OH: *IN JEST*, Lawmakers Just Proposed Making It Illegal For Men To Have Unprotected Sex Unless They Intend To Make A Baby, And YES, This Is REAL

Source: yahoo.com 2/15/25

It’s a ballsy move, but two Ohio State Representatives have introduced a bill that would make it illegal for men to have unprotected sex if it’s not intended to make a baby.

If the “Conception Begins at Erection Act” passes, men in Ohio could be charged with a felony if they “discharge genetic material” without intending to get a woman pregnant.

Read the full article


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And the hits just keep on coming! The level of stupidity of this should be breathtaking. Instead, it isn’t surprising as it comes from degenerate, mouth-breathing, politician, meatheads in middle America. Who the F__ in their right mind would try to legislate against an instinctual biological function? I’m not advocating for irresponsible propagation but d*mn! There truly is no bottom to how low they will go. A felony? Really? Baffling….

”what are you in for bud?”
”Felony impregnation ….. “

How many couples don’t believe in using protection while having sex due to religious views? I know several Catholics who don’t believe in birth control. A felony for unprotected sex is beyond intrusive. These Reps need to get out Ohioan’s bedrooms and the gynecologist needs to go back to her practice.

I support this bill. And I also believe that all masturbatory emissions should be deemed reckless abandonment. I always promised myself that I would never leave my children.

I posted this to general comments on January 26th. I even posted the link to the bill. Here’s the link to the bill, and it already shows that it is dead.


I wonder how much money was spent on this idiocy. Ohio tax dollars at work…


Apparently this is an act of protest against the unfairness of Reproductive Freedom restrictions. Women are the only ones directly impacted by these restrictions, whereas men only experience collateral consequence, if any. That is indeed fundamentally unfair. It is fundamentally unfair and unjust to attempt to control the reproductive freedoms of only one class of citizen, while allowing another to do as they please.

Also the unfairness of inconsistent State Laws, that leave some women with no options regarding their unwanted pregnancy, while others have a wide range they may freely choice from. This unfairness is also fundamentally unjust.

This piece of legislation is apparently a protest, and not a sincere attempt to create law… right? That’s what I got from the full article. I am mistaken? 

Alas, SCOTUS seems to be an organization that goes out of its way in service to their own personal agendas. They wanted to give the Regional Tyrannies of the Majority the ability to place whatever kinds of limitations on the rights of this one class of citizens.

The injustice of this was just as meaningless to them as all the other results it produces. Nothing matters so long as they get what they want! This is what Populists do.

The Populists are pushing for “National Divorce”. They are going to do more and more, increasingly egregious things in order to facilitate this. Push the “Liberals” into attempting, or at least Treasonously discuss, a plan to succeed… in order to justify the response to this treason.

They are attempting to force all that disagree into 1 of 2 options,

#1: Stay and OBEY!
#2: Attempt to leave and PAY!

Both options, they believe, will give them the outcome they want, a completely unified Nation where all agree with everything. This Populist goal is achieved by Right Wing Populists through the elimination of all that disagree. 

This is why the Alien and Sedition Acts of the 1790’s have risen from the grave, and back into public consciousness. You’ll hear more about these soon. They are a dream come true for the populists.

Wait! Doesn’t this overlap the 90 day buyer’s remorse law? I could change my mind…….( sarcasm) . On a serious note, why is the legal burden of birth control in this case only stipulated for the man.🤔
These people are literally taking all the enjoyment out of intimacy.

Last edited 3 days ago by Way too long

These idiots complain about about birth rates being low and maybe they would be higher if everything sex related wasn’t criminalized and politicians stayed out of people’s bedrooms.

The proposed law says the impregnation must be intentional. A couple getting it on unprotected, dude doesn’t pull out fast enough and his lady gets knocked up. Ooops. Under the proposed law technically you can catch a case for that too since it wasn’t intended. Beyond stupid

LMAO Wouldnt expect nothing less from a corn shucklin Inbread State lol

…….Retarted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats Next ! lol

Thats just it, theyre obsessed with anything that has to do with sex legal or illegal. Its the perfect example to show all of these laws have more to do with the subject “sex” itself than illegal acts as if one is more dangerous.

Guys, read the article! 16 responses and not one understood the bill’s intent? 
The representatives wrote this bill in jest. They told the reporter they’re “against regulating anyone’s reproductive rights.” They want to decriminalize abortion. The reporter’s title “…This Is REAL” is simply a fake title intended shock people into actually reading it and maybe opening up some narrow-minds.

Nothing surprises me any more. The “shock value” ceiling when it comes to this bunch is infinite. This bill is without merit, purpose or any practical application.other than pointless virtue signaling. Now, they’re not ONLY thinking about unborn children, they’re obsessed with the mere THOUGHT of a PER-CONCEPTION and that child not being brought into this world. Guess that new “Golden Age” is gonna need slaves after all..

Those legislators are not serious about passing this bill. They just want to make a point about Ohio’s restrictive abortion law only affecting women, but men should also have skin in the game…and I get what they’re saying. But still, those politicians aren’t being serious & the article doesn’t even deserve commenting. It’s only clickbait.

Actually I like what is happening possibly with this Bill being proposed.
Reasoning in my head – This is an opportunity for many more people to speak out against government intrusion into “everyone’s bedroom” and “personal sexual life” and not only ones who have been caught up in some type of sexual crime or accusation of a sexual crime.

Right now the [derogitory label] stands out for actual crimes committed (if found or pleaded guilty) but now it will encircle so many more people for nonsense.

Is any contraceptive method absolutely 100% guaranteed – no! So who is to prove contraception was not used or was used during the encounter. Is it the government to prove there was none used or the defendant to prove it was used?

This will be a virtual window into everyone’s bedrooms no matter your sexual preferences and if passed will go even future with other laws that are insane.

When Missouri is trying, and likely going to, pass a pregnant woman’s registry. Exactly how is this “in jest?”

is it because it’s a law against the mens?