MA: Man Believed to Be JetBlue Pilot Facing Child Sex Charges Shoots, Kills Self at Mass. Train Station

Source: 3/7/25
[ACSOL supports an alternative to giving up like this man chose: let’s fight together for justice, just as other people groups have done in history!]

A man believed to be a JetBlue pilot facing child sex abuse charges shot and killed himself this morning as officers approached him at a Massachusetts train station.

Jeremy Gudorf, 33, of Ohio, was facing a second-degree sexual exploitation of a minor charge in North Carolina, according to a statement from the Massachusetts State Police; he had missed a court date.

Officials from the Massachusetts State Police Violent Fugitive Apprehension Section found the man — believed to be Gudorf — parked at the Wonderland train station in Revere on Friday morning.

As officers approached his vehicle, the man pulled out a gun and “abruptly shot himself,” per the statement.

Though officers on the scene rendered first aid, the man was pronounced dead by the time he reached the local hospital. State Police believe the man to be Gudorf, but he has not yet officially been identified by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

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Approached by the ‘violent fugitive apprehension task section’. Was he violent? Was he a fugitive? The answer to both was no. Unfortunately I have to say was instead of is. But this shows the mentality of law enforcement. Taking any situation to the extreme. They put more people in danger acting in this manner. What if the person had been accompanied by a minor at the time. There might have been two dead at the scene. But law enforcement never would have taken responsibility for any collateral damage. The dark hole that even the suspected are forced into tells most that there is no way out. The police should be held responsible when this type of outcome occurs. But instead they just say that the person suffered from a ‘ mental condition’ .

Last edited 22 hours ago by Way too long

This is tragic, and yet… it could have been far far worse. Now, look at this and think about the Frightening and High Lie. If the F&H LIE was true, how do we not see some version of this hundreds/thousands of times a year?

According to F&H there have to be 10’s/100’s of thousands of “Invisible Blood Libels” committed by Invisible Boogeyman every single year… they all remain completely invisible, forever? If so,

* How does the State know they are happening?
* Why has the State made no effort of any kind to prevent any of these?
* Why has the State made no effort of any kind to find out who these “victims” are, and who is responsible for their blood libel?
* How is it possible that all of these blood libels can take place without anyone noticing them, before, during or after, and why is nothing being done about that?

So, the reason we don’t see some version of this multiple times a day, everyday, despite the hundreds/thousands of Invisible Blood Libels that the F&H LIE says the invisible children of our Nation are subjected to every single day is… significantly better that 99% of all Blood Libels remain completely secret forever. Once again bringing up that, “How do you know they are happening?” question.

This tragic event goes to show several things. I’ll leave the others, for others… but It serves as powerful evidence that F&H is a lie. If F&H. were real… we would see things like this everyday.

Also, Not all of these would go so politely. At least some of the State Bogeymen, would use their gun in other ways before turning it on themselves. We do not see this everyday, because