Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Mar 2025. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
Is it just me?
I was just out back and I spotted a young man lurking about. I thought he was the young man that lives here that occasionally goes back there to smoke, but no. He left the moment he saw me, no problems, but I asked him who he was and what he was doing back there.
“I’m (my first name) and I’m waiting for my ride”.
My name isn’t unusual, but not all that common either.. I’m sure you know some people that have it. However, I seldom meet others. So, that makes me wonder. Coincidence or does he know who I am? I’m the only person that routinely goes back there, and everybody knows that. Mark my words… it’s not quite as common as you might think. 😁
Coincidence he happened to be there when I was, or waiting for me in a place he knows I will eventually be? No, has to be coincidence because nothing happened, right? HAS TO BE! 😱
The Registry makes it impossible for me to just blow this off as nothing. Just like when the street walker called me by name as I passed by. She got my name from the registry, but why? Undercover Cop that learned the name of the PFRs in the area? Neighbor that ‘Keeps informed”?
These moments are one of the most frequent things I deal with. Total Strangers know who I am. I know how they know, but I have to wonder why, and what that means. Is this another instance of that or just meaningless coincidences?
Am I the only one that has these moments?
The guy that “followed me” for a few blocks, then hit me in the back of the head as he ran by… knew who I was? I just happened to the person nearest him when he felt like hitting someone?
Do I need to be concerned every time someone approaches from behind because I’m a PFR, or just because of the Neighborhood I live in? One off event… no need to worry something like that will happen again for any reason? Could happen to anyone at any time but no reason I need to take extra care… or I do… or… or.. or… Who knew having a Price Club Membership was so stressful!
Just me?
I hope President Trump doesn’t try to invoke the Aliens Enemies Act of 1798 on others including registrants.
We can add this nonsense bill to the long list of nonsense bills in Illinois: HB3492. Illinois State Police want to add updating finger prints annually during the registration process. Apparently they don’t have much going on in Illinois crime-wise and can afford to take the extra time and resources needed to further shame and humiliate PFRs with ZERO benefit to the public, victims, minors, anyone. Brilliant.
I have noticed people stuck on the registry because of the new tiered system in California have been posting less on here and people who might have a chance of getting off have been posting more. People don’t forget just because you have been relieved of your duty to register in California that don’t mean ur not still labeled in the other 49 states.
Also, never forget the word retroactive because all new laws are applied retroactively.
Me personally I can’t leave California or I’d be forced to register all over again, this fight isn’t over its really Just begun and people thinking they can just walk away from this situation are so wrong.
Im fighting back in my own way which I can’t post about on this platform because it gets moderated every time, but it’s my own personal experience on how I got put on the registry so I’m trying to reach back and help people similar to my situation.
Stay safe out there and always watch your back they have more technology and resources then you.
The only way to beat them is to follow and support Janice and her team because they’re not gonna be around for ever.
Not all of the Venezuelans being deported have criminal records. The Regime is claiming that the lack of criminal records “Proves how dangerous they really are.”
Apparently PFRs are no longer the only group of people we can just presume are guilty of Invisible Blood Libels? It would seem that now because someone is a Venezuelan immigrant, we can presume they are a gang member, they have and/or will commit Blood Libels, and that these Blood Libels may be invisible?
The push back on this concept is of value to this community? Our Court System hasn’t ruled on this presumption yet, but they will have to at some point?
The idea of “Invisible Blood Libels” and the legality of presuming they do and/or will exist will soon be in the crosshairs?
It happened again folks. Another politician got caught up in a “catch a predator” sting. This time, a good ole boy senator from northern Minnesota was down in the big cities (Twin Cities) and tried to get him a teenager. 😁 Well, that didn’t go as planned. 😬 His pasty behind ended up in an inner city jail cell. I searched more on this fella, and his senatorial votes were more in the line of gun rights stuff, banning critical race theory, but his most infamous signature accomplishment was introducing a bill declaring Trump Derangement Syndrome as a mental illness…LOL! With Minnesota having the most viscious civil commitment law, that state will be treating his sex addiction to children as a mental illness. Better be careful senator!
Seems like “normal Americans” don’t like when their personal information is on a public list
A website mapped Tesla owners and their personal information amid a wave of attacks Six Tesla owners or their representatives confirmed that their information was published on the website.
I read the news that Idaho passed a bill to give the death penalty to anyone who sexually abuses children under age 12. I know as well as anyone else in the world that sexual abuse is a crime. No one who does it should ever go free without a punishment. But absolutely the death penalty is not the solution. I personally think that a man who sexually abuses a female of any age should spend a short amount of time in jail and receive individual therapy or group therapy to build up characteristics like empathy, compassion, discipline, discernment of right and wrong, morals and ethics, and self-control. When that is established, he should go back out into normal society.
Can anyone explain on this website link with travel what for New York….register within 14 days means. It doesn’t say if you’re there for More than 14 days, you must register within 14 days. Kind of bad wording. Some of the states do say that