Australia: Victoria gathers momentum on radical new sex offender plan


IF A convicted sex offender moved in next door, wouldn’t you want to know?

“Of course you would,” says Sonya Ryan, a grieving mum who knows all too well what a predator can do.

Ms Ryan, whose daughter Carly was murdered by Gary Newman in 2006, is 100 per cent in favour of a new push in Victoria that would give everyday Australians access to a database of the worst of the worst.

“It’s long overdue,” Ms Ryan told “When an adult preys on a child, I truly cannot think of a worse act. Our priority should be protecting our children.”

The Victorian government said this week it will consider a radical new plan to share information on sex offenders — including photographs and identifying features — with concerned members of the public. The plan, proposed by the Victorian opposition during an election year, would be an Australian first.

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Ignorance, self-serving “I want to know” entitlement and fear mongering truly is a global disease.

It’s propaganda to convince everyone in Australia that there should be more public notification due to fear of sexual crime against children due to stranger danger that the public really wants to hunt them down. Passing more sex offender laws is definitely not going to help keep anyone safe from danger, instead this will endanger lives and people just don’t care to realize how this will go down if they keep passing more laws like here in the US.

Umm, I may have missed it in the article, but although it said the guys name, it never actually stated that he was a registered person on a registry.

So how does this make any of them safer?

I doubt those laws preventing vigilante justice will even prevent that. In Australia if they want you dead then they can just push you off a cliff into crocodile infested waters or one of the other thousand of natural things that will kill you there. They have a whole expanse of empty outback where they can leave you and no one will even look.

What’s it going to take for people to see that these registry are not a good thing ? Its not enough that we are being hunted down and killed , in some cases our wife , what are they waiting for ? one of our kids ? will we have to use crime pictures in order for enough people to get it , like more judges ? seems to me that this should be on the table because the state is putting real children and there family in grave danger . and this lady talking about everyone should have the right to know that RC’s live close by , but no mention of the guy living close by when he killed her daughter , or if he was an ex SO .

Once the addresses are known, then the calls to implement residency and proximity restrictions will crank in, followed by registration fees, job restrictions, education prevention, and finally, incarceration for existing.

So what does Carly’s killer have to do with any sex offense? Maybe I missed it but I read three stories on Carly and the foundation supported by the Australian gov’t.

Where was Carly’s Mom when her 15 yer old was trotting to the beach to meet someone alone? Maybe Carly’s Mom should have taught her own daughter about internet safety instead of forcing it down 100,000 children after the fact and collecting 600,000 dollars from the gov’t.

She’s in pain and wants people punished. She and her supporters want former offender to suffer too, for eternity. She’s essentially saying, No more life for you either!!

Did I read incorrectly or what? He met her, beat her up and strangled her, then threw her in water. Is this just a violent murder or a sex offense? Did he have sex with her?