Two decades after Ohio began labeling sex offenders on a public database and setting restrictions on where they can live, a major overhaul to the law is being proposed that could drop thousands of lower-level offenders off the list
Some critics are even calling for doing away with the registry entirely, saying it’s been an expensive effort with little benefit to the public. Full Article
I see the “tattoo it on their foreheads” people are present and accounted for in the comment section! Typical and predictable.
More states should follow Ohio’s progressive thinking on these laws. Great to see this. Ohio citizens need to push their lawmakers to make these changes.
“Should we have a registry at all?”
No. Should we bring back stocks and branding? Same purposes, to shame and provide an indelible label.
Here’s one of their ideas:
Ability to deregister
Another change would allow sex offenders the ability to petition to get off the registry after a certain amount of time.
The petition could be filed after five years for Tier I offenders, 10 years for Tier II and 15 years for Tier III.
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Sure seems to fit Dr. Hanson’s max supervision of 17 years. Why can’t this be proposed here in California?
The article also fights back at the “misleading statistic”:
A comprehensive Department of Justice study from the late 1990s found that within three years of prison release, 5.3 percent of sex offenders were rearrested for another sex crime, a higher percentage than the 1.3 percent for non-sex offenders.
But sex offenders were less likely than non-sex offenders to be rearrested for any offense — 43 percent of sex offenders versus 68 percent of non-sex offenders, according to the DOJ report.
Registration opponents say many of the sex offender arrests are for non-sex crimes, including failure to register.
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Remember, CASOMB counted failure to register as a re-offense when it is not. When CASOMB re-classified only sex offense as a re-offense, then the recidivism rate dropped to under 1%. It’s been like that for the past two years.
what ever , they need to be talking about at the very least just the cops knowing where so’s are at , but even that should be gone , did your time and paper you should be free , if people want to mark other people let them mark them selfs , if someone kills a couple people he gets time and paper most of the time and he is free , Same thing in CA , what a waist of time and money making people file to get off of this wall of shame ,that most people are using for fun , fun making RC life’s crap , many that have years and years of clean time , how is that a good deal ? and what about those of us that took plea’s ? is not the states word even worth listing to ? agreement was years in prison and paper ,not more punishment just because someone new did a crime , why should people that have lived nightmares of this wall O shame have to have more punishment ? so why should anyone have to pay and file to get off what was a big mistake of a law to begin with ? or is everyone missing the big pile of chicken crap that take a oath to up hold the constitution that is plain as day not being up held ? I aint asking for anything that we as RC’s not Earned or was our right to begin with , we did ours now let us go !
One of the problems that we have seen in Ohio is that even though people convicted IN OHIO prior to the date the AWA complaint law was passed are mostly only subject to 10 years registration as a “sexually oriented offender” people coming from other states are classified based not on their offense, but on their state of conviction’s particular registration scheme.That means if you come from Florida, California, Alabama, etc where ALL sex offenders are subject to some form of lifetime registration, you are automatically classified as a Tier III offender in Ohio no matter the nature of your offense. That is a problem that Derek Logue of the Once Fallen website told me that he ran into when he moved fromAlabama to Ohio and as far as i can tell, he still faces that problem even after the courts in Ohio struck down retractive application of the AWA statutes to “domestic” registrants. The infamous “whichever is greater” provision in the statues is a problem in a number of states that on the surface, seem to have more reasonable laws.
If they can’t do away with the registry, at least ALL states should be on the same page.
1,000 ft residency restriction here, 2,000 ft, somewhere else, it’s ridiculous.
Does someone Really think 1,000 ft is going to make a difference in anything?
Registrants are expected to know all the rules and regulations for ANY state they go thru on their way to someplace else, that’s crazy considering law enforcement and government officials don’t know the laws in their own state half the time.
Either do away with the registry entirely, or, make it a National Tiered Registry that allows people to get off of it after a sane amount of time, and then be able to move anywhere they want Without having to register again because they’ve crossed a state line and are now under new rule.
The insanity needs to end.