UK: Man confronted by paedophile hunters found dead on M4 motorway after falling from height and then being struck by cars

Source: 3/24/25

The married man had been arrested and released by cops the following day


A MAN confronted by online paedophile hunters was found dead on a motorway, an inquest heard.

Adrian Smith, 48, featured in a livestream by self-proclaimed “child protection service” groups on the evening of February 21.

Avon and Somerset Police arrested the married man that night and released him from custody the following day.

Avon Coroners’ Court heard Mr Smith’s body was discovered under a bridge between junction 20 and 21 of the M4 motorway at 6.52pm on February 22.

Police previously said he was seen falling from a height onto the carriageway at about 6.40pm before being hit by cars.

Coroner’s officer Alexis Camp told an inquest opening the 48-year-old was identified by his fingerprints.

After Mr Smith’s death, the groups involved in the livestream video urged people to “allow his family to grieve in a respectful manner”.

They added: “We will be taking the live video down from our page now.”

Avon and Somerset Police said previously: “We are grateful to members of the public who have come forward with information following the death of a man on the M4 motorway on Saturday.

“We understand this incident may be distressing for some people and we urge you to seek support should you need it.”

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So he fell accidentally? He definitely was not pushed over the bridge, nor did the realization of what was going to happen to him, lead him to kill himself. We’ll probably never know the answer.

I suspect most people don’t really care what happened. Any of those scenarios is all good with them. Even if he was murdered, still doesn’t matter. I suspect most are fine with having anonymous, self-appointed murderous vigilantes in their community, unilaterally deciding who lives and who dies. Just presume it will never create any problems for them. No way they will be in just the right place, at just the right time to see these people in action. No way that goes bad for them, just because they saw… right? Once again, presume that will never happen to them, and whom it does happen to doesn’t matter.

Lucky for everyone these bait and switch targets are harmless people, otherwise things could get really really bad for everyone in the Walmart parking lot. People that are facing a future so bad that killing themselves is their solution, might not want to die alone.

Last but not last, more proof that F&H is a LIE. If these guys really were heartless Predators that would be more than happy to snatch kids right of the street, over and over… someone like that doesn’t sneak off to kill themself politely… they go out with a bang!

Absolutely ridiculous that these have been permitted to go on so long in civilized countries.

And we have no standing to get an emergency intervention/relief from the courts for the unrebuttable, irreparable harm the government intentionally causes?