NY: This Law Effectively Banishes People from New York City (podcast)

Source: nyclu.org 6/6/24

SARA is billed as a way to protect New Yorkers from people who could harm children. But research shows these types of geographical restrictions don’t increase public safety.

The NYCLU recently filed a lawsuit challenging the misleadingly-named Sexual Assault Reform Act, or SARA. SARA is a New York law that prevents certain people required to register on the state’s sex offender registry from knowingly being within 1,000 feet of a school at any time and for any reason. It’s also been interpreted to prevent people subject to SARA restrictions from living within this 1,000-foot radius.

SARA is billed as a way to protect New Yorkers from people who could harm children. But research shows these types of geographical restrictions don’t increase public safety. And authorities have applied SARA to people who have never harmed children, and even people who have never committed a sexual offense.

In dense urban areas like New York City, where you’re almost always within 1,000 feet of a school, SARA restrictions force thousands of New Yorkers into homelessness and to the fringes of society, effectively banishing them.

Read the full article and listen to the podcast


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Letting failure pave the way to Big Brother?

It will be IMPOSSIBLE for this to achieve full compliance, from all PFRs at all times. Thus, there will be incalculable numbers of violations that take place daily! Glorious, LE Monitoring Justifying FAILURES!

The more often this fails to keep PFRs away, and the more often it fails to catch PFRs in violation…. the more Justified the need for the Cops to put all PFRs on LIFETIME GPS!!!

However, all those ankle monitors would be super expensive…. soooooooo LETS USE THEIR PHONES! Just develop an app that sends their GPS data out real time!

How can we be sure they are with their phones? No problem… the app also does all this:

* Periodically Robo video calls them, and connects them to a Face/Voice Recognition server.
* Broadcasts their identify to all Cops within N Feet of their location, for human facial recognition.
* Broadcasts their Identy to Security Personnel at Banks, Hospitals, Post Offices, Target, Starbucks, McDonalds, just everyone, within the same radius.

It can do fun stuff like this too:

Text #1 “AlsoME there is a Red Car that looks like this 🚗 parked in the Burger King parking lot 20 feet west of your Phone’s GPS location License Plate “X123_ _ _” You have 60 seconds to speak the last 3 characters of the license plate into the Apps Voice Recognizer.” 59…..58….57….

Text #2: “You asked how I knew the car was there? It better be, Parolee John Doe said his shift began 39 minutes ago, and his GPS data says he is there!

Text #3: “You hungry? Say Hi to John for me! He looks like this 😼 Don’t worry, he’ll recognize you… guess how?” 59….58….57….

Text #4 “Don’t get too friendly with each other, I don’t like that combination. So time to go! 59…58….57…

Just had a thought! A terrible thought! A horrible idea that I certainly hope never happens!

A completely legitimate, totally real, no way it’s a well done deep fake video that shows…. Governor Hochul…..at a schoolyard…. with…. with….. with….a PFR!!! WHAT COULD THEY BE DOING THERE TOGETHER… people would pay a lot of money to know.

Good thing it’s virtually impossible to get pictures of PFRs she could be matched up with in a fake video. I mean, how could you possibly get an imagine of someone you know is a PFR?

So if a video like that showed up, we could be absolutely certain it’s real…. and it would, in no way, demonstrate anything other than the need to investigate her proven associations and activities. It would certainly prove the need to… investigate…. the VIOLATEion… and maybe REVOKE any conditional situation she might be in.

Her and any other political figures strongly associated with NYC that might also show up in a video like that.

Sure hope that doesn’t happen… immediately….59…58….57….👮‍♂️

All crazy. For example, when I was on deferred adjudication in a city with more than a million people, every time I went in for my required probation appointment I was asked if I had been within 1,000 feet of a child safety zone. I was always honest because I did not want to create any problems for myself. My supervision requirements stated I had to stay 1,000 feet from where children gather.

I really did my best to stay 1,000 feet away from child safety zones so I could always show good faith if hauled before a judge. My response every time to the probation officer was yes, I went within 1,000 feet of a child safety zone when driving down the highway to work where I could see a school and yes, because there is no where I can go in the city without being 1,000 from a child safety zone.

I was always then threatened to have my probation revoked by probation because of this issue. So one day I drafted a revision to the 1,000 feet child safety zone requirement, sent to my attorney to put in a motion to amend my supervision requirements, got my treatment provider to sign off in writing and my attorney got the judge to approve.

I just changed the verbiage to not go within 1,000 feet of where children gather “with the intent to make contact with a child”. Adding the intent section then allowed me to go anywhere because I never had any intent to make contact with any minor, my intent would be driving to work, shopping, running errands, visiting family, etc… and I know I could pass any polygraph I had no intent of making contact with a minor.

After this change, when asked by probation department if I had been within 1,000 feet of a child safety zone I could honestly say no and stated no every time.

This podcast is very good – fairly short, straightforward, and rational, with the benefit of a PFR providing a first person account of this nonsense along with Emily Horowitz’s brilliance for support. NYCLU has good plaintiffs, which is half the battle. I am going to try to post it elsewhere.

……. that prevents certain people required to register on the state’s sex offense registry…

“certain people required to register”? Seriously? Is that saying there are people on the registry hitlist that are permitted to be within that 1000ft threshold? What exemptions are they?

Wow, can NY do anything right?