Action Alert for CA: Time to Sign Up For Lobby Day on March 6 (changed from 5th) in Sacramento

It’s time to sign up for Lobby Day in Sacramento.  The day will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, March 6th (updated 2/1) with a training session at the Hyatt Hotel, 1209 L Street.  Participants in Lobby Day must attend the training session.  All participants will be assigned to a team led by an experienced team leader.
The focus of Lobby Day is improvements to the Tiered Registry Law, including but not limited to, creation of an offramp for individuals assigned to Tier 3 that would allow them to petition for removal from the registry.  During Lobby Day, we will educate legislators and their staff regarding the recommendations of the California Sex Offender Management Board regarding the Tiered Registry Law, however, we will also request additional changes to that law.
Parking is available at the Hyatt Hotel and will be paid by ACSOL provided that individuals present their parking tickets for validation.  Coffee and a snack will be provided upon arrival and all participants will be provided a free lunch at a nearby restaurant.  In addition, there will be a reception following meetings at a different nearby restaurant.  Restaurant details will be provided to those who sign up for Lobby Day.
Please use the link below to sign up for Lobby Day.  Thank you.

Click here to sign up


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As a registrant, would I be welcome if I’m not wearing a suit or fancy clothes? I can show up in nice cargo pants, T-shirt, fleece jacket, beanie, but I don’t think I would feel comfortable or genuine if I bought a suit or something. Don’t own one. I do appreciate that you are putting this together.

Wish I could attend. Thank you for this.

Registrants in Tier 1 and Tier 2, who have been on the registry without any violations, for 10 years and 20 years respectively, should get automatic relief, instead of having to petition the courts for it. That is just another onerous burden to overcome after having to toe the line for such a long period of time. It should be assumed that if a registrant has not violated or committed another offense in that period, that he/she is a low risk to reoffend.

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt G

As a parent of a Son who has been subject to an extended sentence ( thanks to arbitrary laws in Wisconsin ) I am very grateful for the hard work being done in California for your registrants. I wish I could attend this lobby group but I cant afford to fly out. I will be there in spirit, though, and I encourage all registrants, parents, siblings, spouses and adult children to attend this meet-up ! These extended sentences affect ALL of you and your voices REALLY matter. Remember : There should be a period at the end of EVERY sentence – God Bless each and every one of you !

I so VERY much want to attend, but the cost of 500-mile drives each way from San Diego or the price of an airplane ticket in addition to lodging for at least one evening is just beyond my senior citizen social security allowance budget. It would be greatly appreciated if somebody on the board would post information on how ACSOL supporters might help if attendance is not possible.

My husband and I are signed up! Last year was our first and it was a great experience thanks to ACSOL and all volunteers working together! If you can’t make it, we got your back! Perhaps opportunity will arise for you to join in the future!

The only way to fight these legislative actions is to remove any politician (right or left) that push them. I have proposed an effective method to do it but get no interest from FAC, ACSOL or NASOL.

Does anyone know how this works? We meet on March 06 for a few hours then head over to start lobbying. This is all a one-day process.