AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender

Source: 3/5/25
[ACSOL IS publishing this to show an example of extreme sentencing for failure to register]

WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, Ark. — An Arkansas man who was convicted of rape and four counts of sexual assault in December has been found guilty by another Washington County jury of failing to register as a sex offender and failing to appear in court. 

On March 5, 44-year-old Carlos ____ was sentenced to serve an extra 90 years in the Arkansas Department of Corrections. He had already been sentenced to life in prison plus 160 years during his December trial. 
According to the prosecutor’s office, Carlos was living with a Fayetteville woman and her young children for 8 years without notifying her or the Fayetteville Police Department that he was a convicted sex offender. In 2004, he had reportedly been convicted of aggravated sexual abuse of a minor in Dallas, Texas. Following that conviction, he was also found guilty of failing to register as a sex offender in 2009. 

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I think, that these punishments are absolutely out of control, and the entire registration scheme is unconstitutional because it compels speech. Why should we be forced to come into a police department, and answer an officer’s questions, when the constitution doesn’t permit compelled speech?

This seems like a token sentencing for already a plethora of ongoing serious crimes. What’s another 90 years when you’re already facing three lifetimes? He didn’t just “fail to register”. He skipped out on two jury trials. Cases like this just uphold the notion that we’re all like this. This isn’t a sympathetic case.

“…already been sentenced to life in prison plus 160 years…”

So an extra 90 years on top…. doubles the number of outrageous, cruel and unusual sentences this man has been victim of! Aggravated assault on a minor isn’t a trivial matter, but not even “an Eye for an Eye” would force someone to die in prison for this! Life plus 160 years is just corrupt political grandstanding.

90 years for FTR?!?!?!? 90 years for an administrative violation?!?!? How can anyone even pretend this isn’t just pandering to vindictiveness? This act brought no harm to anyone, no would it have even if it had gone on until the day this man died! What harm is done by this act… to whom and how?

He is being punished not just for the FTR, but for the invisible blood libels they presume he either had and/or would commit? He is being sentenced for crimes the State cannot substantiate occurred, much less that he is guilty of them…and/or haven’t even occurred yet, but presume will? Sentenced today for the invisible cries the State presumes occurred yesterday and/or will occur tomorrow?

The Life+ sentence is unjust, cruel and unusual… this sentence is much worse. If I didn’t know better, I might think it’s nothing more than a sentence of death by slow torture for political purposes. Good thing there is no way that is what is being done. No way the State is committing Judicial Murder…right?

It all just B.S.. Everyone involved wants to make it look like they are “outraged” at this individual’s lack of respect for the justice system. Well guess what, respect for the legal system in general is at an all time low. If you want respect, sorry but that boat has sailed.