Stormy Daniels movie… get the rocks!

Ok, this guy is a nut. Doubt his proposals will get very far.