RI: Cranston YMCA employee fired for letting sex offender on grounds

Source: wpri.com 5/16/24

The YMCA of Greater Providence (GPYMCA) fired an employee earlier this month after learning she allowed a registered sex offender on the premises. The former employee worked for the aquatics program at the Cranston branch and the sex offender is her fiancé, GPYMCA CEO Karen Santilli told 12 News on Thursday.

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And how many registrant or even non-registrant sex crimes have been committed at a YMCA besides none!


“My initial reaction was this sick feeling in my stomach,” Santilli told 12 News on Thursday”

Maybe just a bad case of indigestion? 💩

“He was in the building, sitting at the front desk at the entrance during this swim meet which was a very public event,” Santilli added. “There were, I’ve been told, about 1,000 people in the building.”

Dear Lord! How did it feel being in the presence of Evil? 👹 And the childrens! How did you plan on saving all 1000 of them?

“In addition to firing the employee, Santilli said GPYMCA got a restraining order against Hache”

Now that’s classic. You get a restraining order against Satan after firing his fiance for allowing him inside the Y only to sit at the front desk and kick his feet up, not bothering no one. You’re really trying to save your own Italian skin from angry paranoid parents

Systematic Banishment, now it’s policy! This man had to be snuck in because it appears it is YMCA Policy to bar PFRs entry. Scanning IDs and comparing data to the Registry. Not sure if that is all YMCA facilities, but this one has banished all PFRs.

Yet the State encouraged presumption that all PFRs pose constant danger to all children in the general vicinity, and the banishment by policy it causes is not punishment? Any organization can deny services to PFRs by policy which is cheered by the people. It would also appear that failure to banish will not be tolerated! The banishment is not optional, and failure to enforce the banishment will be punished!

This is the future? All facilities will require you prove you’re not a PFR to gain entry? If it’s legal and desired by the tyranny of the majority for the YMCA to do it, why not everywhere?

Kicker here…what is the C in the title of the entity standing for? Let you ponder that for a minute and then wonder again how this entity can under that umbrella get away with such actions and still claim to have such morals and values (which those who are employed there don’t’ have to be). It is rhetorical of course, but same applicability across the C world…

Too bad she wasn’t just dating a guy convicted of selling fentanyl at the local school, or maybe armed robbery, maybe car jacking, dog fighting, or felony DUI. because then she would have been just fine. She needs to choose her dates more wisely in the future, more socially acceptable men.

Meanwhile Gay men use the sauna facilities to scope and pick up other men and boys. I know this because it happened in one of the facilities here in San Jose.