Janice’s Journal: Bullies Come in All Sizes

Bullies come in all sizes.  There are schoolyard bullies who steal children’s lunch money.  There are gang members who steal people’s cars.  And there are terrorists who hijack airplanes. What these bullies have in common is that they threaten and intimidate others.  And when their threats and intimidation don’t work, they sometimes resort to violence. In the registrant community, bullies abound.  Sometimes they come in the form of a parole officer who threatens to return a registrant to prison if he does not do what they are told to do. …

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SD: Advocates looking to add ‘stealthing’ to sexual assault laws

Source: dakotanewsnow.com 11/27/23 SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) – Community advocates and now state legislators are looking to tackle a growing issue nationwide and in South Dakota this upcoming session in Pierre. That’s the growing trend of sex stealthing. It can already be tough for victims of sexual assault to speak up about their experience, or even report it in the first place. That’s the situation that Georgilee Flynn found herself in. “This is something that is near and dear to me, because I was a victim of stealthing,“…

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