General Comments June 2023

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In the past few years, my picture and address were not displayed on the Megan’s Law website due to an error in the system. However, it has recently been rectified, and my information is now back online. I’m curious if there has been a change in the law regarding this matter.

Has anyone who has gotten off the REGISTRY in CA and then applied for an unmarked Passport? How did you go about doing it? I want to back to a normal life.

Hello everyone in Michigan, I have a quick question, I just recently got out of the hospital and am still healing at home. My question is as a pre 2006 and 2011 registrant how long do I have before I have to go into register. 3 days 10 days or 30 days?. I can’t remember nor can I find the information. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi, Have you confirmed the dates yet for the ACSOL conference in Los Angeles? 2023?

Finally got and apartment after 12 months of living in my car, I can’t believe it took 12 months to find someone that would rent to me.
Now I’m just trying to relax and enjoy this small moment of peace before my neighbors find out I’m on the registry and the nightmare continues, and to make matters worse Everyone in this apartment building has children

Last edited 1 year ago by AERO’S PHO

Concealed Carry License in California… anyone been able to get one as a registrant?

I’m in LA County and the process takes awhile and could cost almost $1000 but I’m skeptical if they would even give me one being a registrant.

Has anyone actually been able to get one? Should I even try? I want one because last year they published my full info on the website and I have gotten what I consider threatening letters in the mail (police have said don’t worry about it.)


The state NARSOL affiliate website in Oklahoma has been inactive for over 2 years. Does anyone know if there is a challenge going to happen versus sex offender stamped drivers licenses here? As in Alabama and Louisiana. I ask this in relation to Florida trying to pass such legislation. I know SCOTUS declined to hear Louisiana’s prosecutor led appeal to keep it.

  • All my Old RSO (pre 1998) from Texas, Has there been ANYTHING in the news or something coming down the pipeline about any amendments to the sex offender registration lawsuits to give people thats been on the list for 25 years or longer, the ones that wasn’t convicted of the charges and was placed on deferred adjudication probation? I think if you took that deferred adjudication probation and never been arrested for sex crime or another felony or violent crime. After 25 years on the registry you should at the very least have of the ability to to petition the court to registration relief. Let them be evaluate it and let them move on with there lives. I do not understand why NARSOL and Texas Voices aren’t pushing for something that???

Does anyone know if Michigan tier 3 can have gun rights restored. Been ftr for 17 years?

Sexual assault charges against actor Armie Hammer have been dropped.
(I hope Timothée Chalamet wasn’t “traumatized”. 😭)

I Just bought A Raven R500E Sniper Crossbow for home defense, it’s totally legal for me to Possess because it’s not a firearm.
I also bought two cans of cyber jail bear spray 1 for the car and 1 for the house, I also installed CCTV inside my apartment and bought the ring doorbell for when I’m not home.
Im also thinking about buying a body camera to document certain interactions with people and law-enforcement, that way I have my own evidence and proof of documentation just in case, you never know being a person forced to register, you can never be too paranoid.

Last edited 1 year ago by AERO’S PHO

@Anonymous. Right. I’ve noticed the trend also. I was Army, infantry/mortarman. I’m well trained. I don’t: have a need to own a gun; live in fear so I need own; put myself in situations where I have the need; or run my mouth so I it’s the quick resolve. I’d really just like to have the option again. I’ve adjusted into civilian life to where I can deflect enough. Do I keep a 28 oz hammer, along with other home improvement tools near the head of my bed, by the couch and on top of the hutch, next to the front door, yes, yes I do. Never know when something needs to be fixed. I do miss target practice thou. Push comes to shove, I imagine a can of wasp killer, 25′ spray distance, works fine in certain situations. Humor works only in some instances prior escalation.

Sex Offender Civil Commitment laws discussed with Wanda Bertram on KPFA, Berkeley, at 20:30 mark.

@Bobby S. Thanks. Appreciate the info. And thou belated, hope your recovery is going well. Slow and steady wins the race. I had to take nominal positive moments in my recovery. (My aorta split open). Luckily for me, my emergency operation hit one month into my quarterly reporting. But you were well informed. Michigan gives the entire month to verify. I hope: every day gives you relief in some way in your recovery; your moments of peace increase; and you receive grace and prosperity in all aspects of your life. Stay strong brother.

General travel question: if you travel out of state, but do not stay in the visited state long enough to trip a registration requirement in that state, do you need to notify your home state PD that you are leaving? We are in IL so if we go to Wisconsin (for example) for two days, then return home, do we need to notify anyone?

Anyone have the email address for Homeland Security so I can advise them I am no longer required to register?? Anyone else I should notify??

Been off registry for a month now. Just did a background check and I passed with flying colors!! Before the sex offender check would always pop up. I have a business and am able to do background checks and did one on my self in California. The company I use is used widely by companies and follow the California rules.

I’ve seen various “trigger warnings” online, especially for crime news stories. Maybe they should also provide “cliché” warnings. 🤔
(Please click on pic.🙄)


Has anyone heard of a legal challenge in which someone who petitioned and was removed from the Calif registry then moved to another state, and is now required to register all over again in the new state, possibly even for life??

Anyone in central Illinois know of any spots to fish that aren’t in a park or owned by DNR? Finding that it’s really difficult.


“Marion did not have the burden under the statute to affirmatively produce evidence showing that he has turned his life around—and in light of the People’s failure to produce evidence showing he posed a risk since 2008—had nothing to rebut in that respect”.

another case in California where the state has to show you are a danger and statistics show we’re not.

I was a tier 3 in Ca. just moved back home from CA to WA state. Now I’m tier 1, no website, no address and can petition to be removed in 10 years… hmmm… Pretty nice.

I’ve had another great day proving that Registries are not just worthless, but worse.

I’m spending the weekend a thousand miles from my home. I’ve been hanging out with all kinds of families and children all day. They have no idea that big government lies about “monitoring” me. We are going out with some families tonight.

But not only do I walk among them, I spent a decent amount of time watching all the children today and seeing how safe they are or aren’t. Plenty of parents don’t supervise their children at all. I thought about how Registry A***oles/Supporters/Terrorists SUPPOSEDLY believe that Registries protect people. And how wrong they are.

Big government needs to end their idiotic harassment. It’s unacceptable. There are consequences to be paid.

Have a question for the people in Cali if I decide to move to cali could I petition to get off the registry there? I’ve been on since 1997. Going on 26 long depressing years. Texas doesn’t have tiers but looking on the looking on the national offender site they have me as a tier 3.

Couldn’t a legal group identify that CA has weaponized the legal system specifically against registrants who were or are eligible for the 1203.4? A registrant used to automatically get off the registry before with 1203.4. Then in the 2000’s, it all changed and the laws became unequal. Let’s presume that the 2003 Smith v Doe decision was what prompted the change in CA registry laws with respect to 1203.4. We know that Smith v Doe used false recidivism information and that CA probably used that case to prove the abuse in differing laws.

1203.4 is only eligible for those with low level crimes or low level first time offenders. The state court has already made that determination the recidivism rate is already low. Yet, CA does not recognize this aspect nor extend the benefits of 1203.4 to the registrant class as the state of CA has believed the registrant class as monsters since the Smith v Doe decision by way of 290.5 with 290.007.

To this day, a registrant eligible for 1203.4 is treated differently from the rest of the 1203.4 class such that they are excluded from the 1203.425 “automatic” dismissal program. 1203.4 already excludes specific offenses, so why the blanket rule with 1203.425?

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