New Author Announced for Tiered Registry Bill

Senator Scott Wiener (Democrat, San Francisco) has agreed to author the Tiered Registry Bill. As part of that decision, the Senator gutted a prior bill he previously introduced, Senate Bill 421, and amended that bill with the language of the original Tiered Registry Bill.

“We thank Senator Scott Wiener for his courage in deciding to be the new author of the Tiered Registry Bill,” stated Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “His decision could increase public safety by making more efficient use of government resources.”

The Tiered Registry Bill recently attracted the formal support of both the California District Attorneys’ Association and the California Police Chiefs. The bill’s sponsor is Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey. The bill’s co-sponsors include the ACLU, Equality California, and a victim’s rights organization (CalCASA).

Senate Bill 421 is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Public Safety Committee on April 25.

“We need ACSOL members as well as their loved ones to testify in support of Senate Bill 421 on April 25,” stated Bellucci. “Prior to the hearing, letters need to be written and phone calls made to members of the Senate Public Safety Committee.”


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Good news! Let’s hope everyone gets what they want out of this bill at some point.

Great news! See you all in Sacramento on the 25th!

Interesting Person, Senator Scott Wiener is.

He clerked for Justice Alan B. Handler on the Supreme Court of New Jersey.

In 2015, Wiener was robbed of his cell phone on the corner of 16th and Valencia. He immediately began to negotiate with the would-be thieves, and got them to agree to accept $200 for the return of his phone. The foursome walked to a nearby ATM, where the transaction was caught on tape by the cameras at the ATM. A Wells Fargo security guard also observed the robbery in progress, and called the police. A woman and a man were later arrested and charged with second-degree robbery.

If he is a good Practitioner of The Consent Ethic it would prove a Win Win for all parties involved.

The Only (Echad אֶחָד) Father Most High Fill Senator Wiener with Courage for True Justice Always (Olam עוֹלָם) Yehovah ! הבה נגילה

I speak a True Song

As Yehovah Lives, so should we

Is this replacement bill verbatim from SB695?

Janice, is this Tiered Registry Bill identical to the previous one where the decision to grant relief was in the hands of judges?

No offense and I’m not trying to be negative but I’m not getting my hopes up anymore me my family already made plans to leave the state my mom will still be liveing here if it does happen mybe I’ll come back

If it’s anything like the last terrible tiered registry bill, then I personally think this whole “tiered registry” idea is a bad idea.

This whole thing is so frustrating. It’s ironic that the Supreme Court ruled that continued registration does not qualify as a punishment. I think most will agree that its the biggest punishment of the entire process.

Janice and ALL at ACSOL: Thank you so much for your hard work in trying to keep this bill alive. And to Senator Scott Wiener, thank you for stepping up and sponsoring this bill.
You all have my 100% support for this.

Fingers crossed that this bill or some variation of it gets passed. I think the fact that a senator is picking up the baton and running with it (figuratively) is huge success. Back in 2015 when we tried to have a tiered registry bill passed it never received a single author, let alone a co author and other sponsors. I think there will still be many more hurdles to overcome in the coming weeks. It’s imperative that all remain resilient and supportive. Best wishes to a better future!

Talk about a miracle. I figured that it was too late to find someone willing to submit this Bill. For those that may loose their exclusion if AB 558 passes, this tiered registry might be the only way to get back off. I’ll make my phone calls this week in support of this tiered registry. It’s not the Bill we really want, but it’s a chance for some (if not many) of us to get off that list.

It’s Back, thanks Senator Wiener!

This bill is not perfect but definitely is an important first step. If we don’t play their games, we can never win.
I found a way to directly post my support and comments to the bill here.

Please all take a few moments and politely thank Scott at his website. Don’t muck it up with political diatribe or long winded speeches about what the bill is or isn’t please just thank him for his bravery.

I’m so confused and have looked all over for my tier based on this format. I have been convicted of 288a(b) (1). No where does it list my tier, can anyone point me in the right direction. Many thanks and lets hope this year we finally break through.

If we leave it up to judges to decide whether someone is granted relief, then my concern will become that it isn’t truly a tiered registry but a way to boost income for lawyers and increase the demand for judges to handle all the cases they will get. I’m not convinced that many, if any at all, will ever see relieve under this proposal. I hope I’m wrong, but at the same time, I’m very skeptical if it’s the same as the previous one. Relief should be automatically granted to those who qualify under the tiers, not up to elected judges to decide.

Thank You all for the update. There is still much concern about how we need to petition for removal. I feel there needs to be a 3rd party panel instead of a single judge. The judge can delay your removal based on their own personal assessment. I know many judges will want to make us jump through more hoops to get discouraged. Let’s hope we can make some amendments to help our community and we are humans as well. Hope!

I have a learning disability and im trying to figure out my tier from this bill. I score a 2 on the static 99 and convicted 2 counts of 261.5(d) felony, went to prison. Only time ever in trouble. I dont see it on the list.

-thank you

Not enough…way too much discretion left up to judges. Didn’t trust them then, don’t trust them now. How about making this RETROACTIVE as the registry was? Many were put on the registry retroactively, how about they are taken off the registry…as in automatic drop-off? How about those receiving clearance by 1203.4 being dropped off automatically? We know registration is continued punishment, we know that at any given time a self righteous zealot can knock on our doors and try to bash our heads in with a hammer or bat, we know that our homes can be vandalized or burned, children harmed, we know that there are those subterranium creatures that will pop out with a gun to do us harm. We know that some LE dance with glee when a registered citizen is “offed.” 15 years for a victimless internet sting is ample punishment, so the price of a penalty is for life. Let the people go that have served their time.

If you have committed a crime that makes you a level 3 sexofender your never geting off sad but true and when it comes to a tier registry it all just depends on your case and what really happened its not just the judges but district attorney and society ingeneral are looking at what you really did and depending on what your crime was you might deserve to be on there for life or your crime could be so ridiculous that you should be taking off immediately thats why we really need this tier regerstery to separate us from them is all im saying

I understand your point of view.
But being Passive is the reason we’re All here today.
When one of us suffers, we All Suffer.

The thing is SO MANY of us live our lives as good/great citizens trying to fit in with a society that doesn’t want one of us living anywhere near them and a political system designed to keep us buried alive in our past.
So many of us would jump at the opportunity to prove ourselves as free men and women. We just need the chance to do so.

For those of us who could not make it today, the Committee Agenda – Public Safety for 4/25/17 can be viewed here:

Also, live audio stream from Senate Room 3191 can be heard here: