MI: AG Dana Nessel Does The Unthinkable – Argues The Truth About SORA (Commentary)

Michigan’s Attorney General has entered the cultural and legal conflagration of how we reckon with sexual violence in our society with a remarkable (and compelling) argument: Michigan’s sex offender registries are not effective at stopping sexual violence.

It’s a remarkable argument. Safety and accountability have been the ostensible watchwords in our ongoing collective discussion of sexual violence, but strong (and understandable) emotion has tended to override those concerns and diverted discourse into negative-feedback loops of ever more brutal consequences for anyone who would even be perceived to stand in the way of that punitive impulse. Just ask Aaron Perksy. Full Commentary

Guy Hamilton-Smith is a Board Member of ACSOL and a scheduled speaker at the 2019 ACSOL Conference.

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Soul murder…. Destroying a persons identity and personality is a very cruel punishment.

I found being released back into society, was a “second prison” because of the horrendous restrictions that would never end and the restrictions goals would simply destabilize me from leading a productive life to my fullest. That isn’t rehabilitation but rather obstacles and traps.

Michigan’s registry is so broken it’s chief law enforcement officer is begging for it to stop.

Hope we can get somewhat of a life back, thank You!

I feel that sending her supportive letters & emails will help her ( and by extension ) our cause. She is going to receive a lot of flack for her opinion, so let’s show her support. Her email is easy to find, so get on it!

Hello everyone,

He is the schedule for March oral arguments concerning Michigan v David Snyder and Michigan v Paul Betts


Hi Everyone here is yesterdays conference call recording


@ Bill

So you were the Bill on the call, glad you asked that question even though they really didn’t have an answer for it. I also don’t think they kept a whole lot of focus on the subject matter in my opinion.

I still don’t understand how the prosecutors can argue for the registry when their boss Ms. Nessel writes to briefs and argues against the registry and admits it’s punitive and unconstitutional, it just seems like a conflict of interest to me. I just wish they would of spoke more on the up coming cases on March 6th and what it means for pre-sorna registrants, and those of us that are pre-sorna when are we going to be finally be removed from the stupid thing. I actually have to check in with my local police station in March, so it’s going to be interesting what they think about all this and what Ms. Nessel said if they think anything at all.

The link you asked about do you mean when they have the oral arguments on March 6th it’s scheduled for sometime in the afternoon. I know you can listen to it as it is happening live, but I will share the link when it is available so everyone can listen to it.

But my question is this. If the Michigan Supreme Court rules that the registry is punishment, how will that affect those of us who were already on the list before the 2006 & 2011 changes were made? And will that ruling eliminate that $50 a year they charge us to be on the list? I think it’s stupid that we have to pay the State to be on that list. There is no way it costs the State $2 million to maintain that list every year.

This is also interesting… A brief from ACLU filed a week before the AG’s brief.


Looks like it’s going to be the legislation to correct this mess!

If not then it’s back in U.S. district court, which Clealand has to rule SOR is “null and void” for every pre-2011 registrants for severability reasons! He has to comply with 6th court ruling which IS BINDING!

@ Everyone,

I emailed Ms Aukerman on the 13th about what all this means for us, now that Ms Nessel filed to briefs in our favor, and agreeing that Sorna is Punishment and unconstitutional, Well she actually just emailed me back just now, but as normal she really didn’t say much or what this really means for us, but thiswhat she did say to me. Hopefully some one else can read between the lines and then explain it to me.

Here is her response: Bobby,
This is an important development and we hope it will lead to changes in the law.  The prosecutors are taking a different position than the AG.  It will be interesting to see if the Court thinks that they can. We are making that very argument.

Hello Everyone

I got this in an email today and there is also another one that is exactly the same but for David Snyder’s case
So does this mean the oral arguments are postponed for March 6?. I just checked and they are both still scheduled to be heard in the afternoon of March 6thmaybe it’s just me but i’m confused so if some one could explain what this means for both case’s, are they both postponed or are they still ago for March 6th, Thanks in advance, here is the link. http://publicdocs.courts.mi.gov/SCT/PUBLIC/ORDERS/153696_84_01.pdf

David Snyder’s say’s the same thing

Anyone else getting excited the closer we get to March 6 th? I’ve finally seen some light at the end of the tunnel. And I refuse to give up hope. I know that it’s unrealistic to expect some resolution at the hearing; but a girl can dream. Right?