Living with 290: Small Tangled Misunderstanding

On August 14, 1989 (28 years, and one month ago on 08/14/2017) While I was watching a “Twilight Zone episode”

My six years old niece asked me to play with her. I told her I would play with you after I finish watching my movie. She replied “OK” and walked away; and as she walked away, I reached out my arm without looking behind me and friendly tapped her on her lumbar spine, vertebrae or behind? But if she said her private part then that’s her behind accidental and mistakenly, that’s it; That’s all that happen in this unintentional innocence incident.

After the movie went off. I left for a moment, told my nephew I was going to the store, which was about a short block and a half away. Walking back from the store, I notice from a distance that a police vehicle was parked in the front of my house, but I did not notice any police officer or officers anywhere? So I went into the house. After about five minutes had passed while I was in the kitchen. I heard the doorbell ring. “I thought at first it was just one of the other children that were playing in the front yard playing with the doorbell, in which I was left babysitting that day, watching the children while my sister, mother, and brother headed out to Los Angeles County. Nevertheless, I seen through the scream door, it was a police officer? And I asked, “May I help you?” The police officer said “There was a little girl that called and said that uncle James touched my private part? No etc.

The police officer then said “Can I come in and we can talk about it, this may be able to be resolved. (Being totally shocked and surprised on why my niece called the police on me was beyond me?) Since I did not do absolutely anything or thought of anything for whatever reason my niece called the police for? I let the police officer Mr. ? in and told the officer what happen mentioned above, just that simple. (But this turned out to be the biggest mistake I ever made of a lifetime by letting this police officer Mr.? come into my home; fooled and deceived by this man. Turned this situation completely around as though it was an intent to cause sexual arousal when it was not. [Don’t let the Devil in your home!] making it seem like they’re helping you, but all along meaning and planning to harm, hurt or even take your life.) Nevertheless, officer? said, “You’re are under arrest, put your hands behind your back.” I replied, for what? The police officer said, “For child abuse.” But there was no child abuse. In which even after being handcuffed, the police officer Mr.? did not obviously out of curiosity ask me to call out to my niece, nor did not officer? try to resolve this incident in which my niece was in the bedroom playing or doing whatever she was doing, and question her in my presence to resolve this issue; knowing that a small child her age of six years old are guileless, they don’t lie or know how to be deceitful. Officer Mr.? obviously did not have me or himself to call out to the child to even see what kind of condition she was in? Was the child bleeding; had the child been beaten; was the child frighten, terrified and shaking, etc? in order so that officer ? can witness this with his own eyes to examine the child; this was not done whatsoever? In fact, my niece never came out of the bedroom while this arrest setup was taking place.

When police officer Mr.? had arrested me and put me in the police vehicle. I seen officer? go to my next door neighbors house; asking them will or can they keep an eye on the children next door. I notice the next door neighbor female, shaking her head back and forwards as no. At that officer? called in for another police vehicle to come and pick up the children, there were three children in all. This accusation moved from bad To Worse.

At that, I was taken to the police department, which while being in a jail cell, officer? was getting other police officer’s all raged and fired up, by saying he’s a child molester and every scum of the earth words that he can think of? (This is the very kind of false arrest that could get you killed! knowing everyone hates child molesters even me. But here I am going through all of this over absolutely nothing by the untrue words and arrest that officer? had created and stirred up against my life, and it’s still lingering on today, 28 years later.)

Didn’t know it back then but found out today that I was represented by an appointed attorney that was still in private practice for such a very serious charge as this 288(A) P.C. crime, among other laws that did not take place at all such as Section 1027. After being in custody for 107 days for this accused of a crime I did not commit. I was released from custody (of course after threaten that I may be facing 6-8 years in prison if this was taken to trial, and waiver my preliminary hearing rights; which are in reality the waiver of your Sixth Amendment of the Constitutional Rights, and taking that probation in reality is a plea of guilty in which is a trap all accused or defendants victims fall for from these so-called public defenders or so-called appointed attorneys in which they’re helping you to put the rope around your own neck, in a matter of speaking! (May Almighty God Rebuke them when their time comes to stand before him; I really do mean that with all my heart!) After being released for a crime that I did not commit, I visited my probation officer, and he’s the one that told me about this life time sex registration, the charge of 288(a) P.C., Etc.

My sister with her daughter and two son’s had moved out, that I was lied on and accused of abusing. I then found out a few weeks later from another sister of mine that my sister Zebora’s ex-husband had once tried sexual acts with my niece, and Zebora taught her daughter “If someone touches you on your private parts to call the police. Now I understand everything about my niece’s actions! I never knew absolutely anything about this and my sister Zebora never mentioned anything about this issue to the family.

It’s understandable for any mother or father to teach their daughter or son this if they went through something like this with their ex-companion. One small tangled misunderstanding! So may Senate Bill 421 be for those that had their lives somewhere what destroyed by situations as like this. The root of every case is the police report, a report I had not seen up to this very selfsame day? But reopening this case is what’s needed to clear me through a Traditional Pardon, Etc.

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Sorry bro but you are in denial No one takes a plea for something like that. I’d go to trial and do 10 yrs if I was innocent no way someone pleads to an accidental brush. I would ask, have you completed any therapy or group?

I thought the policy of this site was not to share your stories that got you on the list. One major reason being that you will attract comments of people who don’t believe you.

“Living with 290” is supposed to be about life on the registry not an explanation of your inclusion on 290.

***@NPS is correct… we published this to remind (new) visitors about this section as it has gone somewhat dormant. Moderator***

This just proves again ( we already know this of course ) that this system is so corrupt and broken, and the people should be enraged for having their intelligence ( or lack thereof ) insulted. If a person convicted of a sex crime were to go to trial, he/ she may face decades in prison since their crime is so heinous. Yet, under a plea deal, they get a few months in jail, probation, house arrest, etc. So, all of a sudden that same person is no longer the monster he/she would have been had he gone to trial? Really, and people don’t see right through this scam?

Until the courts mandate that a person must educate themselves on what life on the registry means, they shouldn’t be able to accept a plea deal that includes that.

I know my lawyer didn’t tell me squat. The majority of sex offender lawyers tell you whatever they have to in order to get you to take a plea and end the amount of work they have to do. If the public knew the truth about the registry then the courts would be clogged with lengthy sex offense cases and victims would have to endure horrible cross examinations because nobody would accept a plea that included the registry.

The lawyer I hired killed himself about year after of him forcing me taking a plea. Another lawyer (who later became the DA) told me that this guy had dysfunctions and took over my case at sentencing. Since I have already token the plea he could not do anything there, however, he was able get it with some jail time, no prison, 5 years probation and worked with my employer to keep my job. About 30 years ago there was provision to allow RC to go off the CA registry after 10 years, which was part of my sentencing package, some how Megan’s law changed that. As for LL<14, 288(a) mine was a no contact incident.

I’m sorry, but I don’t buy your story! Ie: my niece asked me to play with her? I routinely read stories on this site and I’ve never heard anyone take accountability. You where obviously interviewed (request a lawyer). DNA? Evidence? A good lawyer would clearly interview the girl? Do you have prior convictions? I feel bad, but I just don’t get it.

First mistake was letting the cop in. The second mistake was talking to him. Wonder how many feathers this cop has in his hat representing people he has arrested for “sex crimes?”

Grin and bear it; move to a county that treats this more reasonably; don’t know where, but not OC or San Diego County!

If I was a cop and I interviewed him and he told me that story I would have arrested him too the whole story just sounds weird …. far as taking plea deals if your public defender sucks you could just fire him you can fire him every court appearance and they’ll give you a new one and most of the time if you really really talk to your public defender you can get them to do their job especially if you have family on the outs’s not just up to the public defender what people fail to realize you also have to help the public defender help you…

The recent release of BSA leaders who abused Scouts created an incident for me. I was a BSA leader at the time I was arrested for 664-288(a) via a LEO sting. Non contact since the person was an adult LEO. BUT, someone decided that I had gotten off easy since I was a leader at the time. My offense was 19 years ago but this person decided to see who was the Scout leader in our town who was not arrested for abuse of a Scout but was arrested for a sex crime. He posted my Megan site screen shot and my FB screen shot and INTIMATED that my crime involved a Scout. This was on the city unofficial website and I was called all the names and he and the other posters came close to threats but backed off. I am working with the DA for a Cert of Rehab and soon will be off Megan; but this just resurrected things that had settled down. I wish there was a violation or crime to go after this person but not that I can find; so once again all the fears and memories come flooding back. Anyway, just a vent but warning that there is always an AHOLE who wants to make a name for himself but OUTING one of us. By the way I have registered every year and no arrests or even questioning once I was off probation