ACSOL In-Person Meeting in San Diego on Nov. 2, 2024

You are invited to attend ACSOL’s in-person meeting in San Diego, CA on Saturday, November 2, 2024 starting at 10 a.m. The meeting will be held at: California Western School of Law Room LH-1 225 Cedar Street San Diego The meeting will include discussions regarding topics of interest to both registrants and their loved ones, including the status of proposed changes to the Tiered Registry Law such as the reduction of tier assignment for those convicted of an offense involving child pornography. The meeting is free and will include refreshments.…

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What Options Does the Sex Offender Registry Leave Us, If Not Sex Work?

Source: 7/16/24 They say that time is money, but if that’s true then mine doesn’t seem to be worth that much. I have three degrees, and two jobs where they don’t matter. In the little time I have to myself I do freelance work, and still struggle to make ends meet. A struggle felt by many, but especially by those of us laboring under the restrictions of parole and the sex offender registry. I earned my degrees in prison. I was arrested at 19 while doing survival sex work,…

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