AUS: Dangerous offender laws the antithesis of free and democratic society

DETAINING people after they have served the sentence imposed on them by a court is unconscionable.

Yet this practice, which has its origins in Nazi Germany, has become common across Australia, and the Turnbull Government’s plan to keep people convicted of terrorism offences locked up potentially until they die is the latest incarnation of this trend. Full Article

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“Talking Point: Dangerous offender laws [civil commitment] the antithesis of free and democratic society”

Great piece with some solid historical parallels (Nazi Germany) provided by the author.

We are in a war and the enemy is the U.S. gov’t and their wrongful laws. Would a prisoner of war (which we are) be expected to pay taxes to an enemy government? We are denied basic rights after finishing parole/probation by being on a punitive registry yet we are expected to pay taxes.

We are a target for harm yet we cannot protect ourselves or our families. Taxation without representation was the start of the revolutionary war but to violate us is seen as alright. We every day in some way need to fight back.

Join me as boots on the ground in salons and barbershops let me teach you what I do to impact elections and lets take back this country one community at a time. This election year is nearly over but every two years a new one starts up! When I walk into a salon I’m walking into a community to impact that community in a positive way via community service and give away drawings in the name of candidates that promise to uphold their oath of office especially when it is unpopular to do so.

I have helped many candidates this year as a registered citizen… the word is out and we are on the move to make a difference! Janice and team have been the ones to carry the flag thus far…let each of us follow her example and lead by carrying our own special kind of flag and together we will not go into the night quietly! Robert Curtis (949) 872-8768

Actually the origins of registration laws began in the United States. Odd that a so called nation of freedom would be the nation most guilty of crimes against humanity. Nearly the last so called civilized nation to claim to end slavery, created a new neo legal form of slavery, and yet claims to be free and democratic. A truly self delusional state, comparable to extreme mental illness.

So it wakes up one day and says, we’re gonna create legal slavery and these fools in the united States will love it. We will give them someone they can all abuse legally, and we will claim it is for safety. It will provide no safety, we will line our pockets with the money, but still the fools in America will go along. Yea, it’s true, the bigger the lie, the more it works.

They say the meek will inherit the earth, lol. They sure will, through force and slavery.

Its primitive Mob Mentality at work , a Mob functions at the level of its most stupid participant . A Mob of 50 doctors and lawyers and one outlaw biker will function at the level of the Biker

California stole our daughter and terminated both my wife’s and my parental rights, and they are now moving her forward for adoption. They never claimed that our daughter was harmed or neglected or anything else. They took her Simply because I have to register, and they say that it’s was “imminent danger to the child” or my favorite they like to use “In the best interest of the child”. Sadly this is happening all over the place to many families, now finding themselves suddenly ripped apart for no reason other than someone “thinks” something “might, possibly” happen. We filed an appeal, but it was still seen in a state court, so the buddy buddy system applied and it was denied. Now our only hope at getting our daughter to come home is to file a federal civil rights case, but I don’t want just any attorney to work on this because we may only get one shot at it. I wish more than anything that Janice or the ACLU would pick up our case, I know then that we would win. I guess now we can start arresting everyone who buys a gun, because they “Might” do something dangerous with it sometime in the future…