ACSOL In-Person Meeting in San Diego on Nov. 16, 2024

You are invited to attend ACSOL’s in-person meeting in San Diego, CA on Saturday, November 16, 2024 starting at 10 a.m. The meeting will be held at:

California Western School of Law
Room LH-1
225 Cedar Street
San Diego

The meeting will include discussions regarding topics of interest to both registrants and their loved ones, including the status of proposed changes to the Tiered Registry Law such as the reduction of tier assignment for those convicted of an offense involving child pornography.

The meeting is free and will include refreshments.

Attendance at the meeting is limited to registrants, their loved ones and those who support them. No government officials are allowed to attend the meetings.

There is no sign up for the meeting, but attendees who drive there are encouraged to arrive early due to limited parking.

The in-person meetings will not be recorded. They will not replace the monthly Zoom meetings, which go into more detail on the issues.


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Yes!…back in San Deigo…I plan to be there.

Last edited 6 months ago by Laura

Question? I am not on parole (Thought it was great for people to experience a packed room in person last year), but I want to bring others in order for them to be educated in person and understand that there are people out there who will help them. This in-person experience with a room full of people also will help them understand that they are not alone. However, they are on parole and have leg monitors for tracking purposes. So, this is happening at a “Law School“. Would you advise a parolee to seek permission from a parole agent prior to attending? Also, there is a catholic school across the street from the law school. Would that pose a problem or is it far enough from the location where the meeting is taking place? Advice would be appreciated on this topic.

Tier 3 lifetime ,I’m Basilio Cortez Rodriguez 8 16 54,
Pd Steve hodges norwalk ca ,Right to speedy trail denied by pd
Paul barco whitter pd case vaoo5836 1990 false evidence ,and false testimony s,statements of pawing suggesting molestation. Not true
Evidence of pawing exhibit 1-12 false. Perjury per police dept.
False conviction and asking for trail and fairness resulting in tier 3

Best wishes for an informative and participatory meeting! I’m in the Coachella Valley, a tad too distant for my comfortably driving the distance. Kindly consider serving

As one of the previous emails stated. The discussion pertaining to the inmates still under treatment buy psychological entities. The fact that this is again presented as a medical treatment and issue makes any posting of [people on the registry] a HIPA violation and therefore illegal.