CA: Lackey Bill Would Put Child Support Evaders on Blast

[ – 2/27/19]

A bill introduced last week by Assemblyman Tom Lackey would call for the State of California to create a website which would list parents who owe more than $5,000 in child support.

According to Assembly Bill 1498, it would showcase delinquent parents who have not been making court-ordered child support payments. The website would publicly display:

Obligor’s name
amount of child support owed.


Read more about this proposed registry


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Sounds like shaming to me….. Apparently that is exactly the purpose of the website.

Yes that will work. Shame them into payments for money they probably don’t have and then be blackballed for jobs so they can’t earn the money to make their payments. Do you think we’ll hear any opposition legislators say registries don’t work?

This is hardly a “registry”. All persons affected are in active violation of their court ordered payments. As far as I am concerned, failure to pay child support is theft. Theft against the child, its family, the tax payer in general. All these people have to do is come current / comply with their court order (again – court order), and off the list they go.

Whether or not this approach is effective in the end, or whether it is becoming of a “civilized” society is neither here nor there.

But it is not a registry in the sense of this site. Apples and Oranges.

Why do politicians constantly do crap like this “for the children” when in reality it actually harms children more than helps them? Just like with the SOR, this information will be used against the very children its trying to help. Bullies constantly use crap like this to victimize people.

Yep another loser politician spending tax dollars on waste !
I’m just waiting for there to be a registry for not paying restitution to the court ! Ill be on the TOP of the list (maybe) ahah at 12k !

In which the state will never get a red cent !!

How about we just have a directory of EVERY person in the world, their pic, their EVERY offense going back to kindergarten, and let others just search and shame the offense of their choice.
We could search by name , or offense, or country. Wouldn’t that solve everything?
What an asshole this guy is!

Beat or kill a child? Do your time and rejoin society to start life anew.

Late making those child support payments? Publicly shamed for life, plus collateral damage to your children.

Seems fair to me.

They best be careful with this one….there may be plenty of “bycatch” of friends, relatives, and coworkers.

Assemblyman Tom Lackey is not a friend to registrants or their loved ones. His introduction of this bill could have an unintended consequence, however, that helps both registrants and their loved ones. How? The creation of a new registry for those who have failed to pay child support could deflect interest from those on the sex offender registry and could also weaken the impact of being on any registry. Never thought I would say thank you to Mr. Lackey, but here goes. Thank you, Mr. Lackey for introducing AB 1498.

If we get to put out a registry for all FELONY crimes listing the names and addresses of each convicted felon. Each DUI, murderer, assault, robbery, burglary, so that they public can be aware of someone nearby who might commit the crimes again. Then it would be fair to us on Megan’s. Also it would show how crazy it is to list us. We do not repeat with any rate even close to these felonies.