Sex offenders and Halloween is frightful

One state lawmaker says a lawsuit filed in California allowing sex offenders to participate in Halloween is chilling. The lawsuit argues that local ordinances in the Golden State are denying the right of the sex offenders’ free speech and right to celebrate the holiday.

Abbotsford Republican Scott Suder has a preemptive warning for sex offenders in Wisconsin. “Any petition is dead on arrival; it’s not gonna happen in the state of Wisconsin. Sex offenders are not going to be able to participate in Halloween trick-or-treating any time, any where in the state of Wisconsin.” Full Article

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From the article, HIS words are frightful and sad.

Suder says he will continue to work on strengthening laws to make Wisconsin an absolute nightmare for any sex offenders and would-be offenders.

He doesn’t know what an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE is … I’m speechless, truly ~ MM

Wow… just wow. Someone, please remind me again how Republicans are supposed to be proponents of a “limited government?”

Yet another poorly informed politician pandering to the vote by trying to terrify the people.

Assembly Republican Scott Suder of Abbotsford says any effort to change that policy will be, “dead on arrival.” I wrote this for folks who have a mind set like you Mr. Tough Guy Scott.

As far as I am aware, there are no children who have been abducted or lured on Halloween by anyone in the history of Halloween and trick or treating by children with or without adult supervision. This being evidenced not only by me but by lawyers headed to the Supreme Court in order to block legislation governing the unconstitutional laws proposed by one or more communities to prevent PO’s and their families from enjoying their personal freedom and the right to celebrate Halloween.

So who, or should I say what fools (those who are deficient in compassion, judgment, sense, or understanding) sanctioned legislation and laws on restricting prior offenders (PO), also known as, registered sex offenders (RSO) who served all of their punishment requirements including probation or parole and register regularly as are required by the city, county, state and federal government.

These judicially discriminated against prior offenders (PO’s), during Halloween, are confined or imprisoned (basically under house arrest) at their residence generally from early to late evening. The PO’s are not allowed to participate in Halloween individually or with their families. There are some who must post a sign indicating they are a RSO, leave their residential lights off and remain confined until their legislated time is reached to be free again. If these illegal restraints are not followed; the PO is charged with another crime and punished by whatever law imposed on them.

Any PO with a young family can not only hand out treats at their residence but cannot take their children out trick or treating, as well.

When I was a child Halloween involved trick or treating, hay rides, bobbing for apples and taffy pulls with games played by parents and children were common. Yes, there were adults and parents who “protectively” watched over their children as ALL parents should. Actually, it shouldn’t be the government that watches out protectively for their children it should be the parent.

Perhaps consider laws that criminally charge parents for lack of vigilance in being sure their children are safe. It might be a good idea to put the parents on a registry so people know not to associate with these irresponsible people.

I challenge my state of Missouri and any other state in the Union to produce any evidence to the contrary of my complaint or argument.

All Halloween related restrictions placed on registered PO’s are unconscionable, illegal, unfair and assuredly unconstitutional.

In restricting freedom of movement, posting signs that target the PO’s and family members and by not allowing their family to participate in the holiday is showing lack of judgement, fairness and any sort of compassion for these American citizens.

Therefore, the PO is denied his/her and families their FREEDOM guaranteed by our Constitution; and all rights to “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness declared in our Declaration of Independence.

There are no records to support crimes committed against children on Halloween and therefore no basis for Halloween Laws restricting anyone from the celebrated Halloween celebration.

I challenge any Attorney General of any state or our Federal Government to produce evidence supporting and justify these laws and can only wonder why these legislators, mayors, attorney generals and law enforcement aren’t confined themselves for breaking the law.. I say put up or shut up.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” – Martin Luther King Jr.

There are no records to support crimes committed against children on Halloween and therefore no basis for Halloween Laws restricting anyone from the celebrated Halloween celebration.

I challenge any Attorney General of any state or our Federal Government to produce evidence supporting and justify these laws and can only wonder why these legislators, mayors, attorney generals and law enforcement aren’t confined themselves for breaking the law.. I say put up or shut up.

You can email or call Scott Suder at

District Number 69

Representative Scott Suder
(608) 267-0280 Capitol 214 West