… Others responding to the investigation said it’s a complicated issue in need of more study.
“The question is what do we do with these people,” said state Sen. Peggy Lehner, R-Kettering. “You obviously have people who are in need of nursing home care who happen to be sexual predators. And what is the alternative for them?”
The investigation explored an idea other states have proposed but none have implemented — creating specialized nursing homes for those on the sex offender registry.
Critics said that approach would isolate offenders from family and friends while creating a prison-like setting. Full Article
And the insanity continues. Peggy Lehner believes that everyone on the registry is a “predator”. I am so sick of being labeled like this. When most of us on the registry are “no touch” and the majority of the touch convictions were either consensual or an ancient conviction never having been repeated, there is zero chance of anything happening ever again. WTF???? I wish we could some how sort out the actual predators from the registry and begin trying to solve this problem for those of us that are NOT predatory. At least we would be able to logically argue against the registry for most of us. Caught peeing in public? Caught with a few deleted photos? Fall in love with a girl when you are 19 and she is 14? Each time one of the “predatory” offenders re-offends it takes us all down one more step into complete and total banishment.
As I approach retirement age it scares the hell out of me that I may have a stroke or get ill requiring nursing care. Theoretically I could be homeless.
Nursing home Costs start at around 4 grand a month, I agree with RENNY let the state pay for it.
Sexual predators are in every bar in the country every night, lol. This nation is full of sexual predators from children, to teenagers, to adults. Are you kidding me. If I was foreigner, this is the last country on earth I would visit.
I stopped counting how many sexual predators there are/have been in Congress or the White House. Hell, looks like the First Husband-to-be will be living there again soon!
What they need is a registry for these viscous little guys, reeking havoc in nursing homes: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/listen-to-911-call-from-squirrel-attack-its-jumping-on-people-and-biting-them/2016/11/04/bd47332a-a295-11e6-8864-6f892cad0865_video.html