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General Comments Mar 2025
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I’m posting this to see the community’s thought about it.
There has been success in challenging registry related issues under Constitutional prohibitions against compelled speech.
What I’m wondering is whether or not the entire Registry constitutes compelled speech.
I mean we are forced to submit personal data that is then broadcast to the entire world.
Isn’t the government forcing us (under compelled speech) to announce ourselves as PFRs? (Albeit indirectly)
I might be completely off on the wrong tangent here but please leave thoughts.
As of today, I am no longer a registered citizen. The court granted my 384 petition. The best part is how easy it was. I filled out the petition myself and sent everything to my county Public Defender who did all the necessary filings. I made no statement, got no letters of recommendation. Just the petition and proof of registration.
Jerry Brown as Governor and Kamala Harris as Attorney General played key roles in SB 384. Tom Ammiano was the first legislator to introduce the legislation. Janice Bellucci was a relentless energy behind the effort for years. I am enormously grateful for all their work and for the support of so many others.
I found the Megan’s List notification system very harmful. Whenever I moved into a neighborhood, the DOJ automatically emailed notifications to whoever requested it. These people would then go door-to-door to “warn” everyone about me. It made building relationships impossible. The house that I now live in is in a very rural community and Google Maps is confounded by the location. DOJ says that I am “unmappable”. And the automatic notification just doesn’t work because DOJ doesn’t know which neighborhood Karen to notify.
The entire registration system is a worthless public safety tool. There are a handful of people who are going to re-offend but it will almost certainly be while they are on parole. That level of supervision is going to manage 99% of the recidivists. We are not going to get rid of registration, but we might get Tier 1 to 5 years, Tier 2 to 10 years and Tier 3 to 20 years. Then keep on chipping away at it.
To all those who are still registered, I hope you file a 384 petition as soon as you can. And continue to push for small improvements constantly.
Thanks again to the ACSOL community.
Illinois adds another harmful bill to the ever growing list of legislation that harms registrants and their families. This time, HB4340 states, among many things, “No person charged with grooming shall be permitted to plead down to lesser offenses. Provides that prosecutors are prohibited from offering plea bargains to lesser offenses to those individuals charged with grooming. Provides that It is a Class 4 felony for a child sex offender to knowingly operate, manage, be employed by, volunteer at, be associated with, or knowingly be present at any facility providing entertainment exclusively directed toward persons under the age of 18.” So not only are they attempting to take away plea deals, but they are trying to add to the vagueness of where you can and can’t “operate, manage, be employed by, volunteer at, be associated with, or knowingly be present at any facility providing entertainment exclusively directed toward persons under the age of 18.”
I want to help while I have the energy to do so, but thus far, I have been ignored by the state’s anti registry advocates. I’m really considering on moving to California in the next 3-5 years as I see Illinois as a lost cause.
Wisconsin’s Senate Bill 864 is already working it’s way thru the judiciary & public safety committee. The state senators & representatives sponsoring the bill are 31 Republicans a 1 Democrat. And shame on her. She should know better. Before long, registrants convicted on more than 1 count of a sex offense. will be strapped back up to the ankle bracelets
More about Coalinga State Hospital: here’s a review of the facility submitted anonymously by one of their professional staff:
“Unfortunately, this is where you can come with a degree bought online, and practice. Then, if you play the game of the incompetent, but willing to sell your soul, newbie then you can run areas of this state facility! Perhap it’s because Coalinga is so far from civilization that such an unethical, unbelievable situation continues to thrive, run by an uneducated, non-clinical administration [the “Hospital Director” is a former truck driver with a GED] It’s an embarrassment and I can only hope that, before something else happens there that cannot be hidden from the public anymore, someone in Sacramento pays attention. There are psychiatrists with a slim grasp on the language, psychologists from “if you got the money, you can have the degree” money making Institutions, social workers who cannot read or write, and then the psych techs that have maybe a year of school [most are six months] that provide frontline care who are totally incapable of grasping the clinical issues that abound. If you respect yourself and are inclined to uphold the ethics of your chosen profession, run away. If you lack integrity and morals, then come on in!”
There’s some developing stories about CSH that I will be covering soon.
When I’m off the registry California is gonna have Hell to pay, I’m dedicating five years of my life to advocating and helping youth offenders placed on the registry. I’ve met a lot people in high positions in LA County who help 290 registrants get off the streets, some of them are 290 registrants as well. They’re like an underground Railroad for PFR in Southern California and they don’t question you about your past or criminal history they only care about your current situation.
One of the first organizations I got a little bone to pick with is the California Rescue Missions, Secretly turning registrants away in the cold night behind the scenes I want them to publicly state that “SEX OFFENDERS” aren’t allowed in the house of GOD on fox11 news at 10.
I was placed on Michigans registry in 2007 as a 17 year old for csc 2nd degree and as tier 2 had a 25 year term on the list.
in 2020 I moved to Ohio and the attorney general informed me along with a letter that as long as I live in Ohio I have no duty to register. So I have not been on any registry (Michigan removed me upon my move) for the last 3-4 years including a national search.
im looking to get married in Cancun and recently received my passport with no marking on it..(praise the lord) due to my not being on any state or federal registry…
does anyone foresee any issues on my travels to and from Cancun even though I’m not longer on any registry?
thank you for your input!
Here’s a guy you all should read about for a good laugh. Dusty Deevers (R) Oklahoma. A fundamentalist preacher that got elected to state senate. He wants to ban all porn ( yeah, good luck with that). He believes no separation from church and state. You either follow God’s direction (?) or you are condemned to hell , which if I’m not mistaken IS Oklahoma!
As I see it, there is no longer a UNITED States. We as PFRs have to understand this and accept that we are no longer able to travel to or live in the place of our choosing. At least in the U.S.. it is getting worse throughout the world as well. I currently reside in California, but to retire I must look into moving either to another country that I can afford or because of the high cost of living here I must forego retirement for the foreseeable future. Fortunately I have a profession that allows me to consult. But wouldn’t it be nice to not have that pressure.
I never traveled out of the country since being on the registry so there would be no prior information on me.
im not sure how I ended up at tier 2 might have bbeen I was 17 was a fellow classmate who was 15 with other variables, but all I know is after being on there for 13 years in Michigan, I’m free as long as I live in ohio
id just hate to plan this wedding and upon arrival get turned around! But with a clean passport and not being on any state or national registry I’m hoping everything’s cool
I have and off the wall question…I had a 664/288(a) conviction in 2001 and did my time and last year got off the Registry. Since my crime had not LIVE VICTIM does anyone know if there is any possible way to get the RIGHT to own a firearm in California?
Far fetched but with the State and country in the crazy world under Biden need to be able to defend myself
For those of you seeking to challenge the …[registry] in court it is worth noting the obvious danger it places [people] in. Time and time again [people] on the list are targeted and here is a relevant news article from 2017 depicting some of the cases you could present to bolster your argument in court. Note this article is from 2017, so clearly there are many more cases that can be found and cited as well. I have personally experienced harassment from law enforcement on multiple levels, and I have heard many other incidences of Law enforcement exacting hate inspired actions against [people forced to register]. The registry is nothing more than a hit list.
I am so concerned about Senate Bill 874, here in Wisconsin. This bill, from what I can understand, sounds like they want to add GPS to ALL people convicted of, and catagorized as, a sex offender and who are BOTH on or off the registry ?! People that have already served their time and just trying to survive ?! Even people that are no longer on the registry ?!
This has me so upset for my Son and it feels like just another arbitrary addition to a sentence ! Please tell me what I can do because I DONT know if I can do anything…
Has anyone sent the Angel Watch Center a request for confirmation or determination of your Tier Level or “covered sex offender” status? Has anyone sent them a FOIA request? Did you receive a response? Did they confirm your Tier Level? Did you contact them via physical mail, email, or phone?
How many sex offenders have been convicted despite the reality of their having Alzheimer’s? Old JB, just got off the hook for serous breaches of national security by him taking and keeping classified documents in his home. He’s guilty of obtaining the documents before he had any symptoms and as a Senator, but a prosecution will not ensue because of the disease. PBSLink here
They call that “Selective Prosecution.” Some might call that white privilege. The presumption Special council Hur makes in his abdication report claiming JB would present well to a jury….presumes too damn much. I know damn well WI men with Alzheimer’s have been convicted for sex crimes, but they did not get the benefit of selective prosecution. Indeed some were found “not guilty by reasons of mental defect…..” but they still had to face a WI jury! I call BS!!!!
I know The Don was guilty of obtaining classified documents too. So if your leadership is so Lucy goosey with ” secured” paper documents then how secure do you think the gov’s database infrastructure is?
If you’re the kind of folks that desperately need to alter an election; an Alzheimer’s patient might be the ideal candidate for those who need a puppet. Mr. Reagan’s last term comes to mind, just so I submit an unbiased and balanced observation no one will fead. Thx.
These two California prison guards, through criminal negligence, started a fire that burned over 20k acres, several buildings, 5 homes and a fire fighter to death. I’m sure they’ll be on a public registry so we can all keep tabs on their whereabouts and our families safe, right?
There’s an article online talking about a [vigilante] that helped police nab a suspected child predator by representing himself as a young boy and luring him to a coffee house. While This is basically entrapment, why the F*** does the guy even go! Because he IS, in fact, a child predator, that’s why! As a PFR myself, I have ZERO sympathy for the guys that have been convicted (or not) yet continue to repeat their offenses. I have a cp possession offense , and there is no way I am even going near a bathing suit site if it has minors posing. Not that I’m enticed, but why give ANYONE ANYTHING to judge you by.
As a thought, is it possible to put a photo of a theoretically completed form for removal from registry on this sight as a reference. Or maybe a pdf.
Apparently the father of the child who was shot (likely fatally) in the Texas church shooting was a PFR locked up in Florida on a FTR charge at the time of the shooting. The child’s mother was the alleged shooter, who was killed by police; she had custody, despite being seriously accused of abuse on more than one occasion, as well as being arrested for a slew of other crimes and considered mentally unstable, and, apparently, a homicidal maniac. Yet because the father was punished on a FTR charge, the child was put into harm’s way by his mentally ill mother, and will, sadly, likely die. Here’s a link to an article I found on it. My heart truly goes out to this father, who apparently has been locked up since 2016 on the FTR charge.
“Soooo…if two juveniles can get charged for shooting up a parade doing adult actions, then how can juveniles not know what they’re doing when it comes to adult sex related actions according actual adults?” One may rhetorically ask…
No, this isn’t a gun question but one on prevailing thoughts about minors (juveniles) allegedly not knowing what they’re doing when adults say they can’t know because they aren’t smart enough to know yet will do adult actions because they do really know. So, don’t open that can of worms because guns aren’t the point.
Rhode Island uses registry as punishment right in its requirements to register even before you go to the punishment section of the codes. Does anyone else’s state use the registry as a punishment right in its requirements to register and isn’t this a violation of separation of powers and constitutional rights beyond the normal blatant unconstitutionality of the registry?
In RI the registry is used as punishment right in the requirements, not even in the punishments but in the requirements. It is explained that any violation, as a clerical error of not understanding one of the smaller more technical new requirements, will add ten more years to the registry and then y0ou can look at the punishment section, which does not even include the new sections of the 2022 code as a violation but ignoring this you could be facing a felony for a clerical error, which I know is what all the other states do.A violation of the registry, a technical violation, not just skipping out on registering, just not understanding one of the now many, many new parts of the registry that was added in 2022 and no one really noticed because the form is the same as everyone has been signing, the exact same form other than they added items this time after over ten years of it being the same, this type of violation, then in the statute it says the violation itself, not a repeat sex offense, but the offense itself, triggers an automatic ten years of additional registation time in Rhode Island. I have not done every state yet and if there is a current chart of state by state statutes and punishments, but I believe RI is the only one to do this and it issuing the registry as punishment not as protection when they do it this way. It seems like it is clearly an illegal act etc to have this type of punishment, extreme cruel punishment on top of the statutory punishment of being a felony. I m told this is buried somewhere in the following RI statute though I am not sure where. Ow can the registry, adding 10 years of the registry for a violation of one of the extreneous parts to the registry, it is not even like registering where you live is the issue, just not understanding one of the newer requirements, anyway to use the registry as punishment for a clerical error, isn’t that pure punitive use of it without any point of regulating? And also in the punishment section it does not even list missing one of the exteneous new issues in the punishment, I will put it on the bottom, so then the punishment is written in the offense section, even if you do not have a written punishment. Again, going to the pure use of expo facto registry as punishment for a non sex related crime.
2022 Rhode Island General LawsTitle 11 – Criminal OffensesChapter 11-37.1 – Sexual Offender Registration and Community NotificationSection 11-37.1-3. – Registration required — Persons covered.Universal Citation: RI Gen L § 11-37.1-3. (2022)
§ 11-37.1-3. Registration required — Persons covered.
(a) Any person who, in this or any other jurisdiction: (1) has been convicted of a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor, (2) has been convicted of a sexually violent offense, (3) has been determined to be a sexually violent predator, (4) has committed an aggravated offense as defined in § 11-37.1-2, (5) is a recidivist, as defined in § 11-37.1-4, (6) has been convicted of a federal offense, (7) has been convicted of a foreign offense, (8) has been convicted of a military offense, or (9) has been convicted of a violation of § 11-37.1-10 shall be required to register his or her current address with the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the city or town in which the person having the duty to register resides for the time period specified in § 11-37.1-4.
(b) Any person who is: (1) a nonresident worker who has committed an offense that is subject to registration in the jurisdiction of his or her residence and who is employed or carrying on a vocation in Rhode Island as defined in § 11-37.1-2(h), or (2) a nonresident student as defined by § 11-37.1-2(x) who has committed an offense that is subject to registration in the jurisdiction of his or her residence and who is attending a public or private educational institution in Rhode Island, shall be required to register his or her current address and the address of his or her place of employment or a public or private educational institution attended with the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the city or town in which the nonresident worker or student is employed or attending a public or private educational institution.
(c) Any person having a duty to register as a sex offender in subsection (a) of this section who is enrolled at, employed at, or carrying on a vocation at an institution of higher education shall have an additional duty to register the information described in subsection (a) of this section with the local law enforcement agency in the city or town where the primary campus of the institution of higher education at which the person is enrolled, employed, or carrying on a vocation is located for the period of time they are enrolled at, employed at or carrying on a vocation at the institution of higher education.
(d) If a person is registered as a sex offender in another jurisdiction for an offense which, if committed within the jurisdiction of this state, would require the person to register as a sex offender, then that person, upon moving to or returning to this state, shall register as a sex offender in the same manner as if the offense were committed within Rhode Island.
(e) Registration information. In addition to the requirements of subsections (a) through (d) of this section, the person required to register under this section shall provide the local law enforcement agency the following information:
(1) Relating to the person’s name:
(i) The person’s full primary given or legal name;
(ii) Any and all names the person has used in the past, valid or otherwise; and
(iii) Any and all nicknames, aliases, and pseudonyms regardless of the context in which they are used.
(2) Relating to the person’s date of birth:
(i) The person’s actual date of birth; and
(ii) Any other date of birth used by the person.
(3) Relating to the person’s social security number:
(i) A valid social security number for the person; and
(ii) Any social security number the person has used in the past, valid or otherwise.
(4) A current digitized photograph of the person.
(5) An accurate description of the person as follows:
(i) A general description of the person’s physical appearance or characteristics; and
(ii) Any identifying marks, such as, but not limited to, scars, moles, birthmarks, or tattoos.
(6) A photocopy of all of the person’s valid driver’s licenses issued by any jurisdiction.
(7) A photocopy of all of the identification cards issued to the person.
(8) A photocopy of any passports issued to the person.
(9) Relating to the person’s residence:
(i) The address of each residence at which the person resides or will reside;
(ii) Any location or description that identifies where the person habitually lives or sleeps regardless of whether it pertains to a permanent residence or location otherwise identifiable by a street or address; and
(iii) Whether the person is homeless.
(10) Any and all telephone numbers of the person.
(11) Relating to the person’s internet-related activity:
(i) Any and all email addresses used by the person;
(ii) Any and all instant message addresses and identifiers;
(iii) Any and all other designations or monitors used for self-identification in internet communications or postings; and
(iv) Any and all designations used by the person for the purpose of routing or self-identification and internet communications or postings.
(12) Relating to all vehicles owned or operated by the person for work or personal use including land vehicles, aircraft, and watercraft:
(i) License plate numbers;
(ii) Registration numbers or identifiers;
(iii) General description of the vehicle to include color, make, model, and year; and
(iv) Any permanent or frequent location where any covered vehicle is kept.
(13) Relating to the person’s employment, any and all places where the person is employed in any means including volunteer and unpaid positions:
(i) The name of the person’s employer;
(ii) The address of the person’s employer; and
(iii) Similar information related to any transient or day labor employment.
(14) All licensing information that authorizes the person to engage in an occupation or carry out a trade or business.
(15) Relating to the person’s public or private educational institution:
(i) The name of each public or private educational institution at which the person is or will be a student; and
(ii) The address of each public or private educational institution where the person is or will be a student.
(16) Relating to the person’s criminal history:
(i) The date of all arrests;
(ii) The date of all convictions;
(iii) The person’s status of parole, probation, or supervised release;
(iv) The person’s registration status; and
(v) Any outstanding arrest warrants.
(17) The fingerprints and palm prints of the person in a digitized format that shall be submitted to the FBI Central Database, Next Generation Identification Program.
(18) If the person’s DNA is not already contained in the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), the person shall provide a sample of his or her DNA. Any DNA sample obtained from a person shall be submitted to an appropriate lab for analysis and entry of the resulting DNA profile into CODIS.
(19) The text of each provision of law defining the criminal offense(s) for which the person is registered.
(20) When the person will be absent from his/her residence for seven (7) days or more:
(i) Identifying information of the temporary lodging locations including addresses and names; and
(ii) The dates the person will be staying at each temporary lodging location.
(21) If the person will be traveling outside of the United States, the person must notify the local law enforcement agency at least twenty-one (21) days in advance of the travel date and provide any necessary information regarding his or her international travel in accordance with § 11-37.1-9(g).
(22) A signed copy of the person’s notice of registration and notification obligations as provided in § 11-37.1-5(b)(6).
(23) The local law enforcement agency and the designated state law enforcement agency shall maintain all information obtained under this chapter in a digitized format.
History of Section.
P.L. 1996, ch. 104, § 1; P.L. 1999, ch. 255, § 1; P.L. 2002, ch. 330, § 1; P.L. 2005, ch. 410, § 7; P.L. 2006, ch. 370, § 1; P.L. 2006, ch. 440, § 1; P.L. 2018, ch. 157, § 1; P.L. 2018, ch. 259, § 1.
the punishment section doesn’t even mention the extra items in the new forms that showed up in 2022 of RI and the punishment is written in the initial statute of the registry using the registry s punishment for messing up on one of the extraneous new items no one in RI even knew about except whoever printed it up. Expo facto, not even trying to use the registry or pretend to use the registry as a regulatory protective registry, just pure punishment.
2022 Rhode Island General LawsTitle 11 – Criminal OffensesChapter 11-37.1 – Sexual Offender Registration and Community NotificationSection 11-37.1-10. – Penalties.Universal Citation: RI Gen L § 11-37.1-10. (2022)
§ 11-37.1-10. Penalties.
(a) Any person who is required to register or verify his or her address or give notice of a change of address or residence who knowingly fails to do so shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, be imprisoned not more than ten (10) years, or fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or both.
(b) Any person who is required to register or verify his or her address or give notice of a change of address or residence who knowingly fails to do so shall be in violation of the terms of his or her release, regardless of whether or not the term was a special condition of his or her release on probation, parole, home confinement or other form of supervised release.
(c) Except in the case of a level-three (3) sex offender, any person who is required to register or verify his or her address, who knowingly resides within three hundred feet (300′) of any school as defined in § 11-37.1-2, which distance shall be measured from the nearest boundary line of the real property supporting the residence of the person to the nearest boundary line of the real property that supports or upon which there exists a school shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, may be imprisoned not more than five (5) years, or fined not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), or both.
(d) Any level-three (3) sex offender who knowingly resides within one thousand feet (1,000′) of any school as defined in § 11-37.1-2, which distance shall be measured from the nearest boundary line of the real property supporting the residence of the person to the nearest boundary line of the real property that supports or upon which there exists a school shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, may be imprisoned for not more than five (5) years, or fined not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), or both.
History of Section.
P.L. 1996, ch. 104, § 1; P.L. 2003, ch. 162, § 1; P.L. 2003, ch. 170, § 1; P.L. 2008, ch. 155, § 1; P.L. 2008, ch. 189, § 1; P.L. 2008, ch. 202, § 1; P.L. 2015, ch. 219, § 1; P.L. 2015, ch. 240, § 1; P.L. 2018, ch. 157, § 1; P.L. 2018, ch. 259, § 1.
We thought we found an apartment in Chicago today; schools, parks, and daycare didn’t pop up within 500 feet on Google maps. But visiting the area we found a small store-front type business on a busy street that is 430 feet away and it’s called a “Music School”. The website says it provides primarily private lessons and small group lessons for all ages. Outside the business says “Adults and Children” in large letters.
The IL statute defines school: “School” means a public or private preschool or elementary or secondary school.”
I think we are too nervous to assume this is safe, but seems like it may be. Any thoughts appreciated. Thank you.
It is still very disappointing when a certain 3-Letter LE agency in this country wants to continue (with the endorsement of the top elected official of this country and his minions) warrantless searches of its citizens (and is now joined by a department that resides in a five sided building along a river). If this LE agency continues such, then they will continue it with the condoning of it by others who are drunk on power, and continue to nefariously perform other suspect actions to entrap other citizens, e.g., playpen. It is a sad state of affairs for this country.
Has anyone travelled in a RV around country while on Registry.
I bought a class C to tow my track car and hit tracks around the country. Normally you have hook ups at the track, but sometimes an RV park is required.
My question is if the management does checks like BnBers do and if so can they deny you space on that info.
Not really important but in the Doe v. Nessel could someone break down what happened. I can not always follow the legal speak but it seems some brave souls tried to stand up against the constitutionalist of the registry and were wiped down because of timing and this not being filed timely fashion. But I dont even understand this part. I think it is great they tried to stand up but it is important to learn from how the case did not go forward.
Thank you
As anyone else here, besides @Dustin and me, seen over at the National Office website their action which got the Cincinnati TV station to air a story about the other side of the residential restriction coin? “Please print a balanced piece,” NARSOL asks WKRC–and they did! (NARSOL, 12Feb2024)