CA: Public opposition thwarts success of sexual predator placement program, state says

Source: 10/21/24

Public opposition is making it difficult to reintroduce sexually violent predators into California communities even though they have undergone post-prison treatment that makes them much less likely to reoffend, according to a new state audit.

The 57-page audit released last week said it can take months or even years to find community housing for SVPs, as sexually violent predators are called, after they have finished treatment through California’s conditional release program.

California designates those convicted of specific sexually violent crimes who also have significant mental health conditions as SVPs, according to the audit.

When SVPs near the end of their prison terms, a county Superior Court judge may civilly commit them for an indefinite period to a state hospital for mental health treatment and participation in the conditional release program. The program aims to safely transition SVPs back into the community after a court has determined they qualify for treatment in a less restrictive outpatient environment.

Since inception of the conditional release program in 2003, only two of the 56 SVPs placed in communities have been convicted of subsequent crimes, according to auditors. In contrast, 24 of 125 non-participating SVPs who were unconditionally released by the courts since 2006 have been convicted of new felonies, including seven sex-related offenses.

Despite the program’s apparent success in combating recidivism, the state faces significant hurdles in placing SVPs into communities due to complex program requirements, a lack of property owners willing to provide rental housing and public opposition.

On average, it takes the state 17 months to place SVP program participants into the community.

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You just a thought, if you can’t find adequate housing, why fight to get off the registry you have an incurable mental disability according to the world as we know it.

if the government says you have living restrictions and building entry restrictions schools, parks, and millions of miles of restrictions that restrict where you cannot live, or work, this is a disability. (that you currently have to pay taxes on) and the government also claims you are untreatable could this be grounds for disability and tax exemptions? also sounds like a class action suit

If the government imposes living and building entry restrictions that you have to pay taxes on, and you have an untreatable medical condition, it could potentially be grounds for disability and tax exemptions. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Medical Condition: If your condition is severe and untreatable, it may qualify as a disability under the Social Security Administration’s criteria or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  2. Tax Exemptions: People with disabilities may be eligible for certain tax benefits, such as deductions for impairment-related work expenses, higher standard deductions if legally blind, and credits

I have a simple remedy for the situation, quit labeling people. Get rid of that, just have them do a regular prison time like everybody else, let them go on with their life and be done with it “simple”.