ME: Suit says Maine’s sex offender registry is unfair

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Fifteen people challenging the constitutionality of the retroactive nature of Maine’s sex offender registry have gone before the state’s highest court. A lawyer for most of the men listed as John Doe in court papers told the Supreme Judicial Court on Thursday they were required to register long after they had served time and gone years without any new offenses.

He says they weren’t given hearings or allowed to argue that they were no longer dangerous. He said some of them went decades with no new offenses. Full Article

Article in the Portland Press Herald

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These 15 registrants in Maine are setting a good example, an example that could be followed in California.

I so agree! Murderers are at times released from prison, serve their time on parole and free to live their lives! Yet, we have people who remain on the registry for offenses decades ago? California needs to make changes to their laws!