Response to the Recent Time Magazine Article, ‘Bad Men’

[UPDATED LINKS 5/16/18] 5/15/18]

This was written by Vicki Henry of W.A.R. I thought it was a good reply to Time magazines one-sided journalism ,So I ask if could pass it on. This was in response to the recent Time magazine article that just scares people even more. This is a great response to anyone who thinks the registry is a good idea.

Ms. Dockterman and Editor,

I know the title ‘Bad Men’ was a media ploy to garner readership and invoke fear amongst the readers. I get that, but is was in poor taste. I don’t know that anybody at TIME has an inkling of how difficult it is for our families to live a life surrounded by people who, after reading things such as your article, conclude registrants are irredeemable and are not entitled to breathe the same air that they do.

Is there ever redemption in the world of the ‘others’ who go about their ‘sin free’ lives after calling their legislators demanding their children and family be protected from the perverts, molesters and pedophiles. Hark, there is no silver bullet! While that is the focus of the first law passed in 1994 and was designed as a law enforcement only tool it has since become an empire. How can that be? Please read these couple of paragraphs and ask yourself who would benefit and who is safe.

According to the NCMEC map there are over 874,725 men, women and children (as young as 8 and 10 in some states) required to register and the “crimes” range from urinating in public (indecent exposure), sexting, incest, mooning, exposure, false accusations by a soon-to-be ex-wife, angry girlfriend, or spiteful student, viewing abusive OR suggestive images of anyone 18 years old or younger, playing doctor, prostitution, solicitation, Romeo and Juliet consensual sexual dating relationships, rape, endangering the welfare of a child, the old bait-n-switch internet stings (taking sometimes 12 months before a person steps over the line) guys on the autism spectrum or with intellectual disabilities and many others.

If you multiply the number on the registry by 2 or 3 family members you can clearly see there are well over 3 million wives, children, moms, aunts, girlfriends, grandmothers and other family members who experience the collateral damage of being murdered, harassed, threatened, children beaten, have signs placed in their yards, homes set on fire, vehicles damaged, asked to leave their churches and other organizations, children passed over for educational opportunities, have flyers distributed around their neighborhood, wives lose their jobs when someone learns they are married to a registrant….all these things occur when these people try to hold their family together and provide the three things that professionals state are needed for successful reintegration; a job, a place to live and a “positive” support system.

Read more

Related links:

Can Bad Men Change? What It’s Like Inside Sex Offender Therapy [ 5/14/18]

court-mandated treatment for “bad men” comes with problems [ 5/14/18]



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Great response to the very ignorant mindset of Time, and as I read it I couldn’t help but think that if you substituted the word Registrant for Black or Gay you would be transported in time to exactly what was happening to those very despised minority groups at one time in the United States.

Wow! As a mom, a spouse and a friend of those who are registrants, it would be an honor to be allowed to sign her letter.

wow that’s good stuff , we should all carry that letter on us at all times ,

I strongly suggest that we each write a letter – yes, old-fashioned paper, envelope & stamp – to Time’s editor to lodge our complaints. If they get enough letters – actual physical letters – they may print an apology, a correction, or some sort of follow-up article.