The Crimes of Children

Round Rock High School, just north of Austin in the Texas Hill Country, sprawls over 88 acres. It feels like a small liberal-arts college: There is a junior R.O.T.C. Training center. There are basketball courts, a gymnastics facility, a swimming pool, a football field, soccer fields, and a baseball diamond that, along its outfield fence, bears a faded sign commemorating the school’s 1997 state championship victory. Full Article

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Excellent article! I hope the public starts to see the truth about punitive Registries, low recidivism rates, etc.

A third degree felony for a 17yo boy? And the supposed victim never claimed to have been victimized? Having to hide and live in fear? His mother having to endure questioning, as well as live in fear? Arrested and re-imprisoned for exercising his basic instinct for shelter as he played on his skate board? Even though at his age he was quite possibly not yet equipped with enough maturity, let alone have a job that could enable him to live on his own with the traumatic stigma the state placed upon his young shoulders? A stigma many grown adults struggle with. And then, after spending 3 years in prison for something he did with a willing participant when he was a child the system starts procedures to kick him out of the country for something his mother did when he was an infant with no say or control over the situation?

Some people call all of this “collateral consequences.” Were they honest people they would call this “bad laws” and not tolerate these “bad laws.” All this and much, much more, because some years back a single individual committed a heinous crime and was arrested, tried and imprisoned. But that wasn’t good enough for some people who, essentially said the laws in this once great nation were not good; and they started clamoring for what their mind told them were better laws, even though these people were and are the least qualified to make that assessment.

And now; who will close the floodgates of foolishness and ineffective and foolish laws that seemingly make it OK to attack children in the minds of some in this way? Is it no wonder so many hate this nation? Is it any wonder that God has removed His blessings for us as a nation, while still blessing individuals? Is it surprising to anyone that our so called leaders have the minds of children?

If anyone hates this country; not the land itself, but the people that make up this country, I’ll understand because hate is what emanates from so many who push these laws and claim them to be good. Even those who claim their hands to be tied. Hate is the natural progression and end result of this mess we call “sex laws.”

None of this should be done to anyone; not to adults, and especially not to children.