NV: Nevada implementing law on juvenile sex offenders

Counties are implementing a new law dealing with juvenile sexual assault cases, the latest effort in the state to legislate such crimes after the passage of the federal Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. Full Article

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I am for anyone under 18 not registering for obvious reasons, but I also believe the public registration scheme does not work for adults either.

From this part of the article below, I don’t understand why their logic for not publicly registering ceases to be relevant once a person turns 18 and shouldn’t also apply to adults:
Registration and community notification is still required under AB395, however there are some abilities for a juvenile to remove himself from both the community notification website and from community notification itself,” Jones said.

The new law also sets out two types of hearings, one that already exists called a release hearing, and another called an exemption hearing. Jones said kids above 14 who meet certain requirements can be exempted from community notification and an online listing.

Jones said exemptions do not apply to aggravated offenses.

“This was probably the biggest point of contention with the Adam Walsh Act, is putting juveniles themselves on a website where their neighbors and everyone can see what they were convicted of,” he said. “This basically gives us the option to do it if we have a situation where a kid does prove a particular danger.”

Clark County Deputy Public Defender John Piro supported the bill in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on June 2.

“This bill strikes a good balance between protecting youthful offenders who made grave mistakes but have reformed and protecting the community from youthful offenders who made very serious mistakes and have not reformed at all,” Piro said.

The Adam Walsh “Child Protection Act” was written by Congressman Mark Foley (kicked out of Congress for sexting teenage boys), supported by former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (jailed for paying hush money to his male teenage molestation victims), and lobbied for by America’s Most Wanted John Walsh (who admitted having sex with an underage girl).
This is seriously f#cked up!!
I’m glad they’ll be protecting those juvenile boys from predatory lawmakers!!

So they try to make it sound like it’s a great law because they have the choice not to put a juvenile on the web. But it says that the exemption is only for non-aggravated offenses. As perhaps only those in the registrant community may know, pretty much everything related to a sex offense is considered ‘aggravated’. I’d like to see some stats about how many juveniles get the supposed exemption. I would guess less than 10 percent.

Those who passed legislation outing young people onto the web to ruin their lives and make them targets are a truly sinister bunch. Something is very wrong with the minds that came up with that concept. Anyone who tries to justify it all by saying there is some kind of ‘exemption’ is also playing loose with the truth and really is no better than the crack-pots that came up with these schemes.

Maybe the ‘exemption’ for a handful is the legislative way of making them feel better for doing this evil thing. I suppose even the Germans running the ovens at Dachau said it all wasn’t so bad, because some of the Jews got an ‘exemption’ from the death chamber to go out and work in the camp – well at least for a while.

law enforcement are in support of the bill in order to get us some diversion services ……………! justice SYSTEM” , what ? you mean its about getting money ? get out of here ! so the bottom line is money to better manage our kids , so they really want to pump the system big enough to “Control” our kids , do we really want the state to open a store for the elite predatory Gov to shop , or “reeducate” ? they have for a good many years been taking kids from there parents only to put them in places to be abused the state say are safe , you cant trust them with ensuring the safety of them . what you can look for is the laws and the law enforcement to ramp up and miss use these kind of law’s , just like the child protection have plainly over stepped there powers , and brake our familys up everyday , “many laws that cover us do not cover kids in courts” sure kids need to know that there are lines you don’t cross , but passing laws like this is like letting the fox watch over the chicken house ,