Weiner will bear weight of sex offender laws he helped pass

… Do you remember those committee hearings you attended on the Adam Walsh Act (a failed attempt to standardize the complexities of sex offender registration)? Hopefully you paid attention, because sex offender registration laws and compliance with such laws are far more complex than simply avoiding sending nude pics via the wrong phone app. You helped make sure that, over the past decade, registration laws became some of the most draconian laws known to man. Full Article



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Great article. As we are learning, those politicians who push hardest for stricter laws are often the ones with something to hide. Guilt is a powerful motivator.

every NY registrant needs to get this out wherever he/she can

just throw it out all over and show how hypocritical these NY lawmakers like Skelos etc are

leave me a message if you are a NY registrant and want to form a group

Revenge tastes sweet? I can’t help but laugh at this moron for pushing laws like this and getting screwed by them, well deserved. Now if only more of these lawmakers can end up on the registry since that’s where they belong (since they aren’t perfect angels), then we could have more media attention on this matter.

He also co sponsored “Katie’s Law” to authorize taking your DNA sample upon arrest.

“Unlike other criminals, sex offenders pose a unique challenge to law enforcement and communities due to high recidivism rates.”
– Representative Anthony D. Weiner NY ( March 2009)

Ok, well now he is officially no longer human, but something like radioactive waste, and should be kept away from children’s play areas, virtual and physical, to avoid toxic contact. What half life (tier) will they assign him?

While I am sorry that the innocent members of his family will suffer, I’m glad that HE will get a good taste of his own medicine. As I have always said, it’s those who beat this drum the loudest who are probably wrestling with their own demons. So, by demonizing others, in their own minds, they are absolved of what they loathe the most about themselves. Am I wrong??? John Walsh is essentially an admitted sex offender. Mark Lunsford’s son should probably be on the list and maybe even Mark himself based on what was supposedly found on his computer. Governor Terminator, who gladly made the list public on the internet in California, couldn’t keep it in his pants and made the maid several times until he knocked her up. And, then, of course, there’s Bill Clinton. But I digress…
I wonder what Marc Klaas is hiding? I sure hope we get to find out someday.

BWAH, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!!! I’m sorry. Was I being unsympathetic to the plight of one of our fellow registrants? Schadenfreude party at my house!!!!!! 😉

the only thing I know for a fact is that he will have much time to reflect . I feel bad for his family , and him when it all sinks in , I don’t see any of this as funny . I feel for anyone that has to live a day in our shoes . that being said , I hope he joins our fight for freedom along with his family .

I dont feel a damn bit sorry for Weiners family. He sure didnt give a rats ass about mine

this is the problem . we do need to care , the hate needs to stop , inform to reform

Some random (and belated) thoughts…

If the topic of Mr. Weiner’s conversations with this “child” had involved blowing up a bridge or a courthouse, and if the images he transmitted had been a bomb-building diagram, the “child” would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, quite possibly as an adult.

In 2002 Mr. Weiner voted for the Iraq Resolution authorizing military force in that country. Mr. Weiner is *directly* responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands and injury to hundreds of thousands of children, as well as the traumatization of a whole generation.

Yet he will always be remembered as the guy who talked dirty on the internet and sent a photo of his genitals to a person less than 365 days away (in most states and federally) from being able to legally insert said genitals into any orifice of her body.

Carlos Danger Out.

Prison fits Weiner’s sex crime on teen victim, prosecutors say


Monday, people, Monday he will find out what happens in his case using laws he helped to pass…

All New York City RSOs should show up. Be there maybe 2 hours ahead. Doors open at 9.50am Room 15B
500 Pearl Street. Monday 25th September

I remember when he stood on the steps of Congress and gave his speech how all RSOs were a huge danger to society. He’s doing Federal which is a real pity because New York State jails are MURDER. He should get Tier 3 which will make his life HELL as we know. If he gets less than Tier 3 we’ll know how fixed the system is.

PLEASE add comments to this thread.

It seems so strange that there are different rules for different tiers of people. Lower tiers go directly to jail. Upper echelon is trusted to show up in a month or two, even though they have been convicted. I don’t believe predators can be trusted even when the law says they cannot be trusted. So let’s give all predators a couple of months to adjust. That’s very trusting and sad.