CA: CASOMB Issues Report Proposing Changes to Tiered Registry Law

The California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB) has issued a report which recommends to the state legislature several changes to the Tiered Registry Law.  If the legislature adopts these changes, thousands of individuals required to register who are currently ineligible to petition for removal from the registry will become eligible.  However,  no one will be automatically removed from the registry if the legislature adopts these changes.

The largest group of registrants who would be helped by these changes are those convicted of felony possession of child pornography.  The members of this group are currently assigned to Tier 3, which requires lifetime registration.  In the report, CASOMB has recommended that the members of this group be assigned to Tier 1, which requires 10 years of registration.  

“The benefits of this recommendation would help those convicted in a state court as well as a federal court,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “Therefore, we estimate that more than 10,000 people will become eligible to petition for removal from the registry after they register for 10 years.”

Another group of registrants who would be helped by these changes are those convicted of Penal Code Section 288(c)(1), lewd or lascivious acts with a minor whose age was 14 or 15.  Registrants in this group are currently assigned to Tier 3, which requires lifetime registration.  In the report, CASOMB has recommended that members of this group be assigned to Tier 2, which requires 20 years of registration.  

The third group of registrants who would be helped by these changes are those convicted of Penal Code Section 288.2, 288.3 or 288.4.  Those individuals are currently assigned to Tier 3, which requires lifetime registration.  In the report, CASOMB has recommended that members of this group be assigned to Tier 1, which requires 10 years registration.

“All of these proposed changes are important steps toward an improved Tiered Registry Law,” stated Bellucci.  “That is why ACSOL supports the proposed changes.  Please know, however, that ACSOL will continue to advocate additional changes to that law including the creation of an off-ramp for those assigned to Tier 3.”

ACSOL will distribute copies of the newly issued CASOMB report during Lobby Day on Tuesday, March 5.  Sign ups for Lobby Day will begin soon on this website.

Proposed Amendments to Tiered Registry Law – Jan 2024

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Wow they actually went through with it. Thank you so much Janice. Now at least if another Gonzales Fletcher type tries anything, they’re going to know the experts are not on their side. That matters a lot and it makes it much more difficult for them to achieve their goals.

There is nothing more that which pisses me off for the lack of due diligence in ACSOL creating or suggesting an off ramp for those on tier three whom otherwise can not get off the registry!! For example: why couldn’t their be a strong push for those of having a COR ,for example, be the first push as a recommendation to the board for getting or having a right to petition to be removed off the registry?? Believe it or not there are quite a few of individuals that fall in this category that could use some support from ACSOL . This is upsetting to see every other ineligible code section who can not otherwise receive a COR able to petition for removal!! So so upsetting to this community!!

Thank you for the update! Though we are still under other Tier 3 category, we celebrate this one step towards a better tomorrow!

Great news! As apart of changing 288c, can we get it so misdemeanor convictions are tier 1? And, can we also lobby that the tiered registry law honors 17b reductions for felony to misdemeanors to be tier 1 when reduced?

Another great step. Thank you so much ACSOL and Janice!

I remember back when this was first starting & one of ACSOL’s recommendations was a change in the law so that those on the registry could look at their profile on the Megan’s law website, but that has ceased to be included. My question is whether this is a CA only law because it seems I have read others saying that in their states they CAN look at the site.

Thank you Janice and ACSOL for continuing the fight. And thank you CASOMB for being more rational than others when it comes to assessing sex offense laws and registration. I did not say fully rational, because we all know fully rational people would put an end to the registry scheme, but more rational than others is progress.

It’s great news, but remember the legislators still have to approve. This is another case of elections having consequences

What is penal code 288.2 thru .4 about? Why not an off-ramp for all registry levels, not just level 3? Is it because there already is an early exit possibility for those registered in level 1 and 2? I ask these questions in earnest.

I think it is important to clarify that ACSOL will continue to lobby not only for the recommended changes identified by CASOMB, but for other changes to the Tiered Registry Law as well during Lobby Day and after. ACSOL considers CASOMB’s proposed changes only as the beginning of improvements to the Tiered Registry Law. ACSOL will continue to work on this vitally important issue until every person on the registry is eligible to petition for removal.

I still don’t get why a misdemeanor is 10 years makes no sense at all especially when it’s expunged from your record just an absolute joke. I know it’s other individuals who have more to deal with. Just feel like we get the misdemeanor time to register lower it would be easier to move other chargers to different tiers easier.

This will benefit a lot of people in California especially youth offenders. This gives people hope and something to live for, an actual end date, sounds better than lifetime registration

Fantastic news! Thank you so much Janice and ACSOL for all the hard work!

Thank you. Thank you so much for your advocacy!

Next stop, tier 3 off-ramp!

I’m a 290 registrant in California I’m currently off parole the DOJ designated me tier 3 I have no case of anything to do with children nor am I a predator rapist I have an extensive criminal history and 3 indecent exposures so I should not be tiered 3 i I currently have an attorney who is working on this situation I believe he will get me tier 1/2

I, for one would be affected by these changes and could get my life back after three years instead of being on the registry forever. Although I am not rich I did donate a little bit of money and will donate again when I have a job.

The people at ACSOL are the only people making things better for me…

Last edited 8 months ago by SBR

Would this only be for people in cali?

T Y for the email about Thai V Los Angels, CA.
Going to apply it in San Bernardino, CA
Wish me luck!

I’d sure like to see the additional 3 Years penalty for a failure to register either watered down to apply only to those who hid from LE or have it removed entirely as it is double punishment for those who received an additional charge, time in jail, and fines. Not to mention losing jobs and the affect it has on family members.