TX: Sex with 17-year-old girl is legal in Texas—sexted pics of her are kid porn

Try to follow along. In Texas, it’s legal to have sex with somebody as young as 17 years old. But it’s considered child pornography to have nude pictures of somebody under 18, even if he or she is 17. Full Article

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Love this from the comments :

The age of consent three miles down the road from me (in Oregon) is 18, but it’s 16 where I live (in Washington). But wait! If I’m more than 60 months older than the a 16-17 year old here, it becomes illegal again, 18 remains all good. But I had better not be their teacher, because that’s illegal up to the point the student is 21, even if I’m the same age.

If I was a 22 year old teacher, it would be illegal to have sex with a 16 year old, legal with a 17 year old, legal with an 18 year old, but illegal if a 21 year old was my student, until her 22nd birthday. I could also walk three miles and be branded a sex offender for life for hopping in the sack with that same 17 year old again on the other side of the state line, but Oregon doesn’t have the teacher/student thing, so as a 22 year old teacher I could take my 21 year old student for a quickie there and be all good in the eyes of the law.

Church people and Families don’t like nude photos and they Vote. People that like Nude photos don’t feel the need to vote. So who do you think the government will listen to ? Fight for your rights or hide under your rock.

As to the 2 comments above, you left out when crossing state line it becomes Federal Law and state law. you can be tried in Both Courts for the same offense.

This absurd law is not limited to Texas. In Wisconsin it’s a misdemeanor to have sex with a teen as young as 16. But it’s a class D Felony to possess a pornographic image of a 16 year old. Add to that, it’s a mandatory 3 year prison term in WI for possession of CP. So you can do 3 years in prison for looking at a pornographic image of a 16 year old on your laptop whereas you probably face not much more than probation for doing the deed in the flesh

Just another case of how absolutely hypocritical some of these laws have become. There’s just not much to say about this mess. More power to that old fart for getting a little from the 17 year old grown woman.

So, if the 17-year old girl, of her own free will and initiative, snaps a nude selfie and sends it to her boyfriend, she is both the perpetrator and victim of production and distribution of CP. In court, can the victim herself ask for leniency for the accused (also herself)? Does she have to pay for her own therapy as a victim and then also pay for mandatory sex offender counseling? Well, I hope her name is either Cybil or Eve, because she’ll have a justice system-induced case of multiple personality disorder!!

It is all a misguided attempt to control moral behavior. It doesn’t work. People still do it when they don’t see an actual harm being done or no one being hurt. We have this in common with Iran, well not in exact methods, but in effect, they stone adulterers and shame people who drink and yet thousands still do these things despite the government crackdown. All it really does is show government muscle and solidify its reign. And provides fodder for rebellion.