CA: Spitzer Applauds Board for Rescinding Vote, Warns Colleagues About Sex Offender Data


(Orange County, CA) – Supervisor Spitzer applauded his colleagues for joining him in rescinding their votes to place homeless individuals in tents in Orange County cities.  Supervisor Spitzer voted against the original plan, which passed 4-1, which he argued could place dangerous individuals—in addition to homeless who need intensive mental and substance abuse treatment—right into the heart of three Orange County cities—Irvine, Laguna Niguel, and Huntington Beach without a shelter operating plan.  The Bridges at Kraemer Place, in Spitzer’s district, operates with nearly 200 occupants who are screened for sex offender status.  Before Spitzer went into the community to gain support of this project, he already had an explainable operating plan that excluded sex offenders from residing there. Full Press Release


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Hey imagine that, 46 sex offenders have cut off their ankle bracelets and absconded. Where is the rampant sex offenses occurring because these individuals who absconded must be committing sex offenses since they are no longer under state supervision and not on Megan’s Law right ?

“I will do whatever it takes to make sure that sex offenders are not in our community” ~10:00

– Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer, next(?) Orange County DA?

They probably went into mexico before the wall was done.

When is this insanity, abuse, and persecution going to stop? First off, none of those 2,333 are “sex Offenders.” They are people who at one time in the past were convicted of a crime of a sexual nature, and all have paid their debt and met the requirements or are in the process of meeting the requirements of the justice system. And unless they are currently committing more sex offenses then they are not currently sex offenders. secondly, it is quite apparent reading the article that this categorizing, labeling, and ostracizing from society is making the situation worse. I doubt if any of those that have “absconded,” if they were living in an apartment and reconnecting with society would have run off, In fact the stress of having an ankle monitor will make a person want to remove it and run. This unrelenting abuse of these people, even after they have paid their debt to society, is causing a worse problem, and even so, they are not going out an committing sex crimes, they are running to get away from the persecution.

Intriguing article. The last time I registered, the DA walked right by me. In summary, OC is truly a very different County as opposed to LA. I plead to a battery years ago in LA and both the DA and Judge where always very cordial and professional. Yet, when I filed my COR years ago with an expunged battery/Summary Probation, I was shot down. I doubt this would have happened in LA. The DA of OC was nuts/claimed all kinds of things and I found her both disturbing and very dishonest. I can only wonder if things will change when I attempt to get off the registry in 2021 (Tier 1). By the time I file, 24 years will have elapsed.

It’s not like there’s a heavier penalty for a repeat rape or what not for those on the registry than those who no longer are.

That’s a damn good point.

Janice, I know what you mean. I just wonder if every Judge will be on board. They can’t deny everyone forever.

Janice, we have to remain positive. I’m sure there are some fair Judges (Chance O received a COR). I would imagine a lot of people will be filing to get off the registry. I think denying a Tier 1 expunged 23 years later will be difficult, unless a valid reason. Let’s remain positive.

Janice is being positive if you lived in Orange County you know how they treat Registry Citizen’s out there and the fact that they’re literally teaming up and picking through the homeless not looking for crime or people with mental illnesses that need help people who are starving or sick and need medical No there picking through them looking for sexoffenders they’re obsessed with it and they have the time the money and the resources to sit there and mess with every registrant in their County when I lived in Orange County they came by my house like 4 times in one year for compliance checks they would follow me to work trying to find anything they can to arrest me for
so yeah I’ll tell anybody if you plan on getting off in Orange County in 2021 good luck

Well, you have some good points. I’ve actually never had too many issues here in OC. I think things are changing. I once had 2-3 compliance checks/expunged offense 21 years ago with summary probation (I’m only stating this to give people an idea of my situation). They where very professional/never really asked any questions. My only complaint was the registration process. It literally takes at least 2 hours of more (no bathrooms/parking limit). I literally have to park in the parking garage next to the building (2 hour limit). Then, I had requested to use their bathroom and the only bathroom is in the park that (sorry) looks like it’s filled with homeless and drug dealers/if you recall, we where once banned from parks? So, it’s a hurdle to register. I moved to LB for 1 year and it literally took 30 mins. Let’s remain positive and hopefully things will change.

I might suggest meeting with Todd and going from there. Maybe he is a bit nieve when it comes to registered citizens. I might suggest educating him on the upcoming study on recidivism and other changes taking place within the community. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of how the laws, views and statistics have altered many.

The sh!t show moves on…. new place, same old fear mongering.