A federal district court judge denied today a request for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) that would have immediately stopped in-person registration in Fresno County. The judge accepted statements from the county that the current registration process is “no contact,” socially-distanced, and takes places outdoors.
The judge did not allow registrants an opportunity to dispute those statements in a reply brief. Nor did the judge make reference to the Executive Order issued by Governor Gavin Newson on May 8, 2020, encouraging remote registration.
“The court’s decision to deny our TRO request means that hundreds of individuals who have high risk factors such as age (65 and older), diabetes, chronic asthma and/or a suppressed immune system must register in person facing possible infection by COVID19 during the registration process,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “And if the registrants are infected, they could infect others including their family members, law enforcement and the public.”
A lawsuit was filed challenging the in-person registration requirements of both the County of Fresno and the City of Fresno on April 28, 2020,in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District. Despite today’s ruling on the TRO, the lawsuit disputing in-person registration will continue.
Funny stuff. Good to see everyone keep pretending that the emperor has clothes. This critical “public safety” harassment will continue. Personally, I always make sure it is counterproductive, pandemic or not. Just because. That is the moral thing to do to these harassing terrorists. Wage war.
I wonder that in this country of lawyers suing for anything and everything if this isn’t a legitimate opening to attack the system top to bottom. I would think a few covid deaths of registrants would suffice to have a legitimate if nothing other than a public nuisance suit against any entity involved in the registry. It could bring to light data showing the costs of the registration scheme. It’s ineffectiveness and counter productivity. The existence of kids on the registry etc.
This along with the Omaha murder of a registrant scream of a public lawsuit. America is sue-happy. America loves public, entertaining drama. It loves and is fascinated with sex. To bad Mattieo Condoluci wasn’t a perfect Romeo victim. (his murderer certainly makes for a solid freak-show killer).
Maybe there are perfect covid victim or victims out there somewhere.
Thoughts. I live in OC. I moved to LB for over 1 year 2-3 years back. I moved back to OC. OC courts are trash! I just registered my primary in LA County as a primary and secondary in OC. Read PC 290.010. I go back and forth, but consider LA my primary. I have a court date in LA in Sept for my COR. Thoughts? Ideas?
Couldn’t “no contact” also be done remotely? That’s even far better than “no contact” in-person re-reporting.