D.C. Vigil Educates U. S. Supreme Court, Public – Smith v. Doe Must Go!

A vigil was held on Friday, March 15, near the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to educate both the Court and the public regarding significant harms that have resulted from Smith V. Doe, a decision issued by that court in 2003.  Speakers at the vigil included civil rights attorney Janice Bellucci of California, David Garlock of Pennsylvania, Danell Puglisi-Knutson of Florida, Shawna Baldwin of Arizona and Christopher Sparks of Florida.  

The vigil was live streamed using Zoom technology and a recording of the vigil will be available soon on this website. A preliminary recording of the live stream can be viewed below now.

During the vigil each speaker told the court of the harm experienced by some individuals required to register including homelessness, unemployment, vigilante violence and suicide.  Speakers demanded that the U.S. Supreme Court overturn Smith v. Doe in an effort led by Chief Justice John Roberts who as a private attorney stated that registration is similar to applying for membership at Price Club.


“We put the U.S. Supreme Court on notice that the basis of their decision, Smith v. Doe, was one statement made in one article published in Psychology Today magazine and not the result of empirical research,” stated Bellucci.  “If the Court had based their decision on empirical research, they would have discovered that the rate of re-offense for those required to register is extremely low, less than one percent while on parole.”

This year’s vigil was the second vigil held near the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court demanding that the Court overturn Smith v. Doe.  In the future, vigils are expected to take place every year in the month of March.  Plans are underway to conduct a third vigil at the same location on March 3, 2025, which will be near the 22nd anniversary of that decision.

“Please make plans now to join next year’s vigil,” stated Bellucci.  “It is important to continue our demands that the Court acknowledge its mistake and overturn Smith v. Doe.”

The Court has made mistakes before, including the decision Plessy v. Ferguson which approved separate but equal education.  The Court overturned that decision 54 years later in Brown v. Board of Education.









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This year’s vigil was truly amazing! For those who SHOWED UP – STOOD UP – SPOKE UP as well as for those who heard us. We did this with minimal notice and planning and yet it was a great success. Think of what we can do next year – on March 5, 2025, with a lot more notice and a lot more planning. Another positive aspect this year was that multiple states were represented at the vigil and we were all speaking with one voice. Thank you everyone who joined the vigil in person or virtually. You made a difference!

TY for all you do..my son never has been struggling with getting jobs, finding places to live and being judged by people including his own family..everyone turned their backs on him except me..he committed this only crime in 2017, I paid a lot of money for who turned out to be a terrible lawyer..he spent a year in prison, on parole and registry and I feel he paid for his crime..and as his 71 year old mother I am suffering right along with him but I am limited to what I can do..I hope someday things will change for him

I tried joining but the zoom was so loud and it would not play through my headphones nor could I control the volume so I had to leave for I was getting very ugly looks from everyone around me and the Panera Bread employees. Hopefully the next one I can join from my house and not in a restaurant because I am homeless due to this draconian law called SORNA.

Thank you for holding the vigil and to everyone who attended. I was able to join by Zoom and hopefully will be able to join in person next year!

Thank you to everyone that attended!

I got an infusion of hope as I stood in front of the Supreme Court with my fellow warriors for registrant justice! We had a great time of fellowship and sharing. It was encouraging see registrants and supporters from multiple states joining the fight.

Bystanders came up to us to ask questions (as you can see in the photos), including someone connected to the news media.

I encourage you to plan and save now to join us for next year’s March 5 vigil (and maybe use it as a chance to see D.C.). It will be a hope-filled experience you will fondly remember for the rest of your life.

I believe the current justices on the bench will do the right thing. I’m sure once this case is revisited ROBERTs fellow justices will have a lot to say about his god awful comparison he made regarding the registry in regards to it being in the likeness of having a Cosco membership. How ridiculous does that sound . Now that Janice and the team have more evidence regarding the registry’s harmful and dangerous affects on registered citizens, i believe the current justices , including Roberts, will reverse their decision previously made by stating the registry is punitive and shall be reversed . I’m hopeful. This can certainly be a reality for many on the registry convicted prior to the Meagan law’s existence.

I will be spending my and my Spouse’s vacation next year, God willing, in healyh, in Washington DC a day before and hopefully finances allowing, an additional day after THE March on The Supreme Court’s steps. To join the fight to educate.
Never traveled that far east and will be SO memorable for all those in attendance!

I watched / listened on zoom and am putting it in my calendar for next year. Great work everyone!

Smith vs Doe must be removed from any U. S. legisilative agenda due to its draconian roots, unempathetic deployment and harmful consequences inflicted upon the citizens of this country without regard for human rights or dignity. It was poorly authored and is without basis or evidence to justify its existence.
Thank you for standing up for genuine justice and honesty.

March 15, 2024 vigil. I was very happy to see something done in the SO behalf. All the registry does is public shaming and destroying people’s lives, you can tell it is ellection time. Each ellection time, the best way to get ellected is to come up with a way to make the registry harder on the registrants. I wonder, these politicians, police, or public figures, if they do something that would put them on the registry, are they or is it a case where they can afford a better lawyer than we can. I feel this is a case of a dual legal system, or… how about the people coming over our border, breaking our laws, they get deported, sometimes many times, not being charged for a sex offense, no social stigma placed on them. Thank you Dr. Bellucci, for all you do for us.

I have a Dream that these vigils will open the eyes of the justices’ and Smith V Doe will be overturned. Many thanks to all who have organized the vigils, those who spoke, and everyone who traveled to DC to Show Up and Stand Up. Next year I hope to be there in person and do my part.

To ed c I read these articles all the time and always wonder where 1 could stay as most quality hotels are close to parks schools have pools you get the idea going to Washington DC is like Disneyland. Also where does the law say it is a civil commitment only? My judge made it noted that I would have to register. Right after my sentence she (her honor) said, and I quote (Oh…. and you have to register.) This was in the year 2000. So, was that punitive? also I in my entire life have never been told or had the Miranda rights read to me.

Thank you to all that made this happen ,

should have a flyer with updated date of the vigil in DC so families, organizations, individuals can show to other and start spreading the word

The only way to get rid of the registry is to add every conceivable sex related offense known to mankind including abortion and prostitution.