ACSOL 2019 Conference is just weeks away! Reserve your seat

ACSOL’s annual conference is just weeks away on June 14 and 15. 

Our theme is “Together, One Voice: Show up, Stand up, Speak up!”! 

Our speakers will teach you how to do that, plus a lot of other useful information. 

You will feel hope as you talk with other registrants and supporters. 

Click here to sign up now to make sure you get a seat! We aren’t just saying that, because we really were given a limit to the number of people who can be seated comfortably in the beautiful facility that hosts our conference. 

If you need financial help to attend, we offer up to a 50% discount for those willing to serve as volunteer workers at the conference. Please email your contact information. 

To donate to our scholarship fund to help those in need attend the conference, go to the signup page (even if you have already signed up).

Change starts with knowledge, knowledge turns into power, and power impacts our world. Together we can drive change, in our families, in our communities, as well as in our local, state and Federal governments. 


Los Angeles at the Southwestern Law School

3050 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

Free parking! 

Who’s Invited: Registrants, Families, Friends, Advocates, and Professionals  

ACSOL’s 2019 conference will feature new speakers and presenters: 

* Professor Eric Janus will educate us about surviving the registry 

* Attorney Adele Nicholas will share motivational tales of legal victories  

* Chance Oberstein will empower registrants with his personal story and efforts to free others from the registry  

* Janice Bellucci will inspire us with heart and a call to action 

* Guy Hamilton-Smith will teach us to create advantage from adversity

Conference panels offer practical solutions:

* A psychologist and member of the California Sex Offender Management Board will present on CASOMB’s work

* California’s Tiered Registry

* CP Issues

* Domestic & International Travel

* Effective Advocacy

* Employment Opportunities

* How to Cope

* LGBTQ issues

* Practical Solutions for Surviving Supervision

* Prison Issues Faced by Inmates

* Tension, Sigma, and Storytelling:  Researchers and Anti-registry Activism

* The Advantage of Adversity

* Understanding Risk Assessments (E.g., Static 99-R)

* Why Suicide Prevention Efforts Must Include Registrants

* Conference attendees will be encouraged to ask questions directly of our experts, to engage with other participants, and to steer the direction of the conference.

Banquet Dinner:

Come and make new friends, discuss the conference, and network with people who understand and care. Tickets available for $25 on the conference website

Dinner will be at The Dragon Restaurant, 966 Vermont Ave., Los Angeles

Click here to go to the conference page

or click “ACSOL Conference” at the top of any of our pages on

We look forward to seeing you in Los Angeles!

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ACSOL, including but not limited to its board members and agents, does not provide legal advice on this website.  In addition, ACSOL warns that those who provide comments on this website may or may not be legal professionals on whose advice one can reasonably rely.  

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Who teaches men to defend themselves in FTR?
EX POST registrants can point to an ex post law.

I would like more info on housing and how to get rentals without getting refused right off the bat? Seems this is a big obstacle………