Requested permission to see my son’s wrestling matches and was denied. “Per our policy and your circumstance…” I asked for a copy of the cited policy and haven’t heard back. How have people here dealt with schools and access to our kids extra-curricular activities?
State: CA
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I am in Missouri so the rules might be different, but in general, the school must be notified before I go to any events. I have not been outright denied, but the school can do that according to the law. I got permission to watch soccer practice after school. The practices were held at the school fields.
I am fortunate that my wife wanted to homeschool ours kids so we pulled them out so I don’t have to deal with that crap.
Also, the principal at one of the schools was married to an offender. There was a huge outcry when this was found out. She has since moved on, but I thought it was good for our community to know that the registry is coming to your neck of the woods. My kids take lessons from the principal’s wife. It is very awkward, but I feel like they don’t really care.
I am so glad this came up! I have asked this before in general comments, and I received some positive feedback. I have a young daughter and found out another child on the way- they deserve to have their dad participate in the lives just like all the other kids. If possible, I suggest that you get an attorney to help you with a formal records request for the policy. I plan to do that for our school district prior to enrolling my daughter in a few years. I will want them to answer why my child does not deserve to have the same attention as the other children whose parents who could (and statistically) are a bigger threat to those children than my husband is.
I hope you get answers!
Its really simple people, If a school has this policy yank him/her outta that school, therefore costing that school $$$$… after all why do you think the school calls a truancy officer as its lost $$ for them !
My child is in high school now but, interestingly, it was with the grade school that I didn’t have any problems. The principal provided a letter to me at the beginning of the school year granting me campus access and it enumerated which on-campus events this covered. If there were changes or updates during the year, a new letter was immediately forthcoming.
Fast forward to high school. Initially, permission was granted and all was well. Suddenly, and without an incident or provocation on my part, the letter was rescinded and with a stern admonishment from a sheriff deputy that I would be arrested in front of my child if I came on campus for anything but an emergency situation. Appeals to the district level were rebuffed.
I ended up filing a lawsuit, with the help of our very own Janice. The lawsuit was dropped when the district amended their policy regarding RC parents and issued me a letter of permission to be on campus. Subsequent to that, I have not had any issues. The principal, in fact, is quite cordial and accommodating when new events pop up that I would want to attend (events that directly involve my student).
I have had mixed success when accessing schools outside of our district, for sports events. Some principals are quite understanding, issue a letter, and thank me for being involved and proactive. Others send a denial, which I have not fought (even though researching their district policies demonstrates they do allow for this situation and seem to be welcoming).
Preaching to the choir: RC’s are not a true issue or threat to student safety but it makes for a good appearance. I would question the safety policies of any campus that fears an RC on school grounds presents a danger because that would suggest you are not properly monitoring students and ALL adults on campus.
Good luck.
I do not have children, but occasionally I do have to go to a school property to attend community meetings, utility company public information meetings, etc. I have been granted access to public school grounds on the occasions that I’ve had meetings at those schools. The only time I have been denied access is was for my electric company’s general meeting. It was being held at a private school. If this happens again, I will be certain to send a letter to the utility company – and copy it to that school’s administrator – requesting that they do not hold meetings at any locations that do not allow all their customers to attend.
Sorry to hear your story. I have 2 children. I go to back to school night/meetings/concerts etc. I’m not on the Megans Law Website. I don’t make it a point to stick out etc, but I do attend. No issues. No, I don’t volunteer.
Thank you for this post. I’m currently going to be a new father and will likely face similar issues.
Are districts policies public or subject to freedom of information requests?
Are there any “rights” that registered offenders have when it comes to taking their children to and from school or attending required events?
thank you to the other California’s for also sharing experiences, hopefully this will continue to show the registry is not “merely administrative”
Right before the school year started they sent out a notice that starting this year, in all schools district wide they were going to be using the Raptor system. ID’s would be scanned on entrance to the school. This is a school district in Southern California.
They pointed out though that they were only looking for sex offenders, and not immigration status.
The irony of that is that sex offenders broke the law in the past and completed their sentence. People in the country illegally are breaking the law NOW.
I’ve always said that children of registered citizens need to file a class action lawsuit. They’re not afforded the same opportunities as other kids because of what their parents need to go through.
The raptor thing is disturbing! It only shows those who are disclosable offenders? Or, ex offenders? I typically only go onto campus after school etc.
Homeschool your kids like we do. On average the state pays about $7500 per student per year. So we get the enjoyment of knowing they are losing out on $15K a year just from our household for their lame policies. Plus homeschooled kids get a much better education. Win win situation. You don’t even have to do the homeschooling completely yourself. There are homeschooling groups you can look into.
Southern California residents be careful. I know we all share the same view about not being allowed on school campuses, however, it is part of the 290 statute. In San Bernardino County you must have a child enrolled in that particular school as well as written permission to be on campus. Being on school property without those two items is trouble – regardless of your reasoning. Now, take into consideration the Raptor program. When you walk into the front office your ID is scanned (several schools in SB County are using this). I don’t know if undisclosed registrants will show as I’m not 100% sure where Raptor compiles their data from. But, according to Raptors website, once a registrant is identified, the school can notify authorities (or the system can send an alert to local police automatically) and you may just have a patrol car outside in the parking lot as you exit the front office. Is it worth the risk? I’m not trying to scare anyone, I’m just trying to be realistic. The last thing anyone needs is another charge. Especially if you are potentially able to be relieved of registration via the new legislation or by a certificate of rehabilitation.
My kids are in LAUSD and I’ve never been to a single school event. My daughter finishes elementary school in June and will be crushed if I’m not at her graduation. My wife, on the other hand, is terrified of the school, other parents, or our kids learning of my 290 status. My kids don’t even know what the term sex offender even means, but they know they love their daddy and he loves them more than anything in this world.
The school has gone to a “closed campus” yada which means, among other things, parents must sign in when coming on campus. I’ve no idea if they’ll require signing in on a graduation day, but I was hoping to forego permission letters and simply attend without lingering afterward.
I’d get a letter but fear my status would be shared by busy-body faculty and staff until it filters down to my kids.
What do we know about LAUSD’s screening of parent visitors for big events?
It is unfortunate that these schools are not protecting their students. I fully expect that they know that and chose to do PR stunts instead because it is easier and will give the appearances that they need to get the most $$$. Smart people know the public is stupid, gullible, and emotional. So they use that.
I don’t reccomend this for everyone but this is what I did. I’m 2002 when the list went online my kids catholic elementary school learned of my status. Some parents freaked others offered a lot of support. Met with the principal ( a female) and was allowed to attend all events. Made a deal I wouldn’t use the restroom on campus. Big deal. When my first went to high school (catholic) the principal there was made aware of my status . Met with her once told her I’d follow the same rules at middle school. Never met with her again privately. Attended every event and events at other schools. They all played high levell sports. Never had an issue. Nobody ever said a word. My own personal feeling was I don’t give a shit I’m going to support my kids and if they want to arrest me for that go right ahead. My strategy is not for everyone but just be smart and be under the radar and be friendly. I made a ton of friends through kids sports and I really don’t know if they know or not. Can’t be obsessed with that.
Whatever happened to this?
I am so glad I saw your post. I too live in California and have a daughter in Elementary School. The laws of our state are clear. You are required to obtain permission to be on campus from the school principal prior to being there. I met with the Principal before the year began and introduced myself and told him I wanted to be fully involved at school. He checked with the district and they with the local PD unit. I simply email him the dates, events, and times I want to be on campus and he always sends me back an email confirming my allowance. The emails are more for my protection so I can prove my right to be there should anyone ask at any time. As far as I know there is no provision where they can keep you off campus unless you pose a threat to someone; your prior offense is not reason enough.
We haven’t had any problems, but we have a tight knit group and I’ve known most of them for many years, some even before this happened in 1997. Most of them go to church with us so might be why they are able to look past my circumstances and most people that find out the details are shocked I’m still dealing with this. I wish you luck and I think if you do make the change you will find happiness in the fact that you control the situation and there isn’t a school telling you what you can and can’t participate in when it comes to your kids.
Can anyone answer this about Raptor. I’m not listed on Megan’s Law or the national database, will my name come up in their system as a RSO?